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VIP Member
Dear god I had forgotten about the clapping! I’m walking back from the shop, the only person on the street and suddenly everyone’s clapping I felt like the queen 😂😂

I had both hands full and some old woman shouted at me to start clapping. Okay hun let me just throw my milk in the road and clap like a seal.
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Our downstairs neighbour called this morning and said my kids are welcome to use the garden (it’s his, comes with his flat). Says he never uses it so it may as well get some use and I’m free to use it however I please. Whether it’s because he is genuine or he’s getting sick of the sound of my kids running around upstairs, I’m so grateful!!

I have some good neighbours 💗
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I’m feeling so guilty, we had a note through the door from local churches to help anyone isolating. We can’t get a delivery of food until after Easter from the supermarket, and I’ve had that booked a couple of weeks, so it’s been really worrying. We’re a fairly large family, pets too We’re isolating as I have some health condtions and 2 asthmatics in the house, hubby and son had asthma since childhood. We have no help outside our own family as our parents are isolating as both our fathers are in risk groups with type 1 and my dad has a low white cell count so he’s more susceptible to infection. I called the number for help and the vicar offered to do our food shopping for us. Wow, the guilt. I burst into tears when he offered, as did my daughter. I gave him a list of essentials, he did a good sized shop for us for £66 and dropped it at our front door, knocked then waited at the end of our drive. He said he didn’t want to leave it there as there was a 24 pack of toilet rolls 😂 He said if we need any further supplies before Easter to call him and to not feel any guilt. He is late 40s, he and his wife are so kind, they live around the corner from us.

I just keep feeling so guilty because we’re in our early 40s, we shouldn’t be relying on others and we never have before. We've always had limited support from family and never even had a date night in 18 years would you believe, so it felt really strange asking for help and someone really wanting to help us, it caused me so much emotion. I know it’s not my husbands fault he has asthma and I have my health conditions. We've always taken good care of our health, but things happen I guess. I suffered a sexual assault (date rape drug) on a night out with friends a decade ago and all the trauma and stress led to me developing some health conditions that cause debilitating fatigue. Yet here I am feeling so much guilt. My husband, daughters and son have told me off and say it’s a lovely thing that’s happened today, I shouldn’t feel any guilt as millions are in our situation.

When this is over I shall be visiting the vicar and his wife with a donation and a box of chocolates for them. They really were our heroes today in our hour of need. I know I shouldn’t justify myself but I feel I have to, as I feel so guilty about today, what a lovely man and woman they are, I’m always going to be so grateful to them.
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Chatty Member
People say tattle are trolls because we call out infuencers on their lies and has strict rules against hateful or abusive posts.

Have they seen twitter or Reddit?
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Chatty Member
On BBC news
Breaking news: NHS staff can park for free at hospitals

How on earth did it ever get to this state where they were charged?! I really hope this leads to a revolution to the public services in the UK and how much better they should and could be.
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Iconic Member
Can I be honest.... not an actual question.

I can think of nothing worse than scrolling though fucking clap emojis. Il possibly leave the site for good out of embarrassment.
how to show your support.
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VIP Member
I for one wish him well and won’t Boris bash. This will be talked about in years and years to come and I for one think he’s doing a great job. And no, I didn’t vote for Boris.
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Iconic Member
Jesus Christ can we stop the arguments...

Send 👏 it👏 to 👏 drafts

stop back biting at each other or nobody will be bothered coming for any kind of support of information.

we’re all stressed, just stop being shits to each other in replies 🤦‍♀️
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VIP Member
Who’s taking part in that clap outside your front door for NHS workers at 8pm tonight?

If I’m honest the whole idea makes me cringe. I think all our key workers are doing an amazing job during this time but doing that kind of thing just isn’t me.
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Well-known member
Delete if not allowed but I found this interesting...

The corona Virus travelled entire world from Wuhan but it did not reach Beijing and Shanghai... can anybody put light?

Looks So Logical....After all Chinese Stock Market didn't crash....American and European Markets did....

Destroy other markets and be ready to capture them in every way

How to dominate the world quickly?


1. Create a virus and the antidote.

2. Spread the virus.

3. A demonstration of efficiency, building hospitals in a few days. After all, you were already prepared, with the projects, ordering the equipment, hiring the labor, the water and sewage network, the prefabricated building materials and stocked in an impressive volume.

4. Cause chaos in the world, starting with Europe.

5. Quickly plaster the economy of dozens of countries.

6. Stop production lines in factories in other countries.

7. Cause stock markets to fall and buy companies at a bargain price.

8. Quickly control the epidemic in your country. After all, you were already prepared.

9. Lower the price of commodities, including the price of oil you buy on a large scale.

10. Get back to producing quickly while the world is at a standstill. Buy what you negotiated cheaply in the crisis and sell more expensive what is lacking in countries that have paralyzed their industries.

PS: Pl read the book by Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, from 1999, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s master plan to destroy America”, on Amazon. It's all there.

Worth pondering..
Just Think about this...

How come Russia & North Korea are totally free of Covid- 19? Because they are staunch ally of China. Not a single case reported from this 2 countries. On the other hand South Korea / United Kingdom / Italy / Spain and Asia are severely hit. How come Wuhan is suddenly free from the deadly virus?

China will say that their drastic initial measures they took was very stern and Wuhan was locked down to contain the spread to other areas. I am sure they are using the Anti dode of the virus.

Why Beijing was not hit? Why only Wuhan? Kind of interesting to ponder upon.. right? Well ..Wuhan is open for business now. America and all the above mentioned countries are devastated financially. Soon American economy will collapse as planned by China. China knows it CANNOT defeat America militarily as USA is at present

THE MOST POWERFUL country in the world. So use the cripple the economy and paralyse the nation and its Defense capabilities. I'm sure Nancy Pelosi got a part in this. . to topple Trump. Lately President Trump was always telling of how GREAT American economy was improving in all fronts. The only way to destroy his vision of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is to create an economic havoc. Nancy Pelosi was unable to bring down Trump thru impeachment. work along with China to destroy Trump by releasing a virus. Wuhan,s epidemic was a showcase. At the peak of the virus epidemic. ..

China's President Xi Jinping...just wore a simple RM1 facemask to visit those effected areas. As President he should be covered from head to toe.....but it was not the case. He was already injected to resist any harm from the virus....that means a cure was already in place before the virus was released.

Some may ask....Bill Gates already predicted the outbreak in the chinese agenda cannot be true. The answer is. ..YES...Bill Gates did predict. .but that prediction is based on a genuine virus outbreak. Now China is also telling that the virus was predicted well in advance. that its agenda would play along well to match that prediction. China,s vision is to control the World economy by buying up stocks now from countries facing the brink of severe ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Later China will announce that their Medical Researchers have found a cure to destroy the virus. Now China have other countries stocks in their arsenal and these countries will soon be slave to their master...CHINA.

Just Think about it ...

The Doctor Who declared this virus was also Silenced by the Chinese Authorities...
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Iconic Member
A neighbour just posted a letter through my letterbox suggesting we all put up our outside Xmas lights to bring light in this sad time. I’m not sure how I feel about that .
how do people stand this “good will to all men“ attitude.
I thought someone went out to clap but they were just running a cat out of the garden.
Am I the only one getting annoyed at preachy posts on SM slating people who didn’t go out turning what is a nice thing into something bad? I’ve even seen posts wishing the virus on those who didn’t 😡
and THIS is EXACTLY why I have a problem with shit like this.
Attention seeking fucktards who get to puff up their feathers on Instagram and Twitter because they can bang their fucking hands together.
Tanya will still meet up with her mates tomorrow so they can film a TikTok and go to Asda for cider but she’s woke AF because she clapped her fucking hands At 8pm.

get 👏 to 👏 actual 👏 fuck.
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Iconic Member
I don’t see the point in shitting on everyone for clapping. Unity and community spirit goes a long way in dark times.

You didn’t want to do it, cool for you...
I'm personally shitting on the tossers who head to Twitter and Instagram to pat themselves on the back because they clapped their fucking hands,
guaranteed the majority of them will be out with their mates this weekend and they couldn’t give a flying fuck about the NHS as they post their next insta photo from #isolation

unity and community spirit goes a long way?!
Go check on your elderly neighbours, do something for your community, check on the new mum with the toddler and baby, don’t post on social media that you clapped your fucking hands.

also don’t take the banter on here as something more than that, especially my own posts. I’m a messer. Always will be on here 🤣😂
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Iconic Member
Anyway 😬
Boris spelled backwards is sirob which looks exactly like haribo if you don’t focus on the word and instead think about haribo...

I’m really enjoying all this spare time I have.
I’m starting to dream about Tesco express 🥰 remember that one time you went into a supermarket and just bought chewing gum without a passport and you fucked your receipt into the bin 🥰
And you didn’t wash your hands for a solid 3 hours 🥰
They were good times, we didn’t know we were born as they say 🥰🥰
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VIP Member
The clapping and cheering made me well up. ((although next time let’s clap for the nhs by voting for a party that hasn’t left it underfunded for the last decade)).

fireworks still going off near me!
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VIP Member
People forget that politicians are human beings - how disgusting to wish someone dead.
I didn't vote for Boris but i'm bloody glad he's our PM, i think he's just the right person to lead us through this crisis and i hope he gets better quickly so he can get back to running the country.
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Chatty Member
There were fireworks going off here, do people just have them ready to light in their cupboards?
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