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VIP Member
They were the same in July as things were starting to open up. We have vaccines now. What do you propose we do? This is going to keep happening and we have to learn to live with it.
My favourite line of the moment is the well it was summer then and more people were outside (when they predicted the same 100k cases a day and didn't happen)

Dunno where everyone else is from but from my memory the UK "summer" was a total washout and the sun came out to play in September 🤣
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Daughters results dropped an hour ago. Positive but because her symptoms started on Tuesday she only needs to isolate until Friday. Looks like the weekend might be saved providing she is well. I'm not too worried about coming down with it as had it back in July.
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VIP Member
  • Reusing a filthy mask from your pocket, or to be quite honest even if it's fresh that morning, if it's been in a pocket, bag or anywhere not sterile - it's not clean anymore
  • Covering your nose but not mouth
  • Covering your mouth but not nose
  • Hanging on your chin when you want a chat
  • Pulling it down to touch your face, eat or drink, or putting it down while you do so
  • Taking it on and off between shops
  • Touching it with unclean hands
  • Coughing and barking into it and not changing it
  • Homemade masks that don't even have the basics of multiple layers
Or my personal favourite, doing all of the above, not social distancing & getting more up in people's space than you should pandemic or not, not sanitising your hands, or sanitising them and then proceeding to touch your skin (I've had some great arse scratchers touching all the store merch after!) but it's all OK because you are double vaxxed!

And don't get me started on the amount of non-essential trips during lockdown (maccies coz u know, it's technically OK!) but god forbid the anti-vaxxed person goes to see their dying Gran.

But yeah, masks will save us all.
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Chatty Member
In your opinion.
If we're providing anecdotal evidence from Facebook then I will provide anecdotal evidence from my life and say that literally no one that I know at work or in my personal life has ever reporting bleeding from the mouth or eyes after doing a lateral flow test so I will say that your evidence is false.

Why she bleeding from her eyes though - they try and PCR her eyeball? :rolleyes:
Because it's fake.
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VIP Member
So the pressure has moved from children being super spreaders, back to the elderly and vulnerable to get their boosters to prevent a winter lockdown. Nice.

They just love to apply blame at everyone's door and to try and divide people any way they can
Then it will be 30-50's, then 20-30's, then pregnant women, then teenagers, then back to kids... the facade must go on!
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Active member
I'm just trying to get my head around, if you are unvaccinated and test positive you have to isolate for 10 days, but if you are double jabbed and test positive you can carry on as normal, so why are the unjabbed getting the blame because cases are rising? 🙃🤡
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Don't know why the parents are taking them out because they should have received a form to fill in on wether said child could or couldn't have the jab.

In my daughter's school out of nearly 500 children only 26 had the jab, but then since September no one at school has tested positive.
I wouldn't trust my kids school, they gave my dairy free child food with milk in twice last week. I'd spoken to the head and receptionist 30 mins before lunch and they said they had a dairy free alternative 😅
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VIP Member
You've a right to moan because you've done your bit with the jabs. It's annoying when people who won't wear a mask, won't take a jab, basically won't do a thing to try and keep cases down then have the nerve to moan when restrictions come back.
Sajid, is that you?
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Hoping restrictions aren't brought back. I'm taking my daughter away in 3 weeks on a shopping weekend. It's her Christmas from 2019 as little mix was cancelled on her twice. While I don't mind wearing a mask it'd be nice if we could enjoy a normal weekend
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VIP Member
I guess that whoever falls seriously ill with the virus - regardless if they are un-vaccinated by choice and not wanting restorations - takes up the NHS resources. The slogan was "protect the NHS".

And this in return means more costs for the NHS, less availability for other patients (cancer patients etc) and a higher risk of infections for doctors and nurses.

Unless people that catch the virus and fall ill quietly stay at home and don't seek treatment and suffocate without bothering someone else if they cannot breathe and their lungs turn into Swiss cheese.
Goodness. The NHS (and quite rightly) continues to treat those who are obese and become unwell with heart disease or diabetes, those who smoke and contract lung disease, those kids who ride scooters and break limbs. "Protect the NHS" was an utter nonsense, we have never had to protect the NHS from hear t diseases caused by smoking. The NHS is there to serve any and all at their hour of need irregardless of weight, vaccine status, age,....

That it is underfunded and under resourced is an entirely separate argument and has nothing to do with covid or vaccines.
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VIP Member
"not just to save lives, but to keep your freedoms too"

Honestly. Keep our freedoms, you couldn't make this up. You never took mine away you wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Just do one.

Did he actually just say that :cry: What more do people need to hear for to see what they are doing is so wrong
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VIP Member
Many parts of the U.K. had 10 hour waiting lists for a&es before covid. Many parts of the U.K. had trouble getting a gp appointment long before covid. Covid has highlighted and worsened the issue, but it’s certainly not a new thing. It’s the government that’s the problem for not managing the health service properly.
I actually found it easier getting an appointment with the GP during the pandemic because everyone was too scared to go 🤣
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VIP Member
I guess that whoever falls seriously ill with the virus - regardless if they are un-vaccinated by choice and not wanting restorations - takes up the NHS resources. The slogan was "protect the NHS".

And this in return means more costs for the NHS, less availability for other patients (cancer patients etc) and a higher risk of infections for doctors and nurses.

Unless people that catch the virus and fall ill quietly stay at home and don't seek treatment and suffocate without bothering someone else if they cannot breathe and their lungs turn into Swiss cheese.
What a nasty bit of work you are, I'm presuming those who are vaccinated and cant breathe are allowed to be seen through?
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VIP Member
I guess that whoever falls seriously ill with the virus - regardless if they are un-vaccinated by choice and not wanting restorations - takes up the NHS resources. The slogan was "protect the NHS".

And this in return means more costs for the NHS, less availability for other patients (cancer patients etc) and a higher risk of infections for doctors and nurses.

Unless people that catch the virus and fall ill quietly stay at home and don't seek treatment and suffocate without bothering someone else if they cannot breathe and their lungs turn into Swiss cheese.
So by your logic, vaccinated people who get seriously ill from COVID, largely due to lifestyle choices such as obesity etc which is a huge known factor in becoming very sick with the virus - it’s ok for them to use resources because they are vaxxed. But someone who has an extremely healthy lifestyle, unvaxxed and just unlucky - they don’t deserve help?

There is a HUGE reason healthcare isn’t restricted to how “worthy” you are deemed, as if it was - all of us would be fucked. No one is perfect.

If an unvaxxed person isn’t worth resources, neither is a fat person, an alcoholic, an extreme sports enthusiast, a drug addict, etc etc.

Your point that they can’t affect someone else is null. They might not spread a virus but they still use resources that strain the NHS making it less available for others.

Also, as so many sources keep showing - vaccinated people spread the virus just as much as unvaccinated.

The unvaccinated deserve to die because we won’t have a vaccine that ‘helps’ us alone? If you feel that way, I expect to start seeing some more stringent criteria on who else doesn’t deserve healthcare, because I’m no less worthy than someone who is 30 stone, smokes 50 a day and takes recreational drugs. But it’s ok! They are jabbed! Business as usual aye!

What has the world come to - how apt.
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VIP Member
I'm just trying to get my head around, if you are unvaccinated and test positive you have to isolate for 10 days, but if you are double jabbed and test positive you can carry on as normal, so why are the unjabbed getting the blame because cases are rising? 🙃🤡
They rely on people not using their brain. They rely on people just hearing 2 mins on the radio, seeing a few ads, catching bits on the tv, having the odd headline pop up on their phone. They rely on people just doing as they are told without questioning it. The second you question it, once you get passed the paid for fact checkers and censoring.. which is their next line of defence after non stop propaganda. Then the whole thing crumbles. Hence the backlash now. So many are awake to it. It makes NO sense.
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VIP Member
Cracks me up when people say they’ve “done their bit”. And often in the same sentence as how they won’t have boosters because they’ve done enough already. You do realise these vaccines don’t last forever? Hell they barely even last a year if their data is anything to go by. Another year and you’ll be just the same as us filthy unvaxxed, nor will anyone respect you because of what you did previously. In the eyes of the law you will be just as distasteful as the rest of us. Well except of course for your superiority complex.
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VIP Member
Plz how do people still think wearing a non medical grade grubby piece of cloth over your face does anything 😭💀🤗
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It is literally grossing me out to see NHS anaesthetists/intensive care doctors from my local trust tweeting how frustrating it is to have unvaccinated patients in their ITU. pretty sure they wouldn’t dare say the same about obese patients.

I remember each year around the general election, we would receive correspondence from the communications department explicitly telling us not to broadcast our views on social media as NHS workers.

With regards to the trigger for “plan B” being of the NHS is overwhelmed… Every winter is tough. I remember as far back as 2014 we had winter pressures, surgery was cancelled. We had no beds. This is nothing new. People need to accept their precious NHS is not fit for purpose, it hasn’t been for a long time. It’s nothing to clap about, it’s become some left wing religion
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