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VIP Member
And that was the original virus, not the Kent or the Delta, both of which are more infectious and spread more easily. We cannot compare last august to this year with entirely different virus behaviour. If we had the original virus only and the case numbers and deaths then I’d say we are screwed but given the Delta is dominant but deaths and hospital numbers are not rocketing, we are not in as bad a place as the media wants us to be.
Well if the scientists have said the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission of delta and the more deadly variants then it’s a non argument to suggest the numbers are down because of the vaccine but simultaneously say it’s not the same virus going around I.e the one the vaccine was made for.

Looking at the year it looks like the virus behaves like a flu in the sense that it is more prevalent in the winter months and the data supports that if you look at all the peaks.

Cases this time last year were also under 1k a day though. Indoor restaurants and rule of 6 only opened on 07/07/2020 so it had been less than a month. Prior than that it had all been outdoors. Not to mention everyone was actually distancing because they were still worried. You can’t really compare the 2…

View attachment 701916
It takes 2-3 weeks for changes to be seen so a month is ample. Besides if you look at the data the didn’t begin to rise up again until October/November so that’s a weak argument.
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I didn’t say they were. Yes some people approach this respectfully and don’t become aggresive towards the police, then you have others who do the opposite.
I agree, I believe anyone who is violent should be arrested and feel the full force of the law.

The point I was making is the media has only shown the dickheads yesterday. They didn’t show that actually a large number of participants exercised their right to protest peacefully and they did so respectfully engaging with the police appropriately.
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Anyone else here received the Pfizer jabs? I still gotta have my second one. I got it next week. Not gonna lie, shitting it a little with the scare stories I read and hear, but I been asking around on YouTube comments and other places online and almost everyone has said they were fine or had a bit of flu like symptoms after the second jab. After the first one I was fine, no symptoms at all.
I had my second one on Tuesday and had a red mark on my arm size of 1p that was slightly itchy but it was only there a couple of days and has gone now, otherwise I feel fine.
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VIP Member
Does anyone know how many a day are tested in England
This time last year were testing 52,000. a day
Daily tests are 754,137 in England!

Errrrm maybe you try again. It’s behind a paywall but from the headline… That’s about transmission… not hospitalisation 🤔
The article you posted doesn’t have the full article, you have to sign up for access and I don’t really want to do that. 😅
Oh I pay my subscription I quite like the telegraph!
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VIP Member
The Germans will offer boosters to anyone that had the AZ / J&J vaccine View attachment 694199
No, it's anyone, not just those that had AZ. What it says is that everyone will get the Pfizer booster regardless of whether they had AZ/Moderna/JJ/Pfizer 1st. Most of the countries that used Pfizer are saying that immunity seems to drop off, not sure if the same applies with other vaccines. Germany didn't really use AZ that much, most of their vaccinations were Pfizer

ETA Just found this article which suggests that the AZ seems to give a far better T Cell response but it was a very small study.
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Chatty Member
You cannot put everyone in the same group. People who get the vaccine get it for their own reasons and it doesn’t mean they are ‘happy to go along’ with vaccine passports, boosters and tests or think it is okay for children to get jabbed. Not everyone who is pro vaccine gloats and calls others anti vaxxers.

As to your question why the feel the need to provide proof for everything, same could be asked for those who do not believe in the vaccines. Plenty of people trying to prove that vaccines do shit. 🤷🏻‍♀️
??? Eh
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VIP Member
Yeah there is takes about 10 minutes to do 3 miles so the hospitals aren’t close at all.

I live further out now, and there certainly aren’t as many here.
Ahh ok, that’s makes sense! Sounds like a nightmare I hate being stuck in traffic don’t know how city folk do it 😂
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VIP Member
Especially as they've said it could turn into a mild form for the elderly ( not saying you're old btw ) and vulnerable .Why would we want to lock ourselves away :unsure:
I like the idea of it becoming mild for any group where it wasn't before but pessimism means I'll put that as a 'could' as well as its going to depend on how well we manage what one might describe as an attempt at a variant breeding programme of sorts.

I'm not old just yet, but to balance the pessimism I am reasonably confident that by the time I do reach said elderly status we will be on top of the covid thing or at least have it somewhere around the flu level i.e. jabs for those who need them, no lockdowns or border closures etc.
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The 42 year old who died in the news, it was mentioned several times that he had no underlying conditions. Ive just seen the same article and it does note that his sister had said he had Asthma. Still shocking and tragic but maybe slightly misleading saying he had no underlying health conditions. No matter how well managed someone’s Asthma is, it does put their lungs at greater risk.
Not according to the JCVI mild and moderate asthmatics were taken off the vulnerable list and weren’t prioritised for a vaccine.
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VIP Member
You said before you were speaking in general terms and now you are saying depends on the way people interpret my posts. Just because I think vaccines work that does no way translate to me pushing this onto other people nor do I see how people can interpret this. I cite things from reputable sources such as scientific studies which = proof.
All my sources are from reputable scientific studies too, which do not equate to proof as real world data is pending 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
Surely it should be possible to upload proof of your vaccine passport / negative LFT onto a website or app that would link to your football/gig/festival ticket that they scan on the way in? If no proof linked, show on the day or no entry.

Maybe it would be easy to fake passports/tests that way though!?
Probably wouldn’t be sensible as then if their system is compromised so is all the attendees medical records.
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I see old Piers is taking a leaf out of the Govs book and accepting backhanders 😀
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Belle Amie

VIP Member
They ask about rashes as a symptom on the Zoe app. Hope your feeling better soon xx
I’ve not heard of that app I’ll download it now thank you!xx

That’s awful you’d think they’d have a dedicated helpline for women in your position , hopefully your GP will be in touch soon .I can’t believe they just left it without giving you any advice at all x
I know I suppose that’s my trust for you, I don’t know if they’re so unbothered because I’m only in the first trimester and it’s not supposed to be as serious?x
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I am day 7 of having covid - today I lost my smell and about 50% of taste. Everything I read says this usually happens on day 3/4. I’m worried at this unusual late onset of loss, because I really don’t want to come out of isolation to my 3 year old and pass it on. My case is mild but now I’m worried I’m not as far into it as I thought. Anyone similar and a late loss of smell and taste?
I don’t think any two cases are the same in terms of timeline. My loss of taste and smell went completely (after a few days of feeling unwell) and it is still not the same 8 months on but after doing my isolation I was not deemed to be ‘infectious’ even though symptoms remained. Hope you get well soon.
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VIP Member
How can the science be so different between USA and UK.
I have sinking feeling about the new term.

Random questions why did flu almost disappear autumn winter 2020.
Was it because we had 2 lockdown.
Mandatory masks and some form social distancing?
Or did the flu just go on holiday?

Another question for parents if you had covid or 1 of your children had covid would you send the other kids into school?
Be interesting see how changes to isolating on 16th make a difference.

If you have a cough this winter is it ok go work or school?
There's definitely a big difference between UK and US unless the US are dealing with another variant that they're not aware of 🤷‍♀️ not related to that article bit there's something strange going on with US cases... No I wouldn't send them to school if there was a pos case at home.
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VIP Member
Anyone know if it's ok to workout the same day as receiving the 2nd Pfizer jab? I'm 33 year old male and I've heard there are some issues with rare heart inflammation with the second jab. I just wondered if it's a bad idea to workout the same day or not.
Apparently the recommendation is to wait 48 hours after the vaccine
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