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VIP Member
This case is heartbreaking. As someone else has said I can't imagine what she's going through, having just given birth, with postpartum hormones and healing let alone being on the run and trying to avoid having your baby taken from you.

My theory is that he is coercively controlling her but they probably both have uncontrolled mental health issues and have completely lost sight of reason/ reality. I read on another site websleuths and also an account from a friend on the daily mail that she seemed to have been sociable, have friends and connections and a real life, up until she met him after which she disappeared. He's probably taken advantage of her mental ill health and they've fallen into a cycle of having babies, which ate taken from them due to his history, their uncontrolled mental health and then noncompliance with SS 😭

It's heartbreaking and if you read the details of his crimes they are fucking psychopathic and horrific and no i dont think he has 'done his time' and should be entitled to a blank slate in society. As well as the fucked up nature of his crimes he also spent ages 14-34 in the US prison system... what are the chances of him being a decent person considering all of that and what's going unsaid in this case (the focus on Constance and the baby's safety)

I think as a PP said if she could actually get free of him and get some support she'd probably be able eventually to have a relationship witj her children. She has formerly been a functioning member of society you can't say the same for him
On that reckoning he’s had 14 years to keep his slate clean and he hasn’t seemed to be able to do it.
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Polythene Pam

Chatty Member
Does anyone know what happened to her other children?
Do we know they are definitely her children and not nieces / nephews?

the standard have published a really interesting article about the whole thing here

so she's not had any contact with friends or family in years. seems like it could be a case of abuse and coercive control to me, especially with his history. awful stuff
How sad and awful for everyone involved
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Chatty Member
Any more sightings or police reporting on them? Haven’t seen Anything mentioned at all recently.
Hope that wee baby is ok
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VIP Member
Just putting this out there - not actually sure where I stand on it - but was it a good idea to make it public knowledge she has access to a large trust fund with whichever bank? I'm guessing they are hiding in not the nicest areas and doesn't this information make them vulnerable to other criminals?

On the other hand, people would question how they can afford to stay on the run and I guess it helps encourage everyone to keep their eye out seeing as they have the means to travel long distances....
The Police obviously issued the initial appeal but then was it not the media who dug up the additional information?
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VIP Member
Let's not argue with stupid guys. At the end of the day, someone who can try to defend what Constance and Mark did is not someone who is able to think logically themselves.

I really do think the baby has passed. Constance was constantly wearing the baby in past sightings and I think we can all empathise with her not wanting to be separated at all from the baby. I know with my own daughter I constantly babywore and breastfed and I completely understand the feeling of always wanting to be attached to your child, it's natural. That primal bond of mother and baby I do really empathise with Constance and it's why I think I've found this case so gripping. So I think the fact that they were out alone, not babywearing, no sign of the baby, is a very bad sign.

Not to mention all of the hypotheses put forward thus far about leaving the baby with some mysterious do-gooder or fellow SS avoider are all so far fetched as to be completely fantastic IMO
It's against tattle rules to try and goad other users.


VIP Member
I’m sorry, I’m a little new to this one, stilll reading up.
One thing that struck me was the car was found on the M61 on Jan 5th, the placenta was found in the burnt out remains. If staged maybe this was to hide the evidence of any baby and then onto Liverpool. That’s a good old journey on a normal day never mind just after giving birth, so why travel all the way there? If it was to get to Ireland why didn’t they? Why go all the way to Liverpool between 5-7th Jan then all the way back again the following day? Talking about a 200+ mile journey x 2 in space of 3 days. By Jan 7 they were buying camping gear and dumping the buggy ☹ in London.
Which taxi drivers heard a baby crying? Bolton? Liverpool? London?
I’m wondering if something happened to the poor baby when it was only days old, maybe in Liverpool, this would've changed everything, including the need to get to Ireland, so they travelled all the way back down south and lived maybe wild camping.
I can't find the bit about taxi drivers hearing the baby anywhere, does anybody have a link?


VIP Member
Constance’s open FB account had a folder with photos of three kids. People speculated that some of the photos looked like they’d been taken at a contact centre.
There’s one that looks like it’s taken in an office but it looks more like a hospital or drs surgery. Are her other children called Bty and Cof or is that just nicknames?
I don't think they took any cash out during the original 53 (?) day period they were missing. Police have always said that they had evidence that they had stockpiled a large amount of cash prior to going on the run which I believe started as early as Sept last year when they started moving around the country staying in AirBnBs.

Police have been saying for the past couple of weeks that they had suspicions based on the amount of cash they had that this would be running out soon. And it turns out they were correct.

So from what police have released, they didn't visit any cash points at any earlier dates in the time that they were missing to enable police to swoop in on them. They seem to have very recently surfaced for cash, food etc and have been swiftly caught.
Thank you for clarification! I’d thought that the CCTV footage of them on Commercial street (not in East Ham - just used that as an example because apparently they were staying there? Grim) was *at* a cash point but clearly not. What a bizarre thing to plan - so assuming that the car on fire was also planned?! Bizarre.


Well-known member
My curiosity got the better of me and I went and looked at CM’s facebook page. I can’t reconcile how happy, healthy and well-kept she and the babies look in the pictures and I wonder what went wrong for them to be taken or for her to spiral out of control like this? Were they all taken early on one by one or did something happen for all to be taken at once? I notice I this photo and man is holding one of the babies and is wearing a wedding band.. is it MG or a different man? Perhaps dad is a different boyfriend but is also black? And the father has custody because she went off the rails with MG? Just a thought…View attachment 1994685
Is her name spelt the same on her FB page?


VIP Member
My bad I thought he was American, couldn't understand the use of the word deported.
Have no clue re the burning car, literally none.