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Was Victoria still alive when they were looking in the bins for food? I wouldn't be surprised if they thought of leaving her there 😞
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VIP Member
I wonder if that’s the same petrol station visit where we saw MG walking with a stick and a limp early on in the investigation. I think they were walking over the road from a petrol station when it was dark. She could easily have gone in while he was out of sight.
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Chatty Member
Just thought there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in tents if appliances such as a stove or a barbecue are brought inside. The smaller you are the more likely to be poisoned. They may have been trying to warm the tent up.
What are you talking about?


VIP Member
It’s of course possible that we’re reading things differently on here but I personally haven’t seen anyone trying to justify his part in any of this.

Some may have doubts about whether his original conviction was sound, based on their understanding of the historic US legal system, but ultimately he was found guilty for that and hasn’t (to our knowledge) ever tried to get it quashed. People can still wonder, though, and the different experiences and observations on here is what makes it so interesting IMO.

My knowledge of the probation service is small but I imagine he was likely left to fend for himself as long as he was checking in to police/probation as required. After all, he was only back in the UK because he was deported. He didn’t choose to be here and who knows what was waiting for him. Suddenly in a country which is your home but you don’t know it at all.

He may have wanted to study but didn’t have the resources - financial, or time, or a quiet space to engage in an online course (or even internet access). He likely struggled to find work, somewhere to live, earn enough to survive. None of us know. But I don’t think any of it was easy or that he was likely offered much in the way of support.

Sorry, this has turned into a load of waffle I think but what I think I’m trying to say is that there can be questions about MG and his life - before CM and with her - and there can be empathy for a 14 year old black boy in the 80’s in Florida, and people can voice doubt and concerns, without those thoughts, feelings, discussions having any bearing whatsoever on his involvement with the awful, awful thing that happened to their baby and the older children too.

Everyone here feels that both of those parents should have stepped up for their children. Everyone here wants justice for that baby.
Jeez, a comment about him not appearing to try and improve his lot!


VIP Member
Do they not have mandatory statutory education for incarcerated juveniles?
I’m hardly saying it’s going to be a walk in the park, far from it, but can we really say he was guaranteed to be shoved in a dungeon and forgotten about, when we literally don’t know what happened to him as an individual.
Being mindful that he went through a 20 year process, and things change. On an individual and institutional level.
ETA: He’d be on the sex offenders wing, so I’m pretty sure he’d have to go through some sort of therapy or councilling.
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New member
Am I the only one who disagrees that CM has maternal instinct? I don’t think for one second this was a plan to keep their baby for altruistic reasons. I think this was a power game and a big fuck you to the system. Ultimately, we don’t know them. We don’t know how or why Victoria died. For all we know, they could have gotten sick of her crying and murdered her. This is somebody who left one of her children in the hospital after birth because she didn’t want to take a covid test and simply didn’t care. And also one of her children was found living in a horrific state. I don’t believe she cares about her children and we haven’t seen one single piece of evidence to suggest she does.
I've only been dipping in and out of this thread so I missed that about the child found in a state, can you say more about this?


VIP Member
The trouble with that is they’re only able to help if the person engages / cooperates.

The Argus have the tags on their reporting pages as her name too.

Two parents entered into this situation together, but it’s more shocking (click bait) if it’s the mother.

In the meantime his name is barely mentioned, when it should be side by side.

I haven’t seen a single post on here say that anything takes away from what they did, and what their baby went through.

Anything wider than that is discussion and opinions.

I wasn’t saying otherwise, just acknowledging that it may be the case…


VIP Member
The world doesn't always allow for improvement of black male criminals. You don't need me to tell you that, an entire movement told us all about a couple of summers ago.
Im amazed at how they met and hooked up! What on earth do they talk about?!
OK, I’m not going to win regarding poor, hard done by Mark. Fair enough.
Has anyone found / got a link for CM’s blog?

For a black man in the US in the 90’s? Lol
No, for when he was deported back to Britain in 2010, and for the next 6 years.


VIP Member
I don't know whether they do. I'd like to think yes but I may be giving the US too much credit.
I cant imagine that he had much of an education before entering the prison system. I have no knowledge of this but I'm thinking, black, a boy, the 80s, raping his neighbour. I'm guessing he wasn't a grade A student with good parental influence.
Then he gets deported back to the UK and works as a labourer which you don't need formal education for.
I think we can assume he probably wasn't well educated and certainly at the lowest rung of the privilege ladder.
Yes, well I know that.
I was talking about improvement. Which can happen regardless of what rung of the ladder you start on.
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VIP Member
No one is piling on you.
I was trying to point out for some it isn't easy to just improve your lot. You made it sound so simple and to me, it looked like you were not thinking of all the obstacles he'd have to overcome to improve his lot.
Sorry if I made you feel crap. This thread is very sensitive due to the nature of the crime and I should have taken that into account.
I actually think if she was poor from a council estate I'd probably feel more sorry for her. I feel like I need to make this clear, I do not feel sorry for her one bit. I feel sorry for Victoria.
If she was from a council estate I would maybe understand that she didn't have the choices available to her that CM has, because money solves most problems.
Yes, they were, but never mind.
I didn’t think or say it was easy.