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Chatty Member
I don’t know if I’m just an un-empathetic witch but I just can’t see, even with MH issues, how they could say that carting round your deceased child in a Lidl bag is because the child died of natural causes and that they did itso they could get an autopsy. They know exactly why that child died!

The pair of them are vile, MG and his want for a chicken sandwich with mayo has just fucked me off even more
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I don't know why I keep looking for some humanity in them when it's clear in these videos that they just don't give a shit.
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Unlike others on here I don’t think there is much to read into their arrest. They were frozen, starving, filthy, the jig was finally up. I don’t think anything they said had any real significance or reflects their feelings or character

I’m starting to think there isn’t much to any of it- they’re not interesting or evil or special, they’re just social service dodging losers who ended up in this situation and couldn’t find a way out. I don’t think there was anything more to it.

Am proper excited at the drama of the old Bailey being evacuated though, what a turn!
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CM admitted that they’d bought the petrol to cremate her.
Not to put too fine a point on it, she would have started to decompose, the cold notwithstanding, and probably liquify, especially when in 2 plastic bags. Stink too.
Where’s the dignity in death? Where’s the respect?
I think at this point they were mainly hiding
By keeping Victoria with them they were in a nightmare environment of being with their baby while she was decomposing, it must have been absolutely horrible to see that happening to their beautiful baby. They are obviously deeply disturbed people, to take keeping their baby away from the establishment to that point.
I think they couldn’t see Victoria as a separate person with her own needs. They may have loved her in their own way but she was treated horribly throughout this.
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
I tend to have my bedroom window opening all weathers, If I don't I end up with sinus pain anyway just to say I've been woke at night with what sounds like a baby on checking security camera footage its been a roaming cat doing the howling
Same. I will concede and close it (but leave it on night vent) if it gets below -5. I also had to close it during storm Isha as I was pretty convinced I'd lose the frame if I didn't. I once thought I could hear a woman screaming and peeped out of the curtains in case I had to ring the police and report an attack. Turned out to be some foxes mating. Noisy bastards.
As for the coverage ...
A lot of reporters are pretty junior now on local titles and may not be confident on reporting on going cases the way a morre experienced reporter is. Ellie Crabbe only qualified a couple of years ago. As did Patrick Barlow. They just wont have the skills of a reporter with 10 years experience and will find it hard to turn around copy quickly. Especially if having to update it live. But they will work illegally long hours for £24k pa which older journos won't. Local news is dying and nobody can work out how to make it pay. Mr Itchy covered a lot of high profile cases for local news which was syndicated to National titles. He did 17 years until he found himself on the scrap heap for being too expensive and not prepared to file copy about Loose Women in between breaks on a murder trial.
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Christ, from these most recent videos you can really see just how far gone they are. I think they’re two very very sick people, living on the edges of society for a long time they’ve descended into mayhem. Its been years since they lost their first child due to sleeping rough with them, I just think they’re not able to act in any reasonable way. The argument against this is obviously their long time on the run, but its been an absolutely chaotic venture, I think it’s nothing but terrible luck that they managed to evade authorities for as long as they did. They seem like two lost vagrants who’ve descended into madness together. So sad for the children they've had and the poor girl they lost because they’re incapable of caring for anyone or anything. A sad sad case.
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I think because the child was not with them on arrest they have shown the arrest videos as evidence to the jury to show their reaction to questions about the location of the baby. Also martens answer saying you can't arrest me for hiding a pregnancy is like her admitting that she had a pregnancy and a baby even though she was denying who she was at that point.

I hope they both rot. I am very intrigued if they have some sort of drug addiction or she's brain damaged, cannot for the life of me understand how a well educated person who is so privileged could live / act like they were!! If they loved their babies why didn't they want to keep them safe and well. What happened to her!! Cannot comprehend it at all, poor baby Victoria deserved so much more than the life she got.
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Itchy of Itchington

Well-known member
This is already such a sad case but carrying your dead baby around in a plastic bag and then putting old pop bottles etc on her is just heartbreaking. Absolutely no dignity for her. It goes against every single human cultures treatment of a deceased loved one. I can't believe even a mother or fathe who is deranged with grief would subject their child to such a desecration as this. Poor little girl
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For me, it's the callousness. The police don't know Victoria is dead, they're desperate to find her. All MG is concerned about is his food. It kills the narrative of two people who loved their baby and wanted to keep her. Neither of them cared about her in life or in death.

I still can't get my head around the pair of them. How does a 14 year old child become a rapist? How does a woman with all the privilege in the world end up homeless like this? Her family seem to blame everything on when she joined the cult. It's all so bizarre to me.
Yes but they know she’s dead, she’d died some time ago - and they’re quite mad. I don’t know any arrest video where the criminal drops to their knees and begs forgiveness for being a terrible person.
They’re really unwell individuals and I think it’s all a bit medieval to judge them as if they’re not. Yes their behaviour is odd and upsetting but I don’t think their intent was callous.
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Looks like this was found in bag with her body, anyone feeling sorry for them surely can’t now.

The court has heard evidence about the contents of the bag for life in which baby Victoria was found.
Items found in the Lidl bag for life include: A black blanket, a can of Budweiser, two Coke cans, two unused nappies, two Hollingbury Golf Club scorecards, a baby grow, a pink sheet wrapped around body of baby Marten, a glass water bottle of petrol, a pink baby vest, a WH Smith bag, several pages of The Sun dated January 12.
They absolutely did not give a single shit about that little girl. Not one. Roll on sentencing.
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Ultimately they're a couple of vagrants who used their own baby as a pawn in a grotesque power game with authorities. Their cat got better treatment and at least escaped their clutches.
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It's been reported for ages that there was litter on top of the baby. It's one of the many, many reasons I don't think for a single second that they loved that baby or had her best interests at heart at any point in the entire disgusting episode. Separating them is the best punishment as they only care about each other (and themselves).
I think in my head,I had imagined it as the baby being inside the bag, with the rubbish on top of it (outside the bag). I don't think it even occurred to me that they had shoved rubbish into the bag with her.
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I think the concave head and stained blanket were due to decomposition. CM stated they put soil in the bag to cover the smell and when the officer who found Victoria touched her leg his glove became wet because she was breaking down. Poor baby left to literally rot with rubbish rather than cremated with dignity or peacefully laid to rest 😢.
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Chatty Member
I keep getting the feeling something is missing from this case. I know as the public we don’t get told most of the stuff, but nothing seems right.

I think with the Lucy Letby case, her actions can’t be justified but we can see why she did what she did and what her motive stemmed from i.e. jealousy.

Sleeping in the shed with the decomposed body of your child is a strange one.
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Apart from the sister (who isn't doing him any favours imo) has anyone else said anything about MG?
There are correspondence courses. The OU.
How does anyone’s ethnicity or past affect that? Even if he did have to disclose his conviction.
Speak to black men. They'll tell you.
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I have to agree that from the glimpses we’ve seen, as well as the overall picture, C seems to lack maternal instinct.

I don’t have kids, never wanted them and I’d not call myself maternal. Babies don’t make me coo. But I’m perfectly capable of handling a baby properly. I wasn’t taught, it’s just there. Watching her slide the baby into that pushchair gave me secondhand anxiety. I’ve had friends with deep PND and they didn’t handle their babies like that.

As someone said upthread, I feel like we’re missing something.

Assuming they get found guilty, I don’t think they’ll be in the pokey very long and that’s terrifying.

Edit: What I’d want to happen after jail is for C to have to ‘sign on’ with SS every month or so like M has to with police for being on the register. And for her to pee in a cup. I don’t suppose that’s possible or even legal tho.
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I’m still of the mind that they didn’t view her beyond a possession. She was theirs and nobody was taking her. They didn’t afford her any humanity as a real person. It wasn’t loving what they did, it was guarding a possession. So to me, people may say they did this or that for her but if they actually loved her as you should love a baby they would put her first and give her up. Even after she died they wouldn’t say where she was and just left her to rot rather than let someone lay her to rest.
I work in Children’s Social Care and this is spot on with how some of our familes are. Children are possessions and theirs to treat / do with what they please, especially when they are little. Though less extreme, this behaviour by CM and MG isn’t unusual.
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why on earth did CM not leave the country when she had the chance?
MG may not have been able to leave the country, dependent on his SO Register requirements. She wouldn’t go without him. If he suddenly stops reporting to the police station, they’ll be looking for him.

IMO she wanted the baby, but only with MG too.
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