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Who else is responsible for Victoria's death? Brexit? The Tories? Covid? I won't say the Claw Clip.

Shame on any jury member who is instrumental in allowing them to walk free.
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Does it have to be proven that someone has been specifically told not to do a harmful thing for them to be found accountable if harm is caused?
‘Don’t stab someone in the chest’ ‘Don’t throttle someone’ ‘Don’t take a minimally clothed baby out in freezing weather’.
I mean, are these people adults?
This exactly! I didn't need to be told I shouldn't cosleep unsafely with a baby. Now, this is not a situation where they were in the airbnb and CM fell asleep with her on the sofa, or they coslept in bed and Victoria become entrapped or fell. This was a situation where she was in a COAT that was stuffed with furniture stuffinf (let's not forget that) and she was sat upright in a tent. I don't think anyone has to be told that's not safe.
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I hope a newspaper does proper summary in this trial because I have no clue how they have not been able to reach a verdict? I haven’t followed the ins and outs but it seems to have taken ages to get to this point.
They were on a reduced number of jurors so I think (happy to be corrected) they couldn’t return a majority verdict.

My gut feel was there was someone who felt ‘they had been punished enough by losing a child’ so couldn’t bring themselves to find them guilty. Absolutely not my view in the slightest I hasten to add.
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An absolute shambles. They absolutely must have another trial! A baby has been killed by the actions of two people who also had multiple other children removed from their care.

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She actually mouthed ‘thank you’ to the jury?

I sincerely hope they haven’t been paid off
Personally I don't believe it is the jury who are corrupted, rather the barristers and judge. I suspect a deliberate ploy to cause a mistrial agreed by funny handshakes.

I've followed a lot of criminal trials and I've never seen so much time wasting, delays and general piss-arsing about before. Everyone deserves a fair trial so when they drag on for months, stopping and starting, it is deemed unfair to the defendants and it all falls apart.

I thought from the beginning that CM, despite being a scumbag, would get away lightly. This is an excerpt from an article about her lineage.


People of this class are rarely held accountable for any wrong doing. It's a secret club and we're not in it.
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Well-known member
They absolutely have to be re-tried. Or those jurors will have the deaths and abuse of many, many future children on their hands too. She'll become a fucking trailblazer.

I also think it's time to unlock family court proceedings. That court and ALL the reporting should have had it spelled out very clearly exactly what they did to their first four children to have them removed from their care. See how much sympathy the public feels then. I know the secrecy is couched in 'protecting the children' but that's nonsense. The children's identities are private - the crimes committed against them are just as valid as any other piece of evidence in court where the victim's identity isn't revealed.
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IMO the situation with the older children is extremely relevant to this case, at least in parts.

When deciding if it’s reasonable for the average parent to think it’s not a good idea to be living in a tent, it helps enormously to know that they were specifically told that it was not safe with their eldest child.

When deciding if it’s reasonable for the average parent to know that it’s not a good idea to co sleep (it’s not cosleeping but for the purpose of this) sitting up not on a safe, firm surface with room around you, it helps enormously to know that they were specifically told that it was not safe to fall asleep holding the older child.

Some parts are likely to have been withheld, and there were many arguments over the ‘agreed facts’ but some is needed to understand the extent of the help and advice that these two were offered, which they neither accepted nor learnt from.
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I am so pleased that there will be a retrial (not as pleased as I would have been if there was a guilty verdict all round). Hopefully lessons will be learnt from this.
I am not buying into any of that conspiracy theory stuff. Not saying SS are blameless but that FB post is just an attention seeker.

See you in March 2025, when Victoria would have been 3 :(
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The anon poster has since posted further comments which I’ve added here. I’m starting to think this was a juror 😮 very interesting read.
If you post anon in a Facebook group, the admins can still see who you are. I can’t imagine that a juror who has been so invested throughout would be in the frame of mind to post cryptically in a random fb group…
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I can’t stop thinking about it 😔

We all knew it was likely to go this way over the last few weeks, but I cannot believe it’s actually happened.

She’ll be cut off by her family and the two of them will leave the country to pro-create somewhere that they aren’t found.
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VIP Member
Absolutely awful news. I hope there is a retrial for the sake of Victoria.

I feel for the jury, what a difficult and unsettled time few months they have had.
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I've been reading on here for a while and followed the case from the initial appeal because I'm 99% sure I drove past the car on fire so the headlines caught my attention. I genuinely don't understand how there can be any doubt that their behaviour caused poor Victoria's death. I'm so glad there's a retrial and I hope they go away for a while until she can't reproduce anymore and do this again.
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Let's hope they don't fuck up the next trial as badly as they fucked this one up. All those massive gaps, jurors that they knew had to drop out etc. A farce.

But I am seeing this as stealth justice for the little baby girl. They're locked up and - best of all - they can't be together. I say best of all as that's all the sick fuckers care about. And no more babies for now.

I hope her ovaries are shrivelling up.
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This case has become farcical. I've said all along that I think the pair of them should be locked up and the key thrown away, however I also believe everyone is entitled to a fair trial. The stop start nature of this, the dragging on, the weeks off are not in my opinion fair.
I appreciate the argument that ole Connie contributed to it due to her incessant, ridiculous rambling but that's on the Judge and prosecuting council to control. IMO they played a dangerous game in letting her ramble believing she would further incriminate herself and the jury would see it and I don't think that gamble has paid off.
I think if the jury still can't agree on count 4&5 then they aren't likely to and they should be found NG. I believe they ARE guilty but they've been judged by a jury of their peers who cannot agree on that. I feel the prosecution has failed in their duty here and the ramifications will be no justice at all for Victoria
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VIP Member
Oh this is just so infuriating. I don't blame the jury, it was hard to follow the case from the outside with all the breaks, let alone from the inside, losing jury members etc.

I can't believe Connie Claw Clip filibustered her own trial.
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