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Chatty Member
I’m not sure about the biggest conspiracies but I know for sure this situation is making some people very rich so why would they want to end it. The GOVT have been handing a lot of cushty contracts out to their mates for example. I wonder if they have shares in the profits!?

Also I read somewhere that hospital trusts are given extra funding per Covid death. I wonder if this is true? Which could explain why they are so desperate to put Covid on the death certificate.

One thing I do know for sure is there is certain people making so much money out of all of our misery!
Definitely. They are making a killing out of the absolute power they've granted themselves. Sunak has shares in the vaccine and Amazon, Hancock in the vaccine and testing too, and that's just off the top of my head. I'm certain they're also balls deep in the 40 long COVID clinics he announced out of nowhere - didn't they cost 3/4 of the NHS' annual budget? Could have completely made that figure up.

I'm sure they're also making a killing on shorting and buying stocks with the advance knowledge they have of how they're gonna manipulate the market - lockdowns, tiers, etc. They're also just loving it. Hancock on TV at every opportunity smirking away, they're drunk with power. Very little incentive to bring this to an end
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Why is my social media full of “fuck the tories” but not a peep re the fact that they are intending to postpone the elections AGAIN?

I don’t understand!!! This should be enough to anger and terrify anyone as much as me! This entire situation is apparently purely down to Tory incompetence, greed and putting the economy over people (fucking lol) yet they are literally taking away our human right to make a stand against it by removing our right to vote but somehow that’s okay?! Make it make sense
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Chatty Member
Matt Hancock is a dangerous individual. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was up for crimes against humanity in the future.

Oh yes the WEF definitely have an agenda and the global governments are going along with it to some extent. Just look at that build back better nonsense they keep spewing on about. However I don’t think it’ll work as well as they’re hoping for. What we have to remember is there’s many of us and so little of them. And these fascist regimes have never worked in the western world.

I must admit I keep looking at Brazil these days and think maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad place to live after all 😂
I like your positivity! I wish I could relate :( I think the China-style techno-dictatorship - mass surveillance and tracking, facial recognition, digital currency, digital IDs and eventually social credit scores - they're ushering in will be a lot more difficult to overthrow, especially when millions have been deliberately impoverished and reliant on the state.

And I agree, I have a friend living in Brazil and everyday the idea of leaving everything behind and joining her becomes more realistic. I don't know about anyone else but I am really struggling now. I think the hopelessness that everyone's feeling on both sides of the spectrum is really affecting me. The "it'll be over for Christmas" crew have given up, and even though I knew they were wrong at least they were a beacon of hope 😂

It also seems a new 'indefinite lockdown' crew has emerged where you prove how virtuous you are by how long you predict and are comfortable with lockdown continuing, now the narrative is "it's a global pandemic ofc we'll by in lockdown throughout 2021!!!" That thought genuinely makes me feel sick. Lockdowns until Tier 1 summer (this is not freedom) and then locked down again for winter. Never mind the fact that the idea of pausing the economy for another YEAR is fucking insane doomsday scenario style shit. Thinking about 6 straight months of the only happiness in my life being a weekly walk with a friend is nauseating. What is there to live for?

(Sorry that was a therapy session 😂)
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He's a ridiculous waste of space, couldn't explain the stink if it came out his own arse.
The vaccine is not 100% effective, nothing is.
To put this in another way, imagine we're talking about contraception. You could swear by the pull out method (distancing) but it's not 100% You could use a condom (mask) but, it might tear, not fit... (chin strap, unwashed) This knobhead is trying to convince everyone to go on the pill. You might have side effects, it's not for everyone. It's not 100% either but it's the best we have for now. You are at least risk if you do all 3 things but even if you do, you could still find yourself pregnant. Everyone with half a brain understands this but he's standing up saying, 'well, uh, everyone's might get pregnant because we don't know if any of these methods work but please do them anyway' He doesn't understand to be able to explain.

That's why everyone needs to get on board with all aspects of the 'swiss cheese' layers of protection until enough people are vaccinated (to reduce serious cases) and let the virus mutate down. The new strains are not more deadly, they are just able to spread faster. It's still Russian roulette if you die or not. Based on previous pandemics this will be over when enough people are dead the rest who are alive don't give a shit about being dead. The vaccine, masks, distancing in all those flawed ways, lowers your chances of being that serious case. If you feel you are healthy and willing to take the risk, fine, no one should force you. But the difference between the virus and pregnancy is consent. You are fucking everyone you come in contact with without any protection and I do not give my consent to be in the 5% who despite me taking all precautions gets pregnant. Or dies. Whatever.

This is a messed up analogy but im just ranting now.

If I'm wrong, I would have worn a mask, if you are wrong, you will have killed thousands. Highest death rate IN THE WORLD.

Yes, our economy is fucked, the nhs is fucked, the Tories did this before the pandemic and Brexit. They had the option to put stricter rules in the beginning but they put the economy before lives and now they have made both worse. They have blood on their, 'ppe contracts to mates, failed track and trace, straving children, privatising nhs, brexit lies etc.' hands.

I'm probably going to delete this, it's not the right place but I'm so angry about this bs.

You are correct, the economy, people's lives, everything is a mess. But we do also have a pandemic. They are compatible not comparable, there wouldn't be one without the other. We can't ignore it and acting like we can is irresponsible.
I agree with the analogy you have used, but I do feel people have the right to be cautious about a vaccine. A new style of vaccine as well. personally I am not going to judge anyone on doing whatever feels right for them.

I am sorry you are feeling so angry. The Government have really fucked us.
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Stop this cannot be real 😂 😩 "WEF admits that some people think that the Great Reset sounds like ‘some nefarious plan for world domination.’ But nothing could be further from the truth, the video goes on to insist. The Great Reset is simply “an opportunity to build a better world.”"

Thank you for your reassurance Klaus, but it's more so that I have read what you are proposing for mankind and I don't think I like it? Particularly the part that I will "own nothing and be happy". Especially with the caveat being everything will be rented. Rented from whom, exactly? And what happens when I don't comply?

I don't understand how this does not make everyone's blood run cold. An alliance of the world's 1% all on board with this agenda including war criminals (Tony Blair) and dictators (President Xi) all in lockstep spouting build back better and telling us we need to reset our entire way of life in accordance with their vision. And I think everyone can agree that what is good for the 1% will not be good for us. The CCP's values and mine also don't really align so not really looking forward to this tbh.

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I took a screenshot of timelines for this scenario and it’s frighteningly coming true, especially September 2021 where Government cancels all debt and property ownership. Over my fucking cold dead body will they get my house ....


Plus, I heard the effing Bishop of Canterbury saying “Build Back Better” on the BBC this morning. I’d like to drop kick him in the gonads. He’s part of it!
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Hun take a trip to Russia or China then you complain about being controlled
everyones been controlled from birth, through fear and propaganda, and schooling to be good little human beings. that's how you enslave a nation. government is doing a real good job, and now they want to stick poison in the whole population. I wouldn't trust them they don't care about about anyone of us.
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I also volunteer with a Pet Therapy charity, and basically we go into care homes with our dogs(and sometimes cats) and we have not been allowed to do this for months now. I did ask if I could ride one of my horses to a local care home, and they said yes, but it needs to be in summer, so they can sit outside and meet my horse, and he’s very laid back and would love being the centre of attention!!
I find it really upsetting that people are just dumping their dogs (and cats) just because the bloody government are scaremongering AGAIN!!
Coronavirus’s are naturally found in the animal kingdom, and are usually totally harmless to humans. Which is exactly why this virus came from a lab!!
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That is absolutely heartbreaking. How can people be so evil. There’s a huge peodophile ring in Hollywood as well. Might not exactly be pizzagate but there’s definitely sinister things going on in those circles.
There’s always been a really sinister side to Hollywood, look what happened to poor Issac Kappy when he exposed them.

If anyone still believes that nothing sinister is going on in Hollywood, then they need to watch this video by an Indie Director called John Paul Rice.

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Definitely don't look at the anti conspiracy thread.... Never once called a person a sheep but apparantly all CT's are the same

None turned up when our old car was smashed up and wrote off 😩 pre pandemic too. Crazy
Jeez, just spent half an hour in the anti-conspiracy thread and came out, alive, with one overriding impression - they’re a bunch of people who watch the BBC News and are brainwashed by their continuing narrative. Also, they’re dumb as fuuuuu!
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It's all down to the money in the end.It's all these bastards care about. I hate to sound so jaded on here. I just feel we need to wake people up so we can mobilise. It's not gonna play out too well for our young ones if we don't.
I can't believe the affect these Lockdowns are having on our children.
They are committing SUICIDE.... And the government say it is about health......
We’re not going to mobilise though are we. To rise up and mobilise you need men willing to fight for the cause and we no longer have enough men capable of doing that. We have a generation of woke, metrosexual, dress wearing pussies like Harry Styles. Feminism has taken care of that. The female ball busters intent on emasculating men to the point submission. Where have all the real men gone? It’s statements like “toxic masculinity” that do the damage.
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Which won't happen with people denying it, and the government 's action. The people having house parties and raves are only increasing the chance of keeping us in a lockdown. To stop this, the fines need to be increased to the point it makes the person bankrupt.
Jesus Christ “ fines need to be increased to the point it makes the person bankrupt.” Youre just here to shit stir!
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Dolly you always seem to be on the ball with things- do u think they are working towards taking all our possessions off us and giving us flat wages like a previous screenshot on here. The thought terrifies me
Hey Samantha 😘!! Thankyou for the compliment, (even though I don’t think I deserve it!!!) Personally, I would like to think that would never happen here in the UK, but, if someone had told me 18 months ago, that we would literally be under house arrest, that meeting up with with friends at home would be a distant memory, even grabbing a takeaway coffee and meeting up with friends OUTSIDE is likely to get you arrested, that all the major supermarkets are only permitting ONE person to do the shopping, what about those who take their elderly parents shopping once a week? For some people who don’t drive, going shopping with a family member or friend is all the social contact that they have!! And I think so many people are really suffering with their mental health already, that these simple things like going shopping with another person is in some cases ALL they have to look forward too!! But, for this country to become effectively a communist state, (and it may well happen in the future) is not something that’s going to happen anytime soon, so please don’t worry yourself over it, however, I DO believe that at some point soon, they will try & make vaccinations “mandatory”. But there’s no way that I would ever have it, and I really don’t care if that means no more holidays, or concerts etc etc..
This whole lockdown is totally barbaric and cruel, and there are many people who are suicidal because of this, and how disappointing that the police are becoming the same as the old East German Stasis, haven’t they got anything better to do, like catching burglars?? And, why aren’t the police using their discretion when they see (Shock Horror) a couple of female friends who had the nerve to be meeting up outside, for a walk, in an area that is literally so quiet, and yet, the police seemed to be VERY upset because the girls had brought a takeaway cup of tea with them!!!! And all over a “virus” that 2 in 3 people are asymptomatic from?? None of any of it makes any sense whatsoever to me!!!

ETA ~ Apologies for the v.long rant!!, and slightly better news regarding my mum, who has been very poorly since she had her vaccine. She’s still really tired, and has been in bed with a stomach bug since she got the shot, but her appetite is slowly returning, and she’s eating a bit better (not enough, but it’s a start) she’s also keeping her fluids down, but her arm is still really sore, and she’s had a constant headache that she can’t get rid off either. So, I’m obviously still worried about her, but I think she’s in the road to recovery now. thank goodness. I also saw my next door neighbour today, and she got her vaccine yesterday, and said her arm is very sore, and she’s also had a terrible headache, as well as being really tired, and she’s not got an appetite either. Has anyone else got family or friends who have had similar issues after they were jabbed?? ...
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Anyone seen the news on marilym manson? He's been dropped by his label for abusive behavior towards women. Lots of hints at satanism, occult type stuff (not surprising looking at him obviously) he was implicated in pizzagate and has been in Hollywood a long time.

Any thoughts? Thought it would be something new to discuss aside from covid.
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Catching up... So last year when people were dying “it was covid” (Anyone saying they had underlying health conditions were ignorant and covid deniers)

Now after vaccine “it’s not the vaccine” (they have all had underlying health conditions)

and we CT have mental health issues 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Omg what a treat :love: POTENTIALLY scrapping something they admitted they had no evidence to back up? Why are they discussing what the 'rules' will be in May if almost all the over 50s will be vaccinated? Why are we discussing the reopening of bars and cafes after MILLIONS of vaccinations and 7 MONTHS of lockdown? Clearly neither of these things work if we're in the exact same position we were in last Summer. What about sports venues, nightclubs, gigs?

I can't believe people are still falling for this absolute garbage. Lockdowns can't be enforced in Summer why is why we'll be given the illusion of freedom. Then it'll be back up the tier system and into lockdown again for Winter, for the final push to get everyone vaccinated. I am extremely curious how they'll handle next Christmas


Btw apologies all I'm sure everyone is sick of my lockdown rants 😂
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Wasn’t it Denmark who decided to implement covid “digital passports”? I posted about it a few days ago, but your absolutely right, once one starts the rest will follow. Also, remember the “Operation Moonshot”? and the “Passport to Mingle” that Boris was talking about a few months ago?
Personally, I feel like the government are watching intently how the people of Denmark and Sweden react to this “vaccine passport”, and will then do the same here...
I think this is almost certain to happen. My job (sans lockdown and travel restrictions) involves a fair bit of international travel, so I can see my company pushing me to have the vaccine.

I’m not an anti vaxxer by any stretch but I am SO sceptical of this one and really do not want to have it, particularly as the drug companies are basically exempt from all liability!
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I didn’t even know this thread existed here and I’m glad I found it tonight as there are other people who are more awake to what’s going on in the world!! Will anyone be refusing the vaccine? To me it’s all been about control, masks / social distancing / the hygiene concepts ... of course they work to an extent but that’s common sense, the people who I know who have covid are those who were practicing these religiously though ... so to me it’s just about the measurement of control the government want to measure over the population and next the vaccine ... problem+fear = control
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Apparently, there is a “clap” for Captain Tom tonight at 8pm...

@Jbf - Just noticed your comments about the anti conspiracy thread. Have you looked there today?
I’m not sure how I feel about this clapping business. To me it seems like another part of the Covid religion where we all have to stand outside clapping like mindless seals to show our dedication to Covid. If we don’t we’ll be ostracised and cast out by our neighbours. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to have a minutes silence to show our respect for Captain Tom. That way we can do it in the privacy of our homes should we want to, not to do it just to be seen to be doing it.
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Government are currently discussing vaccination passports 😨 how dare they dictate to me what I put in my body! Especially when at my age and health I have a 0.00% chance of dying! I hope people riot and push back over this although I highly doubt it with this country.
Screenshot_20210206-071857_Daily Mail Online.jpg
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