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You can't diagnose endometriosis with a scan so she is either bullshitting or misinformed. You have to have key hole surgery to diagnose, I've had to two surgeries in my endo and I've had period of intense intense pain. It's soo annoying to hear her bandying about that she might have it. She's just lazy and self entitled
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Connie is just your average bandwagon hopper. Drops posts on any topic to gain likes and followers but doesn’t bother to educate herself and doesn’t care if she offends. I don’t pretend to know much about the situation but like you say, silence is more respectful than being a bullshit preacher
Silence is much more respectful, especially when he Israel posts are followed by stories about getting her nails done 😳
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So she applauds Dove for their new campaign for reversing filters but then has a filter on her very next story!!!! Honestly how does she wonder she has a lack of engagement when she does things like this over and over again. Period getting in the way again?! Completely inspiring 😬😤
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Say What

Chatty Member
That is exactly her problem... it isn’t a business and she isn’t being transparent about treating it as a business, if it is a business then it isn’t authentic
This is my problem with her is that she is massively dishonest. Her IG is a business but it doesn’t fit her narrative to say that!
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Connie worried that Macie is going to miss her when she starts 2 mornings a week at playgroup 😳 wonder if that’s in addition to the 2 days she ships her off to her Mum?
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I didn’t want to be a mum-fluencer….is there any worse word…course you didn’t Connie then saw the likes rolling in when you post Macie and the £££ took over
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It is what it is

Active member
They’ve had a room full over he just posted a pic. Which is fine do what you like his life is private but pls Con save us the preaching about covid sacrifices and how she can’t wait for all this to be over
They had 11 people over? And that’s only the ones who drink Guinness....also him driving whilst using his phone to film a instastory is just one of the most selfish and vain things I’ve seen. FOCUS ON THE ROAD SO YOU DO’T KILL SOMEONE PLEASE! There is a reason it’s illegal!
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Say What

Chatty Member
Oh Christ we are back to blaming periods for her inability to be an adult. It’s absolutely pathetic as the rest of us carry on working full time and juggling our home lives. Grow up Connie, periods are not an illness or an excuse to be bone idle.
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She’s on the beg on Vicky Pattison’s post for dresses….except they’re from a brand that only does 14-16 as their top size…and a small one at that….

And all those women at that press event creaming their knickers over some free olives and Parma ham….christ desperation strikes….especially as that stuff has been in Iceland for ages…what a life
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She’s awful, I’m overweight and feel like I’ve spent the best part of my 20’s trying and failing to lose weight, if I was a genuine Connie follower I’d probably be conned in to doing one of the DNA tests as well to try and excuse my lack of weight loss. The top and bottom is I don’t try hard enough, I diet for 2-3 days and then end up in a massive “defeated” binge cycle which is why I’m overweight. Connie is deluded and believes her own bull shit.

Also unlike Connie I don’t need a DNA test to tell me my Dad’s side of the family are built like brick shithouses so naturally I’ll never be slim.

I could have written this!

The proof is in the pudding. Connie lost weight and looked great through hard work and healthy eating with Bradley’s help, which is the reason I know of her and followed initially, and I could relate to her. I don’t understand why she is now having tests etc to help with the weight loss, when she knows that by following what she did the first time, it would work. She may not have as much spare time, but it will still work. It will just be a longer process.
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Say What

Chatty Member
All that guff about ending the podcast because of time for coaching was obscene. Essentially her podcast has less listeners so she’s hopped bandwagons in the hope of regaining some followers!
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VIP Member
So did she remove Macy from nursery because she couldn’t afford it? Maybe spend a bit less on clothes, makeup and eating out???
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