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Say What

Chatty Member
Macie’s birthday has been immediately forgotten because it’s Connie’s today. I just think it’s sad how really this is all about Connie and not Macie
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VIP Member
She comes across as a spoilt brat. Once you have kids, it’s all about them. If she’s that bothered, she should celebrate Macies birthday and then do something for herself a week later. I get the day after giving birth she probably wasn’t up for celebrating but the kids 2 now, so get over it.
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Say What

Chatty Member
“In a man’s world” what the actual hell does she have against men? I’m not saying this is a perfect world but I work in a mostly male environment and the vast majority of them are highly supportive, respectful and encouraging. I have found in my working life that it is the odd female colleague who are more likely to try and drag you down or hold you back. Sick of this separatist man hating bs!!
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It is what it is

Active member
Let’s just dissect this post.

1. You are literally only out to get free things, get money handed to you and do very little work. You decided to have a child and therefore you have to make it work, sacrifices or just get yourself another job and use your free mummy day care service.

2.the government DO NOT care about anyone’s mental health. If we’ve learn anything over the last year, the only thing they care about is funding their own houses and boosting the economy.

3.there is always someone else to take your job. Why does your job need to change for you. They already provide maternity pay etc to help you. There is only so much a company can do before it’s literally just paying for you life without you doing any work. And if you are self employed (as I am) it’s a risk you take!

4.very true, so you have to make some difficult decisions and do what’s best in your situation. In her case. She can work like she doesn’t have a child because she complains enough about her and ships her off to others.

5.You might need someone to proof read it, your English on your stories is appalling and nobody will take you seriously. Also all the above points. You aren’t anybody special, I highly doubt it will make any difference.

6. Change is needed but when you have a child you have to accept change Will happened and it’s not always comfortable. Connie, regardless ofhow much you share of you life, what you do share shows how incredibly privileged you are.

*disclaimer:I’m criticising her grammar, mines not great but I CBA to go back over it and correct it.


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She would spend £49 all day on a child’s toothbrush though??! How nice for you Connie!!
Of course she would NOT spend that on a toothbrush. This is Connie who thinks that because she has 200 likes per post, brands should send her items for free. Brands must get nothing back. It’s hardly value for money is it. Won’t even get one person buying that toothbrush out of the 200 people who view her story.

Her quotes are not even hers. She reads other people’s quotes and plagiarises them by changing the sequence of words... usually so that it reads very poorly indeed.
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Active member
It’s either our fault or IG... def not Connie’s. Then she slips in no Friday faves or cooking (so basically any shred of consistent content she is supposed to be churning out) recently cos she’s been so busy.... yup sorting Ricky’s birthday like imagine anyone behaving like this in their job. Then next breath she’s so ambitious and there’s so much she wants to achieve. Just as well she didn’t get that loose women role she wouldn’t have been able to join last week with birthday planning, this week with period pains
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It’s ridiculous how much she’s using Macie for all her content at the moment- it’s been quite the U turn from complaining about her daily. She’s so in-genuine and her “opinions” are so blatantly only based on whatever she thinks people want to hear/will make her popular
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Well-known member
Is she actually ok in the head? They literally had a birthday party at the weekend and she’s going on about how hard it’s been? She’s such a fucking martian I can’t even believe how stupid she thinks her followers are 🤣 Connie we know you read here so you should promptly shut the fuck up about Covid cos you’ve done nothing but make things worse with your rule breaking for the last year. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself you disgusting hypocrite
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Latest post... ‘I feel like I’m working really hard but need a break from it’.... Connie please your lucky if you do a days work across a full week! For starters you have time for mid day work ours with your brother what a luxury! Also, noticed Em the nutritionist hasn’t been mentioned in a while......already fallen off that band wagon 😂
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She has zero idea on the realities of being a working Mum. Her “hard” life is the dream to a lot of people 🤦🏼‍♀️
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She’s openly admitted she earned over 50k last year, so 20k more than the national average, before taking into account whatever Ricky earns, which must be less than her because then they’d never have been paid child benefit in the first place. So between them they’re probably earning 80-100k minimum. I know plenty of families who have less than that a s don’t spend their days moaning about it on Instagram. Here’s an idea, maybe don’t spend £1700 a month on a rented flat, buy pre-made stuff from Waitrose and buy a new car. Also can’t imagine her engagement ring was elizabeth duke we know Ricky likes a night out…having kids means making sacrifices, whether that’s with your time, your money or something else. Not sure Connie has quite grasped that concept
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Say What

Chatty Member
Studying is not listening to some videos for an hour before bed Connie. Kids at GCSE level do more intense studying than that! Feel sorry for the fools who are actually going to pay her for life coaching 😂
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It’s the equivalent of tagging yourself at hospital on Facebook with no context and then when people ask if you’re ok replying with ‘PM me hun’
Also it also only seems to be instagrammers that have such period struggles, can’t function/think/‘work’ etc. If I behaved the way she does every month I’d end up getting the sack. Although the cynic in me thinks that’s she’s seen how much engagement her mate Vicky Pattison gets when she bangs on about hers and she wants a pice of that
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She looks so bored and uninterested in that latest podcast recording she’s shared, her poor guest.
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Say What

Chatty Member
Connie has no idea how people like us really live and that the majority of our incomes go on the basic necessities like accommodation, bills, food and fuel. She wouldn’t last a week with a full time job, housework and not being able to lunch out at ridiculously expensive restaurants. I’m sick to death of these influencers lecturing people on how to live without the first fucking clue of how hard life is for the average person
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Chatty Member
The irony of that post is she’s posing and contorting herself in a way so that it actually hides her size…so she’s not proud of her size at all
Was just going to say this "It doesn't matter what size you are"... But let me lean forward, put my hands on the sides of my stomach and grip the skin in the way that gives me a fake waistline so I look thinner than I am but size. doesn't. matter
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