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VIP Member
I don’t think either of them are that attractive to be honest. Abbie is so gaunt now and has a very odd nose 😂 cole is ok apart from her huge overbite: better head on but from the side I have to agree with others she is very rat like. But regardless they could be stunning looking they are ugly money grabbers on the inside!
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Chatty Member
That tattoo is disgusting, it is a personal thing and why have it displayed where it can be seen in public. Fucking wrong un she is 🚩
Cole is the most vulgar lesbian I have met! Have some decorum woman/boy for fuckssake! It’s like she is still a teenager and pushing the boundaries for what is acceptable. Huge red flag in the local gay scene
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Fk sake selling there story i told yous how low they will go to sell out them kids.

Now splashed all over the sunday mail just for a few pennies
I know they didn't write the headline themselves but I think calling Hudson a miracle is a bit of a stretch! Abs had had kids before, then got with Cole and they had IVF to have another baby. It worked first time. How is that a 'miracle?'
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One shoe magoo

VIP Member
Oh they definitely have grand visions of fame. Won’t happen, theyre a pair of Fannies with a lockdown following. This following will gradually dwindle the more they sell and have no original content.
They've never done anything original. Abbie thinks she's a creative arty person. When in fact she's just a lazy mare. I can't stand anyone who lets their partner bring down the father of her kids. That's a red flag 🚩 for me . Now I despise my ex, the father of my kids. But I dont let anyone talk about him around my kids. They're adults now and can make up their own minds. But fuckung with young minds while they are developing is a big nono Nicole. She's a sly wee fucker that . That baby was a way of keeping abbie with her. And she will use that child of they split up as a way of dominace.shes so manipulative it's scary
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VIP Member
No we wouldn’t!! Most mothers would protect their kids and understand the kids themselves would be mortified they were online especially with Cole and Abbies antics!!
I would rather scrub public toilets than expose my children online, never mind posting videos of them naked and with sex toys!!! It’s not OK!!! And they are just setting themselves up for comments on the baby because god love him, he’s not Bonny.
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VIP Member
I often wonder does Abbies kids Dad feels he can't give the kids what they can and he can't. It must make you feel rubbish them getting taken everywhere and he couldn't afford that. You can't buy children's love as they eventually see it like that. When they have grown up to fully adulthood.
I think it must take a lot for him to stand back and say nothing to cole. I have huge respect for him that way because she goes out her way to annoy him. Talking about the kids changing their name to hers etc.
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Dolly doo

When they both say how they worried about paying a bill. That abbie use to cry. When they had absolutely no money at all. Abbie said we have been there.

Just imagine through your bragging now on Facebook. How it impacts on everyone mental health problems, who genuinely have no money. They say people who have no money abbie/cole completely understand as they didn't. But they rub it in your face. Bragging we have bought this and that. They spend money like it grows on tree's. Just remember what it was like to have no money. Then brag brag brag. Just imagine some children can't even have a hot meal.
I hope no one finds what is written above offensive. Its just my opinion. They say they don't brag but they bloody do 😪😪😪
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VIP Member
As someone going through fertility treatment these two aren’t an inspiration or kindred spirit. Didn’t they also lie and claim it was NHS When I don’t think it could have been as Abi has two Kids. They come across smug as fuck.
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VIP Member
What is the child voice she keeps doing. Honestly it’s so fucking cringe & people telling her she needs to be on CBeebies
It’s those people that operate on a daily basis that really concern me. People that watch them and actually think tnejre honest, decent people that should be on CBeebies. These people need their hard drives and heads checked.
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VIP Member
When is the operation to remove that fucking leather harness?! Getting her wear out of it isn't she
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If they did truly help food banks they would so be filming it and saying what great people they are. Never ever would they do something and not film it or make a huge thing out of it.
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VIP Member
How are these 2 fucking idiots still getting views? They are an absolute joke and fake as fuck. What the actual fuck are these days in the life of Hudson videos all about? That weird creepy voice over just makes me want to stab my own eardrums 🥴🥴
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One shoe magoo

VIP Member
I wish there was a wiki for this pair! I recently got introduced to them by a friend who assured me I would ‘love them’. I thought they were a pair of twats straight away and literally ran here to see if there was a thread for them😂
Welcome 🙋‍♂️ its a good read on the pair of numpties. The other threads may show you what they're all about. I used to feel sorry for Abbie at the start, but now I can't stand her. She's brainwashed. Apparently Cole has previous of messing with people's heads. And in my opinion I don't think Abbie is gay. I think Cole got in her head and twisted it. Wore her down. Took her away from a stable environment and got what she wanted. Its all about money now. Those wee kids I feel sorry for. Thank god their dad seems level headed not responding to Coles wee digs
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Chatty Member
Surely the health visitors must have said something about his weight? He’s the weight of a 2 year old not an 8 month old that has to be of concern ?
I was chatting with a friend about the weight thing and she said that they will have been pulled up on it. I can't believe they think it's great that he is in the 99% someone really needs to sit them down and explain that this is not good for him. But there again they are mummy and mum mum of the year .
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