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But how can she consider trekking Mount Everest at a time when Palestinians are suffering.
mate, the hypocrisy of this woman. Will shill anything for a dollar as it suits her, but shame on us all for enjoying our lives and not campaigning for Palestine every minute of the day
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It's gross that she's using her mother's death to spruik her newest money-making venture.

Things that Clementine thinks are okay during the Gaza conflict: expensive facials, reiki, selling trips to Mt Everest base camp, Taylor Swift karaoke nights, upsetting her own audience by inviting men to play pranks on them and then pretending it never happened, and posting women's banking information when they mildly disagree with her.

Things that are not okay, according to Clementine: thinking it's bad that women are being murdered by their partners in Australia, feeling upset about women being stabbed to death in Bondi, going to Taylor Swift concerts, not manically posting pictures of dead babies 24/7 and not buying into her simplistic, black-and-white, good guys vs bad guys world view.
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You'd think Clementine might notice that men never get screamed at to post pictures of dead Gazan babies, they don't get guilt tripped for not doing enough, they're allowed to see whatever musical artists they like without some lunatic telling them they're genocide supporters. It's women who get treated this way. Sometimes I think she has just as much contempt for women as any male misogynist.
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View attachment 2908330
There she is 🙄 it’s GALLING to me that she herself can’t understand that people have limited capacity to engage, and we can’t advocate for EVERYTHING and moreover, she is proving the exact point that the more you shove a view or topic down someone’s throat (even if it’s worthy), the less likely they are to engage with it, even if they do actually care. See: the general male populations interest in engaging with the issue of violence against women. Improving men’s mental health? That, the men can get behind. Anywhooo
I’ve said this before on the last thread but I will say it again here. If governments, world leaders, the United Nations, whoever else with world power cannot end this centuries-old war, then seriously what can a woman in suburban Australia achieve by resharing videos on Instagram. I agree that change happens when society is mad about something, and spreading the message gets more people involved. But when you have world governments funding billions of dollars into this war it’s hardly going to be resolved by the power of social media. So please Clem, I do feel sadness and desperation the civilians. But please don’t try to guilt me for “not doing enough.” Because how can I personally end this war?
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I don’t know if anyone saw Melissa Leong’s (Fooderati) recent Insta story - coincided with Clem’s rant re Hamish. It basically said (and it could be unrelated to Clem but it does match) that Melissa has seen a concerning rise in people criticising others for the way they partake in activism - i.e that they aren’t doing enough, or doing it the wrong way or at the wrong target (and that people can hold different concerns at the same time) but it really just summarised my issue with Clem - that she has designated herself as the queen, all knower, final word on activism (like with any topic) - including the way it’s done and when. I get almost cult leader vibes in that you simply can’t go against her, criticise her or anything or receive vitriol. I stopped following her when she started talking down to her followers -like we don’t know and aren’t capable of holding different views. Being her friend must be exhausting having to constantly meet the standards she unilaterally sets with no regard to the nuance that exists in life.

Edited to add: particularly when she’s been shown to go against those “great morals” for a …paycheck - something everyone requires to literally exist in a capitalist society. Hello Clem: that paycheck, yeh that’s nuance. See how it changes how you participate in “activism”?
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View attachment 2914037
But how can she consider trekking Mount Everest at a time when Palestinians are suffering.
mate, the hypocrisy of this woman. Will shill anything for a dollar as it suits her, but shame on us all for enjoying our lives and not campaigning for Palestine every minute of the day
I cannot believe this. She shames people for enjoying even a simple coffee or for being able to get out of bed while people in Gaza are suffering but it’s totally cool for her to charge a ton of money for a trek in Nepal? Still no mention of that horrible prank either. The hypocrisy of this woman, I used to really admire her but now I think she’s completely lost it.
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I would also add that some people are more quiet about what they do behind the scenes. Just because it isn’t being splashed all over Instagram doesn’t mean that people aren’t involved or active in social causes or charity.
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Chatty Member
She's still not addressed the prank either right?

I feel like she's headed for a burnout soon if she doesn't step back from being so online. Especially with the bizarre lady and the defamation case also happening.
She still hasn't sent out the "founding members" of her substack their hats and crystals. I only know this because my poor friend is holding a candle that she'll get her Clem things sent to her, even though it's nearly been a year and she paid around $250 😬
Tried to warn her she was a scammy bitch chasing a quick buck, but my sweet naive angel of a friend really let the parasocial relationship she has with this woman get the best of her.
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Her hypocrisy drives me crazy. She is happy to go to an event for her book but criticises everyone who does anything that isn’t related to Gaza. Surely she should have politely declined and said she is unable to attend as she is too distressed about Gaza.
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So Clem isn’t advertising this but they are bringing their Taylor Made concert to Sydney later this year ( was on Clare bowditch’s insta) so she calls out Taylor swifts lack of engagement on Palestine and tells us to unfollow but she can still make money off of her? And she’s still friends of Clare who is a friend of Deborah Conway who is a huge and very outspoken Zionist.. None of this makes sense. She’s a massive hypocrite.
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The Hamish Blake one waa super weird. Just to pick on him? The Blakes irritate me for other reasons but they seem like decent people - foodbank, invictus, animal charities, indigenous support etc. I hardly think he is the worst of vacuous celebrities.

This all or nothing thing is really quite upsetting. I was donating some money to Foodbank (the images of people queuing for food have really got to me), and even though I have been a public Palestine supporter and donated money there - I was wondering if Clementine would think that Foodbank didn’t matter because the scale of death is not the same. STILL MATTERS.
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Joe Biden went to the U.S Holocaust Memorial Centre for their Remembrance Day, met with survivors and posted the usual sentiments about it.

Of course that meant Clementine lost it and hopes he has a catastrophic stroke and falls into a vegetative coma for ten years. Because she definitely doesn’t hate Jews, just Zionists, and she definitely isn’t in the middle of a full-blown narcissistic meltdown.


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Joe Biden went to the U.S Holocaust Memorial Centre for their Remembrance Day, met with survivors and posted the usual sentiments about it.

Of course that meant Clementine lost it and hopes he has a catastrophic stroke and falls into a vegetative coma for ten years. Because she definitely doesn’t hate Jews, just Zionists, and she definitely isn’t in the middle of a full-blown narcissistic meltdown.
Far out. That is revolting.
She’s lost it.
Absolutely no capacity to comprehend the grey area. Everything is so dangerously black and white, good guys/bad guys for her now.
The holocaust was horrendous. What’s happening in Gaza is also horrendous. Both things are true.
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I’ve said this before on the last thread but I will say it again here. If governments, world leaders, the United Nations, whoever else with world power cannot end this centuries-old war, then seriously what can a woman in suburban Australia achieve by resharing videos on Instagram. I agree that change happens when society is mad about something, and spreading the message gets more people involved. But when you have world governments funding billions of dollars into this war it’s hardly going to be resolved by the power of social media. So please Clem, I do feel sadness and desperation the civilians. But please don’t try to guilt me for “not doing enough.” Because how can I personally end this war?
exactly this! I am pretty sure me sharing an instagram post to a few hundred followers isn't going to stop a genocide. and a lot of us 'australian white women' that she is so mad about going to the rallys over the weekend, are also going to the Palestinian protests/marches and showing support in our community as well. Are we not allowed to also be outraged by male violence against women in our country? what is she actually expecting us to do?
I used to be a fan of clem's but she is really getting exhausting.
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But rich her saying Hamish only takes a paycheck. No word from her on the paycheck she collected for her part in the prank show? Or is that different, Clem? 🙄
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Have to disagree on that- although no Clem fan, awareness through these platforms is so important. When the time comes that there is something that can be done, someone voted in or out, policy that can be campaigned against that can affect these issues, then the awareness is there, people know what is happening and what it’s all about and are more likely to take action.

I don’t like the guilt tripping and the all consuming rage she has, and think she needs to find a better balance as her message is getting a bit lost which is the opposite of what she’s intending I’m sure.
Me with 100 followers can save this war?

She’s definitely lost credibility of late. Calling out “white feminists” (call is coming from inside the house) and that stupid prank for a TV show. Dissing Taylor Swift while earning money for her “tribute show” of Taylor’s songs. Makes my head spin tbh!
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Yuck, nothing like dismissing women’s genuine critiques of your poor choices as “passion” ie hysteria. Such a feminist 🙄
She can’t actually think that changing your wifi name to free Palestine would have any tiny insignificant impact on anything right? Saying it to a barista who asks your name? What could that possibly achieve? She must not think about anything else at any point of the day, if anything it takes away from that cause and feels like her goal is just to annoy and harass people. “If nothing else it makes them really mad” yeah that’s it Clem, if nothing else, you know it will do nothing. Is the goal to pressure governments to stop the deaths or just to irritate people with your deranged behaviour.
This is … odd. I think Clem is having a mental health moment of some kind.
I understand getting overwhelmed by what is happening in Gaza, and feeling like you MUST bear witness to it, I really do. I have family in Israel so I find the whole situation horrific and very disturbing (so do they, by the way, not that Clem wants to listen to anyone saying that there are MANY Israelis absolutely gutted by what their government is doing) but feels like Clem has become hyper focussed in a very manic way.
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Chatty Member
Joe Biden went to the U.S Holocaust Memorial Centre for their Remembrance Day, met with survivors and posted the usual sentiments about it.

Of course that meant Clementine lost it and hopes he has a catastrophic stroke and falls into a vegetative coma for ten years. Because she definitely doesn’t hate Jews, just Zionists, and she definitely isn’t in the middle of a full-blown narcissistic meltdown.
Wtf 😳 This is completely and utterly unhinged. So we're not allowed to care about the holocaust and the horrendous things that happened to Jewish people now? So the whole Jewish population essentially shouldn't be cared about now? This woman has completely lost it.
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She's still not addressed the prank either right?

I feel like she's headed for a burnout soon if she doesn't step back from being so online. Especially with the bizarre lady and the defamation case also happening.
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Calling the women dying in Australia “ a drop in the Ocean”. Isn’t any death a tragedy? Why is it a competition?
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