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We're having a childfree wedding and pretty happy about it. A few reasons but it's not a very child friendly venue (our caterers looked delighted when we told them 😂 ). My nephews are coming but as most of the other people with kids have had them during lockdown or over the past few years we've never even met them! A few of the couples with kids are thrilled to have an excuse to go out without them!

We've also found a hotel for a mini honeymoon after our wedding that is childfree. They don't allow kids under 16 as it doesn't for with their vision and ethos for the hotel! Cannot wait!
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I love Cheshire Oaks and I wish I could go in the play area cause it looks so much fun 🤣 🤣 🤣
That outdoor play area totally ruins the outdoor seating at Mowgli!!😡 who wants gorgeous food with a side plate of screaming little twats!!
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Chatty Member
Well, you know, it IS tiring having to drag our cold, granite, childfree souls around all week….
Well it’s not tiring is it, because you don’t have children. It’s just neutral like everything else in the life of a childfree person. No highs, no lows, no love, no joy, no tiredness, no upset, no worry.
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ITV are preparing for "Romance Retreat" which is a Love Island spin off for 40+ year old single parents (nominated by their children)..... what about 40+ childfree singles?
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Thank you ❤❤❤

Exactly! There is so much to live for in this life. It is sad that a lot of people think that living anything other than the 'traditional' family life doesn't mean anything.
I think they're scared of anyone who isn't "normal" i.e. they don't have kids.
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I’m scared of dogs and I’d feel quite on edge if someone brought a dog into the office.
I struggle enough in shops when people bring dogs in as a lot of places allow that now (i don’t mean assistance dogs).
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Many homes are given a bad name, but if you are child free and therefore in theory have money they can be wonderful places.
Agreed, my mother is looking to move into a retirement community at the moment, she's in her mid-80s, and some of the ones we've looked at have had the most amazing facilities.
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It's totally inconsequential compared to some of the stuff people have spoken about on this thread, but does anyone else get filled with unexplained rage when normal, everyday things somehow get twisted into something mum-specific? "Mum bun" is the worst one for some reason, as though 90% of women with at least medium length hair don't throw their hair up when they're lazing around the house (or maybe I'm just a slob!). I also hate "this mama heart :sick: (possibly quite niche as it tends to only be the American Christian anti-vax type women who say this and they're like a car crash I can't look away from, so it's completely self-inflicted.)

Some other honourable mentions are needing coffee because they're a mum, wearing comfy clothes because they're a mum, having a"mum bod" which very often doesn't actually seem to look all that different to many women without kids, having some me-time because they're a mum, etc. Nothing worse than the 'mum bun' for irrationally boiling my piss though!
Mum jeans 👖😁
Mum gifts - what about us?🤷😄
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I had a bad back so spent half the weekend lying down but I'll take it over running around trying to get kids to sports/playdates/other things, I don't know what kids do on weekends 😂 So not ready for work today but I am looking forward to coming home. I'll only have laundry to sort out and then I'm free haha.
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Sounds like they want to be married and are trying to convince themselves they don’t! Happy people are happy for people 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah I think they are probably quite bitter to be fair. All of them in their 50’s, one of them has been divorced because her ex left her for another woman and the other one has 6 kids with nearly all different dads and a series of failed relationships. The second one is bitter about everything though 🤷‍♀️
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We had a pretty small wedding (most of my husband's friends/family are in the USA) and the only children really there were our own nephews, nieces, little cousins etc. and his stepbrother and sister who are pre-teens and can behave themselves. We were happy with that because those children were family and we wanted them there, but I can't imagine a wedding with a ton of guests' children who are complete strangers to me running around ...
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I think some people do have a baby and then realise it isn’t all it’s made out to be.

Someone I work with had a baby when she was 20 and she’s honestly the most selfish parent I’ve personally met. She lives with her mum still and her mum does all their washing, cleaning etc.

Quite often after work she will drag the baby out until like 10pm after the poor thing has had a full day at nursery. All she probably wants is a bath, bottle and bed.

She’s recently got a new boyfriend and there’s more pictures of him and their days out than of her baby. She also went on holiday abroad for a week just the two of them.

Nothing against mums going on holiday without their kids as such, but I thought going away with your new fella and leaving your baby behind with your mum was a bit off…

She had planned this baby as well, well she tricked the dad into getting her pregnant anyway…
At least she left it with her mum. Some children are left home alone and some starve to death whilst their supposed mother is off enjoying themselves 😟
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I don't dislike children but I resent how nearly every public attraction/historical location is transformed into a child-centric utopia.

For example, I am a history lover and enjoy visiting castles. I went to Warwick Castle a few years back and I might as well have just gone to kids kingdom as all the character of the castle had been reduced to an elaborate play area. Feel it just cheapens the experience and you lose the weight of the history of a place.
It’s hard to find anywhere that is for adults only unless you drink.

However - did the play area prevent the brats migrating to other areas? In this case, the facility may be a strategic idea, given not allowing children to the castle would no doubt be in breach of their u-man- rights 🤭
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Apparently when my folks got married in the mid 1970s they had a childfree wedding which was quite unusual at the time I think and someone racked up with a newborn. They then insisted they needed to breastfeed the baby in the room for the reception so everyone had to wait outside until they were finished. Balls of steel to keep the bride and groom waiting at their wedding, my mum is still steaming about it 45+ years later 😂

I laughed way too hard at this 🤣

I always thought that I was confident but being able to kick people out of their own wedding is on another level 💀
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Thread on reddit you folks will be interested in - someone has posted asking if others have noticed more parents bringing kids along to events.

I can't post a link but here is what she has written:

"Over the past few years I’ve noticed more and more other parents bringing their kids along to events that would normally be adult only.
I’ve been too a few dinner parties over the last few years where a couple will bring their kids along and then spend the whole time fussing over them. Celebratory dinners too for new jobs or whatever. My husbands friend brought along his two year old on a night out in Newcastle and then to watch Forest play the next day back in august. Im not talking about hosts of these events I mean guests just turning up with their kids. Saw a coupe refused entry to a wedding last summer because it was a child free wedding but the guests thought two kids wouldn’t make a difference.
This brings me on to what made me ask this question. On Sunday I’m going on a hen do, an air bnb with spa days, adults indoor play and then night events which includes raunchy games and sexy waiters. Not child friendly activities. Well, two of the party have announced they will be bring their kids along. One woman has a one year old she’s bringing and the other has a 3 and a 4 year old. What a way to ruin the two nights away!
I’m 38 so have been to loads of events over the years and no one brought their kids until the last few years!"

I have a lot of opinions (shock!) but mostly, I cannot possibly fathom why you'd want to bring a child to a hen party. I don't even want to be at a hen party!
Why on earth would anyone be so selfish as to take their kids?

As a side note, for my hen do alls I did was have a hot tub party with my maid of honour, female in laws to be & my mum. It was very child friendly to be fair, it wasn’t tacky or inappropriate, but I would have hated to have kids there. Not relaxing at all!
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I wouldn't really say maternity leave is "time off." Moms aren't going to work but looking after a newborn is a full time "job." I'd hate it!
Same, honestly. Seeing my friend go from a normal functioning person to a husk of a woman during her maternity leave would be enough to put me off, even if I wanted this. I don't think she enjoyed a full 24 hours of that 6 months at home.

Happy Saturday night my childfree friends!!!

I'm sat watching YouTube, eating ice cream, contemplating some video games 🥰 Dry Jan for me so just a posh cloudy lemonade over ice!

Hope everyone else is having a relaxing evening! 💖
Enjoy! I've been suffering from a stiff neck/back since yesterday morning, so I happily spent today horizontal and didn't move except for food, WC or to change what I was watching ✌
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Chatty Member
Just finished wrapping presents for tomorrow; it's not deliberate but doing it on the 24th seems to be a tradition now :ROFLMAO: having an early night and tomorrow our adult-only group will start with champagne (just bought the one bottle because £££ but then, I didn't have kids to buy presents for). I'm contributing 5 bottles of wine, 6 artisan cheeses, 2 types of grapes, and 4 types of crackers, so I can build everyone a lovely cheeseboard and we can all gorge ourselves after the turkey dinner. Merry Christmas all, enjoy your calm and childfree day! ❤
that sounds absolutely wonderful!! 😍😍 the cheeseboard is my fave thing about Christmas!
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