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Even stan looks bored of her antics in that 'sofa cuddling' photo! Can almost hear him thinking 'just back off with your camera and leave us alone'!!
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Do we reckon the links she’s posting to the hideous milkmaid dresses are AFF links? Not that I’m intending to click I hasten to add (accidental pun?!). I think those styles of dress look absolutely awful on most people. But if she’s not declaring an AFF link, my fingers will itch wanting to message her. She is such a lazy, shady cow.
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Look, if I was getting anusol then yes, I may feel embarrassed as it’s something to do with my bum hole. There’s nothing wrong with having him hole issues but I’m sure we all get that embarrassment with intimate places.

Unless she’s shoving the citalopram up her arse hole I just don’t get this. She is very explicitly telling her whole following that they should be ASHAMED of taking antidepressants/anti anxiety pills. Time and time again she tells people this. I’m so disgusted by her actions.

A chemical imbalance in the brain is NOTHING to be ashamed about. Crippling anxiety is NOTHING to be ashamed about. Asking for help is NOTHING to be ashamed about, yet this is what she keeps insinuating. It’s dangerous. She’s dangerous.

(p.s, having bum issues is also nothing to be ashamed of!!!)
yes!!!! I work in endoscopy and see people's arseholes every day, multiple times a day and my partner was mortified he had to have one. He didn't tell me until after (I already knew as had seen his name when I printed off our theatre list) I get why he was embarrassed, most men are but anxiety is definitely not embarrassing
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How the hell can a robe make you feel good?! I mean I feel comfy in my big fluffy dressing gown but I don’t think it makes me feel good? What an odd thing to say! But we all know what she really means is she thinks she looks hot and she feels sexy (I vomited in my mouth just typing that, sorry guys) 🤢
I’m sorry…I have a robe that’s my “feeling like I’m hot stuff” attire. Can I tell you when I don’t wear it? When I have my children in my house (it doesn’t get used much) or when taking a picture to show 50k people online.
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Hello its me

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(1) Charl, you fucking idiot, that ship has long sailed. You are the grocery haul twat.

(2) ‘Work’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

She is definitely gearing up for a run of #ad content. She’s probably been told by the new ‘management’ to try and up her engagement on YT. Wonder if it was also they who gave her the idea to describe her boozy stories the other night as ‘overstimulated,’ which is the lesser of the two evils compared to getting her to delete them, which would have been a tacit acknowledgment of what a shitshow they were.
She has Slug eyebrows and it looks like she's two black eyes and ate a bunch of cows shit and still has the remains of it around her fat gob
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Weird how she inane extra about pancake day when just last week she was going on about loving these kinds of days.
She’s had all day to make pancakes, why do the kids have to wait for Mark? It’s not like he will care! I bet it’s so she can post photos or a video of mark tossing them with the kids.
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Such drama over a kid being sick a few times. If nobody else gets sick then I would say that Stan was probably chock full of processed shit all day and it was too much for him, he is only 4 and she gives him so much junk. I imagine they had fizzy or slushies at bowling, probably McDonald’s with fizzy drinks, sweets etc to keep them quiet,
I agree. You just know they'd have had fizzy drinks, sweets, Costa, maccies. A four year old won't have an off switch, so will just keep eating whatever crap she gives him.
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She presents a fragile individual when she's actually quite calculating. She is fully aware she's damaging those kids but hides behind what she believes is the "perfect mother" mask.
That right there is a very dangerous individual.
Those kids needs proper parenting support or they will need loads of therapy when they are older.
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My point was that this daft cow has a literal bread maker to make fresh bread full of goodness if she wanted.

Then again I killed my sourdough starter, so what do I know.

It was a Charlotte criticism. I have no idea what everyone here serves for breakfast, nor do I care unless you post it for all the world to see.

Although seeing as people disagreed with me, I’ve checked our shreddies and wheatabix and they both have sugar or sugar syrup as a named ingredient, so whilst they’re better than a bad bunch (looking at you Cheerios) and alongside porridge my kids eat them, my statement stands.
What statement? That hot cross buns are a “better” breakfast than cereals which are “mostly sugary shit”. Implication being that weetabix is “sugary shit” as it apparently contains sugar or sugar syrup? That blanket statement is clearly not the case. Making healthy choices is not about avoiding *all* sugar. It is about assessing nutritional value and making better choices. If you look at the nutritional value of weetabix compared to a hot cross bun, plainly the hot cross bun contains more sugar per attached. It contains nearly 10 times as much.

Let’s of course get back to Charlotte and I agree with you re the bread maker. But I see literally daily the fall out of suboptimal food choices. Some of which is clearly driven by parents not understanding how to assess what to eat in a balanced way and not being able to teach their children how to do the same. Or not wanting to because they would rather make food choices that are more instagrammable or they have been “influenced” to believe they are making healthy choices which they are clearly not.


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Have to deal with being tired? When even natural functions with perfectly obvious solutions are a draina and a trial. Poor Charlotte - no one knows the troubles she's seen. 😭

The levels of cringe I feel are off the charts
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Well-known member
Size 13 legs my arse!!!!! She makes out she’s some kind of martyr and that she deserves everything under the sun!!!!!
Yet here I am also mum of 3 feeling awful for having a hair cut (I have one a year) because it cost a little more than I thought it would. She is a shellfish cow

Edited for spelling mistake
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Because she thinks she's all twee and cute. Where has she got that view of herself I do not know!!
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I remember going the same time she was there and I recognise a few people in the clip, had to zoom incase I was on there but I’m not thank god! And I also went before when she had Daisy as a baby in a buggy, she was definitely a lot smaller then
Are you Suzanne? 😂
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