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Chatty Member
I’ve just watched her h&m haul. Who describes their children’s shape and size??? I mean, they are kids and they are still growing. Describing Stan as stocky and daisy as skinny and leggy is asking for trouble in later life if she continues that. Stop projecting you’re body insecurities onto your children Charlotte, that are still growing and changing. She really winds me up! 😡
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Chatty Member
WTF is the latest 🤬 essay about, the woe is me me me me post about her dealing with people fat shaming her, cue all the comments she will now get saying how gorgeous she is.
Well if she still try’s to say she’s a size 12 now we can DEFINITELY see she’s not, that photo is probably photo shopped and that weird twisted pose to try to make herself look slimmer!
The thing I think with Charlotte is, she is never going to be a teeny tiny size 8, which she would love, to go with the teeny tiny cute voice she puts on and the girly laugh and the doe eyes.
She’s naturally quite a large frame and you can’t change your build. Which is fine by the way. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing wrong with being a size 8 or a size 18. But until she accepts she’s not a size 12! And being healthy and maybe losing a few pounds is all about just eating less and moving more she’s never going to achieve what she wants.
She showed her ‘healthy’ snack box, and it was rammed, bloody hell if your trying to be healthy just have a piece of fruit or a yoghurt!!
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Chatty Member
She writes utter bollocks. Note the flowers on the hob picture for Tattle's benefit. What a fucking moron.
Oh ffs sake Charlotte. If that's not a dig at tattle I don't know what is. Isn't it sad how you have to justify yourself to thousands of people on the internet. You need to think before you spout utter shite girl 🙄
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I cannot get over the crap lunches she gives them. What’s wrong with a sandwich or some pasta or something?! This would not fill my daughter up at all and all the crap would just make her hyper for an afternoon of school..
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correction **** brummy mummy is in a league of her own not legend!

I think our Char is as ''thick'' and selfish as she appears! I think she has got worse and worse as the renovation went along.
I'm amazed people swallow her bullshit! They aren't short of a quid, newly renovated home, both employed and STILL she has the balls to complain about her life and lockdown. Do people NOT remember she was a stay at home mother BEFORE the plague hit, obviously not.. 😡

Oh for the record if that dog is a pure breed then i'm a parrot! She was ripped off by her breeder and is never going to admit the truth online ever. Silly woman you could use your experience to educate other people on how NOT to get ripped off. selfish cow. 🐄
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She probably wants a Costa (skinny, of course) and to buy her kids some hot chocolates to make her feel like a good parent
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Chatty Member
Has ‘but we move’ taken the place of ‘I really do’ for most used phrase this week?
She is beyond annoying.
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VIP Member
WTF is the latest 🤬 essay about, the woe is me me me me post about her dealing with people fat shaming her, cue all the comments she will now get saying how gorgeous she is.
Well if she still try’s to say she’s a size 12 now we can DEFINITELY see she’s not, that photo is probably photo shopped and that weird twisted pose to try to make herself look slimmer!
The thing I think with Charlotte is, she is never going to be a teeny tiny size 8, which she would love, to go with the teeny tiny cute voice she puts on and the girly laugh and the doe eyes.
She’s naturally quite a large frame and you can’t change your build. Which is fine by the way. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing wrong with being a size 8 or a size 18. But until she accepts she’s not a size 12! And being healthy and maybe losing a few pounds is all about just eating less and moving more she’s never going to achieve what she wants.
She showed her ‘healthy’ snack box, and it was rammed, bloody hell if your trying to be healthy just have a piece of fruit or a yoghurt!!
It’s just the way she’s constantly trying to convince herself - and everyone else - that she’s a particular size or that she’s “lost a few lbs” by going out for 20minutes or having a fucking tomato with her cheese burger.
just stop going on about it. No one cares! If she would just stop bleating on about the sizes she pretends to buy her clothes in and if she stopped altering the images she’s posts of her body no one would mention a word.
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I don’t believe she’s run out of dog food entirely and that it can’t wait until the kids are in bed for ONE of them to pop out and get it?? Or yes, why can’t Mark watch them in his lunch break? Their relationship is pathetically one-sided
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Is she okay? Like is she all there in the head? What woman writes shit like this?!
We know she prefers the dog, as she keeps buying flowers which are toxic to the cat, and putting them on the hob. Tulips, Charlotte, if you're wondering.

Don't even start me off about influencers all putting flowers on the hobs. Must be some kind of secret code they have (aka they're all idiots).
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I can’t believe she’s going on about how she’s super mum, with all her stuff printed out, her MULTIPLE tablets on charge. How many people must be watching those stories feeling like crap because they don’t have the same resources for their kids?
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Yep I’m not sure she understands that bit, no point mixing with family/sharing a bed with Mark etc then sending him to the shop! 🙈
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Something does not sit right with me about a 33 year old woman acting like a giddy teenager. I'm cringing so hard for her, I'm also cringing for her kids who will one day be teenagers with a mother who acts like that.
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Well-known member
She is so so privileged that her family all live nearby. For so many people they can’t just go and stand in the driveway and chat to family. I really wish she’d stop banging on about seeing them for chats etc, it’s a bit rubbish for those of us who have family a bit further away (for me it’s only 40 mins drive, but not okay under current lockdown restrictions).
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Active member
Get a fucking grip Charl, YOU ARE SEEING THEM!!! You see or 'bump into them' all the fucking time. I've seen my parents once this year! Yes once! I've never not seen them at Christmas, my whole life. I bloody miss them and my kids miss them. But you know what, I'm a grown up and I act like a grown up for my and my family's sake.
Stop acting like a bloody child and have a word with yourself.
Oh and you can fuck off too with your patronising 'proud of you' bollocks.
Also crazy jealous that she still has grandparents at nearly 33, i'm the same age as her and mine have all passed aways yrs &yrs ago :(
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If I remember rightly she spent that entire month of singledom whinging dramatically (and very poetically I’m sure) about being a single mother. I wonder if it’s all still on her old blog...

Apologies for double-posting but I just scrolled all the way back to this...

The date on this post is January 29th. Er...
She needs to try being in my shoes; single for 4 years now. I am responsible for my 3 children, responsible for the upkeep of my house, bills, food on the table, self employed & with no father figure about OR family due to COVID.

so if she can do a month, she needs to try my length of time.
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For once you fecking selfish bi*tch try thinking of someone else for a change 🤬
Think of the delivery person that’s probably been up since the sparrows fart in the -4° temperature who hasn’t probably had a tea break, lunch break or any kind of break come to that!!! Who still has dozens and dozens of items still to deliver!!!!
Who cares about the delivery person? Well, you certainly don’t!! You can sit in your warm and cosy extended home, have a pot of endless money, a fridge freezer that’s bulging full of food, pretend that your life is oh so stressful home schooling 3 kids bla bla bla.......Whilst thousands of families don’t know when they’re going to get their next pay check or worry about being able to afford even the most basic of food 😢 but that’s all ok as long as you have your fecking Nespresso’s you selfish 🐮


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Is Mark not utterly mortified by her behaviour?? Discussing their sex life and contraception to thousands of strangers, completely publicly available? Can you imagine if his mates saw it all? She is utterly selfish, delusional and scarily self obsessed. All these “influencers” need a shit load of therapy. Seriously.
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