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our trace

VIP Member
Our Trace did all that whilst sitting in Les' million pound mansion shagging John Chadwick. Greedy, vile bastard.
She did indeed,wasn’t long before she shacked up with the old perv.
She sold absolutely everything,infact the piano which twat had wrapped should not of been given to her,the eldest children should of had that along with lots of other things.
Awful vile woman who trots around dripping in huge diamond rings(cubic zirconia)
Ten pairs of glasses on her head and Chanel brooches etc.and they are always eating out,fat lumps all of them.🤮
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Stupid drunken cunts 😖😖 about sums them up
What is it with her and the ludicrous leg in the air routine?? Remember that wedding photo of the bride & groom she gatecrashed with a leg kicking pose?? Fucking beyond inane?
Pob will be stuck up a Blackpool hooker tonight
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I think she should be very worried about Darren anus Jackson.
I’m wanting to now why he wasn’t arrested.
Exactly. He exposed himself in front of minors and then it was shared on social media. He should be throughly investigated. No normal person behaves like that around children and no normal person thinks it’s hilarious to have a grown man’s gaping arsehole next to their child’s face.
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our trace

VIP Member
She won’t shift her fat,she’s far to lazy,Jesus she just looks like a huge lump
Of lard on the carpet.
She simply can’t be arsed,she just wants peoples money so she can just buy
More unhealthy food.
She is actually a walking health hazard,she’s ripping people of and that’s their own gullible fault.
Be what ever size you please,eat what you want,drink what you want,but don’t sell a diet plan when you’re not doing it yourself.(prick)
Getting a hell of a workout in there
😂😂😂😂😂don’t get me wrong sit ups aren’t my thing either,but when you’re seeing this munter selling a diet scam I find it fucking embarrassing chazza,honestly get a real job you’re just looking like a twat right now.😂🥦
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Bobby Orange

VIP Member
It’s totally unacceptable. Does she not understand why it’s not?

Also… “We did graveh a bit thick but it’s still yummeh”

Have she managed to switch off auto correct?, does the Y not work on her keyboard..

And as born & bred Northerner I like thick gravy but I’ve angrily popped my flat cap on, quietly seethed out the ‘ouse with whippets after seeing the state of that so called gelatinous gravy… pure insult is that x
Do you think she knows you can simply add more water to the graveh to make it less of a solid and more of a liquid? Or is that to sciency for her?
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Pob's in 'ozzeh, how is she going to cope on her own? She can't cope just looking at her kids, let alone surviving alone with them!
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VIP Member
Thread suggestion:
Chazza’s lies are spinning out of control, she can never admit anything just blames it on a troll!
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our trace

VIP Member
Can’t stand sammi shitface,poor man is still being fleeced while trying to rest in peace.
Absolutely disgusting that she profits from that poor mans death.
Awful vile family,not one of them works for a living,grift and actually stealing of vulnerable idiots on Instagram 😡😡😡😡shame on them.
Even skid row is to good for them.
Trace has been out in Blackpool this morning with a begging bowl


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our trace

VIP Member
Jesus titty Christ,so les is now interfering with radio signals 😂😂😂😂
Oh my god,chazza you absolute reject.
I’m sorry but at this point she’s just being fucking deranged and being pathetic.
What a bellend,no one is interested luv,have you been reading the news.
She’s to far up her own chocolate wiz way to understand there is more to life than these cheap gigs she does.
And now sammi shit face is dragging her kids into this suicide prevention crap she’s plugging,saying crap because she’s not really interested because of her husband but rather the attention and money it brings her.
This family is unreal,go fund pages,griffting for free shit,you name it they do it.
Get a fucking job you smeg heads.
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our trace

VIP Member
So tracey is living at lemon tree court Blackpool,so she has a flat and sammi shit face obviously rents her mums house in lytham.
She lives in social care,retirement place for old coffin dodgers.
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2. No one should ever discourage anyone from reporting genuine concern for a child. There have been too many people not speaking up for not wanting to upset the applecart over the years, for this to be acceptable today. If you are concerned about a child you should always speak up. Better to be wrong than to allow abuse/neglect to continue. End of story.
This is so important. Her making out like ‘she knows’ who reported her is absolute bullshit and potentially will frighten people off reporting real concerns they have for a child over fear they may be ‘exposed’.
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our trace

VIP Member
She seriously has some quite nasty vile followers who sound like they are chav thugs.
All because some people made comments and spoke the truth 😂😂
Noah’s headstone (wasn’t anything to do with her Noah was it.)
She is lucky Darren’s asshole with Noah behind his asshole hasn’t been printed out and put around her home town,now the police would love that wouldn’t they.
I’m glad social services were called she’s stained for life now.
She stoops lower and lower for such old news,move on dear girl.
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Those videos of Noah are so odd, she’s so strange uploading 6 videos of it. No one find your kids funny except you (speaking as a parent) and the wine and eating tit grab gurn 😖 her videos have been more desperate recently (the Santa one🤮). Unfortunately for her kids it won’t be a feather coming back to haunt them it’ll be those videos
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Of course you care what people say because it's all true you deluded twat! 😂👍

"One's not toilet trained and one has a dummy". Why is she talking like F1 is two people. Your parenting is shite and you know it.

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