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Chatty Member
Surprised the woolly headband lover hasn’t knocked up a balloon and lights display for Les’s birthday!
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I know they're very popular but I hate graze tables, it's a fucking feral mess. If anyone has seen the movie The Platform, thats what they remind me of. (If you haven't seen it, don't bother , it was shit).
Imagine the mucky coke ridden hands touching the graze tables at that party.

Graze tables look so bacteria ridden. I wouldn't touch a thing off them


I can't fucking wait when he starts preschool with about 5 hours sleep beforehand.

Shithouse parent she is. GET HIM TO BED!!!!!!
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I hate the way she calls him “Matthew” - sounds so condescending like she’s talking to a child. I bet she’s a right nasty bitch behind closed doors.
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2-3 months? It’s been there for a year. It appeared after one of their piss up parties. It only ‘comes back’ if you forget to filter it out or someone else shares a non filtered photo of the child. You probably are seeing someone on 7th but it’s more likely to be a plastic surgeon who has waited until he turns 2 to think about doing something with what is more than likely a trauma scar. Even if was how she portrays it shame on her for waiting this length of time to get it looked at. I’m sure she assumes we are all as stupid as she appears to be. 😡
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Well I was right about her outfit being a monstrosity 😂😂😂. Why on earth doesn’t her mother tell her how stupid she looks.
Because she's the chief enabler who has moulded her into the attention seeking collosal cunt she is today 👌🏼
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It's good to see that Matt at least has corrected Noah and he's now consistently calling him Daddy. Chazza has no idea on how much she's missing out on the happiness you feel when your child calls you mummy!
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What was said please fill me in quickly x did someone call her out
She reckons people are making multiple accounts and sending her messages saying she didn't even know her dad that trolling or is that someone stating a fact. She apparently blocks them but they keep making new accounts..which wouldn't happen if she blocked them properly! 🤥🤥

Good to hear she's sorted her dms problem out and she's now able to get her messages 🙄
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our trace

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Here’s a perfect woollen head band for sammy shit stain.
Suicide mentors to others my ass hole more like scamming people out of their money to fund your shit lifestyle,how can you go around acting like you care about your dead husband when you started riding cock within a few weeks
Dirty freeloading scum.


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Chatty Member
The constant fake tan line on her forehead looks dreadful I can’t believe people even buy that crap! I still can’t believe she doesn’t wash herself for a whole week until she scrubs that oompa loompa lotion off her. Dirty skanky cow.

The ‘lovey’ videos of her and Matt make me want to vom. It’s so uncomfortable, forced and as fake as her Wallace teeth.

She can’t even take her own child out by herself just proves she cannot be trusted alone with him. If she can’t even take him to the local park without bagpuss osbourne shuffling behind what’s the point in ‘trying’ for another?

I’d hate to work at the nursery Noah attends, I bet he’s a right little feral shit because his ‘mother’ is too busy filming him having tantrums instead of teaching him. Absolutely vile. Matt grow some fucking balls! And put your foot down, especially if you love that boy!

P.s didn’t wanna see up matts shorts on that video 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Does Noah ever wear clothes when he’s indoors?? Hes always walking around in a nappy like some feral child. She’s so fucking lazy

And she’s deffo reading here now he’s refusing to get dressed 😂😂😂 hi chazza 👋🏻 It’s lunchtime he should have been dressed hours ago and you should instead of wading around in your stinky pjs!! He has zero routine so he is going to play up. Carry on noah give your mum hell for dragging you up rather than bringing you up!!!! 😂
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