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Active member
The constant fake tan line on her forehead looks dreadful I can’t believe people even buy that crap! I still can’t believe she doesn’t wash herself for a whole week until she scrubs that oompa loompa lotion off her. Dirty skanky cow.

The ‘lovey’ videos of her and Matt make me want to vom. It’s so uncomfortable, forced and as fake as her Wallace teeth.

She can’t even take her own child out by herself just proves she cannot be trusted alone with him. If she can’t even take him to the local park without bagpuss osbourne shuffling behind what’s the point in ‘trying’ for another?

I’d hate to work at the nursery Noah attends, I bet he’s a right little feral shit because his ‘mother’ is too busy filming him having tantrums instead of teaching him. Absolutely vile. Matt grow some fucking balls! And put your foot down, especially if you love that boy!

P.s didn’t wanna see up matts shorts on that video 🤦🏽‍♀️
Is this a tan line on his face 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


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VIP Member
Seems scamming really does pay off 🤔

How is she going to be able to maintain that house in years to come? She's probably made the most she's ever gonna make with her shit tan and belleh blaster scam. People are getting sick of her as it is and beginning to see right through her. She's not going to have the money coming in for much longer. Absolute dreamer.
Gonna have to start reporting Pob now to the ASA for undeclared ads. Absolute Instabegs.

So it's Sammy's birthday today - no birthday wishes from Pob on his Insta and he doesn't look too happy in the background with them laying around on the floor!


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All that food waste. Is that Chazza shouting in the background? Hardly a song for a 2yr old's party!

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Chatty Member
Who’s insta is sharing the pics of Chazza in her bizarre dress please? I’ve looked at hers, Pobs, Sam Giffen’s & her Mum’s but nothing there…? 🧐
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VIP Member
You can tell that he really hates her! You're not fooling anybody with your fake displays of happiness. The relationship died a death a long time ago! Pob's face! 😂

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Active member
I'm not missing the point at all...doesn't matter if she paid for the items or not, she's still advertising them and that means she has to mark her stories as #ad. If the items were gifted she has to mark them as gifted.
The margin is a bit wider than that - they are expected to declare ads when they've received any form of monetary payment, a loan of a product or service, any incentive and/or commission or have been given the product they're posting about for free
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Active member
It's part of her 'job' to declare if the items are gifted or part of a paid promotion. Doesn't matter if its for Noahs birthday! It's her actual job and the bare minimum she is legally required to do ! And absolutely she has to be reported !

Personally I think it's grim that they beg for freebies for something they should want to pay for themselves!...
You missed my point, your making a big assumption that this was gifted because of her job. How do you know it wasn’t paid for us what I’m saying. Because she tags the company doesn’t mean it’s been gifted. I often tag companies I BUY from
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VIP Member
State of that outfit!!! 😂😂😂😂

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