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I still cannot believe she thought she looked good in that horrendous outfit.

What a fucking clown! 😂😂😂😂😂




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So little Nowhere scratched her and she still sits there filming it whilst he is is still playing up and wanting her attention.

Her pupils are like pissholes in the snow. She is pissed 💯 in the morning and still in her pyjamas and looks wrecked. No way should that child be around her. She is a fucking disgrace and Pob needs to stand up, grow some balls and DO SOMETHING. ASAP! 🤬

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Committed dwp fraud but still flounce around like they own lytham and are millionaires.
I can’t stand them,all of them scam and beg and set up go fund pages to fund themselves.
It’s got to stop for this family and people need to wake up and see them for what they are,lowlife begging criminals is what they are.
Charlotte,tracey,And sammy shit face your all disgusting money grabbing cunts,and that is why my dear sammy shitstain your lovely husband killed himself because of you.
What tea do you have to know ye killed himself because of her?
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Chatty Member
Does chazza’s mum live in Lytham still in a flat or Blackpool? Bit of a come down from the lovely mansion she had to off load 🤔
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He's already showing signs of being difficult! Absolutely no way she's going to cope with the terrible 2s plus a newborn!
Definitely not, I’m struggling enough with a 2 year old in a good sleep routine who can actually communicate, she’s got no chance 😂
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How can get fella find her sexy she gives me the boke seriously I hate the way she over exaggerates her personality it’s so fake and I bet her fann*y smells rotten
He's repulsive too!!! Perfect match! 😂😂

This type of 'creation' should be banned full stop. It's beyond sick and fucking weird. 🤢



And here we have it. A rant about the 'phantom trollz'. How mysterious that you have absolutely NO proof yet again Chazza - you liar.


Thing is Chazza, you din't need to get sexeh for Pob. He's far too busy getting 'balls deep' elsewhere and this new 'wholesome family' image isn't fooling anybody at all! 💯


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VIP Member
More choc choc and she's still stuffing her pea face too!

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Ooosh what a dog. 🤢

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POB you have SOLD OUT. Grow some BOLLOCKS and get you and your son away from this vile alcoholic, drugged up tramp. You are as bad as she is. SS need to get involved again.

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