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Chatty Member
What a morning, catching up on this thread!!

Love that TL literally doesn’t give a fuck about Cassy. He is all over Jess. Casually walks over to Slaggy after she’s been ‘hit’ never asks if she’s ok or shouts at Jess for hitting his pregnant ‘wife’
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They wasn’t woman enough? Jess is tryin her hardest to get to cassy and the dumpy little shit bag is hiding In front of 2 recording cameras and hiding behind Tommy Lee 🤡🤣😭 she thought she was safe to get mouthy and hit the old woman bcos she thought hubby would save her didn’t bargain on Jess flipping and him doing sweet fuck all.
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I have sent everything to the police. Cassy may not have wanted to press charges but do the police know all the facts or just her one-sided take on it? I'm not a grass but those children deserve to be safe and secure. It's just basics otherwise they will grow up to be traumatised or replicate their parents behaviour and think it's ok. In the past, I've contacted B&Bs old school and the council with safeguarding concerns but nothing ever gets done. Enough is enough now. Those kids need professional intervention and fast.
Jess is good mother that will do anything for her children and if you have watched all 3 videos you will see she was pushed to the edge like she’s been doing to her for the last 4/5 years!! All that reporting to the police has done is get a 7 month present jess in trouble) Cassy knew what she was doing
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Jess didn't want to go to Cassy's house, she wanted to meet her in a public place..... Who is too say that the grandmother, Jess and the kids hadn't been out for the day and was collecting TL on the way home!!!! I think someone is actually up Cassy's arse here and your just as laughable as her!!!?? The text messages between your idol and Jess were shared and you can see that Cassy wanted Jess at Cassy's house! Your mate is an old shit bag. Go suck her hole and get your eyebrows tatto'd by an old prosititute, your clearly also an old loveny. 🤣🤣🤣 Look Cassy I stuck up for you 🤣🤣 There's no loyalty points for you loveny.... Cassy ain't even loyal to her children hence why they are thrown around a motor on a daily basis..... My points are very relevent.... YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW!
I don’t really understand half of what you’ve said. But what I’m getting from your posts is that you don’t think before you type.
I’ll repeat what I’ve said a little clearer, choices were made by both parties and none of those choices put the kids first.
I think my other opinions were pretty clear, maybe you should go back and read them before you respond again.
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Cass as gone back to clothes selling and jp coz shes going skint 🤦. Her money is going, her clients arent going back to her. She got rid of the range rover coz it was too much to insure. Million Aire Trend setter my arse.... Wait for the house up for sale and she ends up in a mobile!!! Watch this space
She tried to sell it not long ago but no-one wanted it.. They kept reducing the price so cassie had to pretend that she'd made the decision to stay and give it another go but the reason shes still in that house is cause she couldn't sell it
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VIP Member
The whole calling someone a husband who isn’t a husband (and keeps being deleted as husband) is weird. It’s not a flex or a trend it’s mental
That reveal video is cringe none of them look happy apart from Sasha and very suss posting without sound, bet you could hear a pin drop.
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Thing is tho If Tommy leeeeeeeee wasn’t a wet wipe and could have taken his kid back himself this wouldn’t have happened. Why was Cassy the one in touch with jess about the drop off?
Good for Elizabeth smocked dresses! Pops a couple of good on that post! Couple of photos! Post from jade. Hopefully she will post the Tattle link. Comments about the way she talks, how can she teach her kids 😂😂😂
Chicken wanker on the defensive 😂😂🥳🥳
Chicken wanker would defend Cassy if she murdered someone in cold blood. She knows her daughter is a wrongen
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To me that video looks like a heavily pregnant woman and her mother and children were under attack from an unstable jealous prostitute and her pumped up pimp. In a moment of sheer panic to get away and protect herself and her unborn baby she jumped in the car and tried get away in such speed that she lost control of the vehicle causing it to veer off the road and up the curb. That’s how I would interpret it so let’s hope that’s what the police believe too 🤞
I think that sounds 100% correct
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I love jade shea a good girl and a brillaint mum. She has coated cassy for years she hates her as much as we do and she would smash the granny out of Cassandra if she ever got hold of her trust me jade would and could fight 3 men haha! Shed smash cassy up and down her road so hard she wouldnt have a jaw left to shout out Tommy leeeeeee
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Chatty Member
The TikTok of Bunny is disgusting. The song she’s singing and how she’s dancing, yet it’s school that corrupts them 🙄
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Chatty Member
How pretentious, not to mention downright dangerous for a little one. Those beads can easily come off and how is she going to wash it all when it's covered in upchuck! Just goes to show she ain't got a clue.
Her girl almost got run over and she didn’t give a shit, I doubt she’d care about beads on pillows. Child safety don’t even enter her head 🥲
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Chatty Member
Calling an unborn child fat, referencing pig emojis. what an absolute joke she is. She needs to look closer. Crank cunt she is.
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She’s so proud when they get sunburned “getting some colour” she’s off her rocker 😂
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I’ve watched these videos and they knock me sick, but let’s have it right, the ex could have left at any time. She chose not to drive off and keep arguing and put her own mother and kids in that position, they even told the little boy to shut up rather than take him out the situation. Every adult in this situation is scum for what they’ve subjected the kids to, in fairness the only one trying to diffuse it was TL although he was a sh@tbag at the end only caring about himself.

it baffles me though that anyone can condone driving a car at a pregnant woman and child, because let’s have it right her kid was stood there next to her when the car was driven at them. And you can hear and see the car hit her.
they should all get their kids taken away and placed in homes where they are safe and secure and don’t have to witness this filth
You ok 🤣 slaggy knew what she was doing she made Jess go to the house she caused this all
Jess only reacted because once again slaggy put her hands on her mum
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