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Announcing it on christmas day, even though its so early, to make sure the day is all about you and not children. This will end in a miscarriage and more fake tears and attention seeking. IF its real and she goes full term, she is in for a shock, she loves to dump the girls at the weekend but she will still have the baby. Don't see Bunny being pleased about not being centre of attentiin anymore either!
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She had a affair with T when she was with Bill. Bill was on his stag do when he found out apparantly. It was about the same time her house got robbed. T was her mate Jess’s baby dad and they had a fight. Cassy and her brothers ended up worse off 😂
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Why does she set her phone in the exact position to record herself, then prance around pretending it’s not planned and she’s just genuinely that crazy and spontaneous 🙈😭 I cringe for her daily
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VIP Member
I wonder if she’s done this like a proper bunny boiler. Collected the sample so to speak 😂
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Angel and the covic lockdown when she went live crying. Cassy was living in a shitty caravan in Angels garden 😂
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Chatty Member
6 holidays? She’s counting the ones G paid for. Lets face it the only decent one she took the kids on was to Mexico and she didn’t even do anything there. Just stayed at the resort. The others she was by herself and was only there for like 4 days. Doesn’t exactly cost much and when you don’t pay tax and claim benefits like she does, isn’t hard to book somewhere.
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Chatty Member
Right, as I didn't get much of a response from Channel 5, I've emailed the Harley Street Fertility clinic 😂
Should have attatched the self harm picture with her two small children in it ask them if they are happy they have allowed another child to be round that. Sick sick girl she is
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Could of had her eggs harvested and implanted into a carrier. She did have that op a couple months ago and showed pics of her stomach bandaged?
This is plausible I suppose… if it were anybody but Cassy.
Announces a pregnancy despite drinking and smoking; you could suggest she’s not carrying the baby herself.
That said, she has NOT got a surrogate carrying her baby.
1: TL is not interested in having a baby with Cassy at all, there’s no way on Earth she’d have convinced him to go through any extended process.
2: Surrogates generally go through an an extensive selection process and get-to-know the Intended Parents.
Find it incredibly unlikely anyone selfless and generous enough to bring a baby into the world would meet Cassy and think she’s a deserving mother over couples that are desperate and have waited almost a decade.
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VIP Member
She’s really milking the pregnancy illness isn’t she, thought the magic milkshakes made it all better? God knows why anyone is buying them off her that’s if they actually are!
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VIP Member
Unless Cassy states in her terms that full amount should be paid upon cancellation then she can’t do a thing. Karma for when she refused to give that girl her money back when cassy kept cancelling and rearranging her app
There’s literally no trace of that now the pair of them must have deleted everything
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VIP Member
What clinic would impregnate this creature ? She’s so underweight , she’s on too many sunbeds and fave full of filler from a dodgy supplier . So unethical . That poor baby 🙃
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