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Carrie Hope Fletcher #44: The Wicked Fairy Godmother fails to cast a spell that will spin this insanity into a healthy reality
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This was on the latest ATM post.
I’m putting it here because the reply is perfect and no doubt it will be deleted soon
Haha I think it already was deleted! But honestly it's not even a rude response - if I was say, pregnant with my first child and someone was like "any tips for childbirth?" I might have some ideas but obviously I wouldn't really know yet and be a bit confused as to why they would ask.

Bit weird to ask them how they navigate something when they have only been in that situation since, what, yesterday? As if they're experts on LDRs after that lol
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The Duke in the stage version of moulin rouge is hot, he is a creep but a hot creep. And zidler is usually cast older and has some warmth to him so I don't see Joel as either of those.

Oliver however could possibly be The Duke, although maybe a bit young
fair point! i saw the understudy who went full creep but i definitely agree that the original recording is hot creep! i also never on any level want to hear joel sing only girl in the world so i rescind my original statement 🤣
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Did you ever like a comment? That's usually how people get blocked by them
Nope! I’ve literally done nothing to insinuate *hate* actually followed Carrie for years, she blocked me last week for no reason and now Joel and the couple’s account are gone! No idea why!?
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Yea I'm not liking this walkawaycarrie page. It does just feel like they're doing anything they can to trash the relationship. "She looks thrilled to be back in his company" she's just come back from a long haul trip and been thrown straight back in to rehearsal she's probably knackered! I've done the uk-wdw and back trip and honestly I didn't want to do anything for days 😂 it was so hard to adjust back to normal life after a tiring 2 weeks in Disney World.
You know what? Tough! She could've always said no, both to the free holiday and the terrible looking dinner!🤣
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I heard someone suggest Simon Lipkin for the London transfer and now I can’t imagine anyone else doing it. Now there’s a triple threat - plus naturally comedic down to his very bones AND a skilled puppeteer. Joel could never. 😅
I had the biggest crush on that man in 2007 lol, went to see Avenue Q for my 16th birthday! We know he can do trekkie monster's voice so he could totes be beetlejuice!

If we are paralleling Brightman, I saw David Fynn in SOH and he is amazing too
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Carrie, listen to yourself from 10 years ago.

“Personally I’m someone who falls in love very quickly, because I’m very emotional and very passionate and as soon as I find someone I really like and have a lot in common with and want to share experiences with, I suddenly get attached to that person and part of that just becomes falling in love with them. However when I look back at the times I’ve said “I love you” to someone, the phrase “I love you” in hindsight I have said it without meaning it. I’ve said it because I love them in that moment but as soon as that moments faded I suddenly realize what I’ve said has been quite extreme and quite intense and that I didn’t actually mean it long term, I just meant it in that moment…that’s quiet a big thing to admit…especially to the people I’ve said it to, I’m sure people have said it to me and felt exactly the same way so it works both ways I guess”
She used to be so eloquent and self-aware. What happened?
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If they all get booked, an easy £1900 for less than an hours work
Speaking of her easy earners, what happened to her online acting masterclasses? Did the previous one she absolutely raked the cash in from, not go down so well or something?
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Posting the stupid candles gift on both their accounts and their shared account with a shared #discount code.
I’m howling! At this point they’re basically caricatures of themselves!
All they are ever sent is candles. They must have cupboards full.
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Finally caught up!

Was searching for that walkawaycarrie Insta only to find it’s already been taken down 😂 didn’t even get a chance to look at it lol!

Them and this allthingsmontague is just hypocritical! They’ve moaned no one knows their relationship to comment on it but they make a joint Insta for their “love story”, what a joke 😂. It’s probably more Joel than Carrie but I don’t wanna here any complaints from the asscrack twins when people comment on their relationship coz they are now actively encouraging people to get invested.

And not to mention the narrative they are going for is just bollocks, does Carrie not realise it makes her sound terrible😂
Good!! Let it make her sound terrible! She needs to know shes not perfect and a gift from god!
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He seems like the kind of guy that would become jealous of his own kids getting too much attention from Carrie
Yes unfortunately that would most definitely happen because Joel is a Narcissist.

Inspired by all the red flag walking references, please sing to the tune of Dead Girl Walking starting from 'Yeah, full speed ahead'

Yeah, full speedos ahead,
Joel's a red flag walking,
Trying to break the web,
Joel's a red flag walking,
12 presents left from you,
He will chew his coffee, chew,
Both your whole ass cracks are here,
The images won't disappear,
He tags you, repost and share,
Kiss reels there and there and there,
After work you're talking;
Why do you love the red flag walking?!
This great song should come with a TW, I nearly wet myself reading the lyrics 🤣💀🤣💀
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It's not so much an implication that there is an overlap (although there might be) just that the commenter is moving quick with her boyfriend under the "when you know you know" mantra, even though her boyfriend already has at least one failed marriage under his belt - and she does not seem to see the irony of that 😭
They're not the brightest are they! LOL.
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If he gets dropped by Hamilton, that gives Carrie an out. She can use the excuse that that was the wake up call and once her perspective was shifted she could see all the warning signs for what they were.

Having been in a really awful situation myself it is amazing the amount of stuff you rationalise away until something happens that you can’t get past (and then, at least in my case, you spend the next two years asking yourself how you could’ve let someone do that to you and why you didn’t walk away sooner). Like it wasn’t even the worst thing to happen in the relationship, objectively speaking, but it was something I couldn’t make an excuse for in any universe and once I looked at everything he was doing and had done through the lens of “you are capable of awful things” then I was in a place to step back and start moving away.

If something happens, like Hamilton drop him for breach of contract over poor behaviour, that could wake Carrie up.

Also it’s perfect for the next book, poor Stardust Bling has just been fired from her job as a reporter at the Big City Newspaper where she wrote hard hitting serious journalism about the evil overlords of Working Town who fired people by tweet. Big City Newspaper editor Oppenheimer Offal of course kept on Asparagus Montreal who writes the weekly weight loss column and probably definitely slept her way into the job. When she’s outside the office crying on the kerb with her cardboard box of awards for integrity a mysterious figure shows up and asks what’s wrong “I just wish I could only see the good. I’ve been in this line of work too long and I’ve lost all Hope!” The next day a strange parcel shows up at her front door, a ring with a green emerald. When she puts it on Stardust can *only* see the good, clouds have literal silver linings the bus being late gives her more time to sit and listen to the birds singing. The longer she wears the ring the more it affects those around her, her friends talk about the upside of their house burning down. A gentleman turns up, Rocky Capulet, and everything he does is wonderful. He tells her that they’re going to rob a bank, the one where Prince Lord Webster keeps his money and give it to the people who were fired via twitter. Stardust starts to worry this is wrong, rich people just work harder than poor people, they can’t help their success! But Rocky convinces her to trust him “I hope you’re right about this!” She follows him into the bank and uses her investigative powers of deduction to work out the code to the safe. When Rocky sees all the gold piled up inside the vault he pushes Stardust aside and rushes in. Oh no! Her ring, when she fell it flew off her hand and wouldn’t you know it turns out the ring was enchanted but now the spell is broken, she can see Rocky Capulet for the swamp monster he was all along. Quick thinking Stardust slams the safe door shut and traps the wicked creature inside until the police arrive. At the parade thrown in her honour the mayor tells Stardust she needs to be careful not to trust people so easily and this makes Stardust sad, she goes on to write a best seller that wins the Nobel peace prize about however awful your past experiences have been it’s important to never learn from them. The title- Carry Hope Forever
Fucking fantastic. Would read, 10/10.
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So he drove all her stuff to Canterbury, but she’s going back home tonight anyway? He’s basically just become her chauffeur. (She probably has too much crap to transport it on the train, but she could’ve travelled home today and then they both could’ve driven her back to Canterbury with her stuff tomorrow assuming she goes back tomorrow)
She truly can't be without her freebies even for a day
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If all was someone from here, please come forward. It’s absolute genius and we need to adequately thank you 😂
I think they kinda admitted it at the time but I can't remember the username. Someone suggested it (jokingly? idk) and someone replied 'i'll do my best' or 'i'll see what i can do'. Something along those lines. I don't think I've seen anyone confirm it was them since that comment though

edit- even if I did know the username, I wouldn't repeat it. Jowl and Carrot can search for it themselves if they're that bothered lol
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I was wondering earlier ..what the Hottie's friends are trying to represent in the musical? I believe that I roughly know the storyline of frozen and have never seen those felted hat people before 🤔 unless they are supposed to replace the troll creatures?
they do replace the troll creatures, it’s a new segment for the musical where they end up half dressed. Very amusing 😆
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