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I think it was because she spaced out her comments and replies so that the thread wasn’t overwhelmed with these kind of comments. It was figured out when Moonscale started to comment more frequently and people realised she was saying the same things over and over again and only posted supportive comments- there was also analysing of Carrie’s writing style. The triple x thing also gave her away- there was another user later on that was suspected of being Carrie too but I can’t remember the username anymore. Some people thought we were being highly suspicious because Carrie had been there before, I’m still convinced that she did come back.
But she was being sooooo busy during that time! How could she possibly have time to defend herself against haters????
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Chatty Member
This has probably already been mentioned
How does she not get proper stressed out with her books in colour order? What if you want to get a book but can’t remember what colour the cover is?
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Also frozen's audience are more likely to go maskless because they're so young and the parents may not cover up. The behaviour is not great during the show.

I'd thought it would be closed by now given how it was when I saw it back in November.
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Why have Sony given Carrie a £500 camera to promote vlogging... She rarely makes good quality videos. Why not give it to someone who is more deserving
Her vlogs haven't been good since she did Heathers. That's going on three years now with half assed vlogs and online tantrums.
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McFly’s success definitely wasn’t a coincidence - that’s the point. They put out an ad in The Stage to find Dougie and Harry. The label manufactured them and basically guaranteed success before they were even a full band.

And his reaction in the tweets was a classic Fletcher move, to be angry and defensive instead of, y’know, just calmly explaining the situation. If he’d done that in the first place (or any of them had in fairness, but he did like to play the ‘frontman’) then it wouldn’t have got to that point.

Classic Fletcher twist on the Royal Family to “Never explain, always complain.”
I don't agree tbh. There's a lot of things that they discuss on things like discord or MTA which people who aren't fans don't see. I've been a fan of mcfly for a long time so know how it all went down, but will agree to disagree on that
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She put a warning before she posted it. If people are weird enough to do that they don’t need anything to copy from
It reminds me of when people realised Tom's (now old) address was on companies house, and people started sending him letters. And others used the info and said they planned to go to his house. I can't remember if anyone actually did because this was years ago now, but it shows how quick people latch onto ideas, and the scary thing is, you never know someone's true intentions
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Queen Elizabeth isn’t even that interesting 😂 92 stories?! Christ.
I visited my friend in Chicago back around Halloween (don't worry I was negative and vaxed), and we took a bunch of pics together. That's because we haven't seen each other in like five years. I haven't posted to Insta since. The most used sm I have is snapchat. And that's bc of streaks and shit. Damn, she's obsessed with attention.
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Yes that's right, it featured Ivano doing that Only You Lonely You song, I think it is the only piece of Cindermehla promo that hasn't featured Carrie.

Was a fairly dreadful programme, mainly because of the lack of any audience/applause made it totally soulless and without any atmosphere, but also because Sheridan Smith has turned into some hideously saccharin sweet "everything is awesome" weirdo over the last few years, and then her and Amanda Talentless Holden both absolutely murdering "I Know Him So Well" together was the final straw. Avoid.
I'd rather they use Ivano more, unlike Carrie he doesn't seem to have issues performing outside his theatre! I actually think his song is beautiful but tbf I saw it on that show first last year and was pretty neutral on it at the time, it definitely grew on me.

As for Sheridan and Amanda massacring their duet... I shuddered & cringed my way through that as I recall. Hideous.
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The fact that they live together does make me think she might get it though…
I wonder how she’ll react if she does get it- she’d probably act like she’s the only person to get it! When she is sick she’s very dramatic about it.
If they isolate away from each other, she shouldn’t necessarily catch it. When I had it last year I kept away from my husband and my son by only staying in my room for 10 days - neither of them got it. Same happened last week when my husband caught it, he isolated and me and my son stayed negative. But of course, that’s not as dramatic for Carrie - she’s probably staying as close to Oliver as possible for full milking of the situation!
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At least she's not sharing her bowel movements and every single menstrual cycle, it could alway be worse XD.
  • Haha
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Funny that Carrie still hasn’t liked that epic clip of Lauren Byrne singing I Know I Have A Heart. Given she follows rainbowhighnotes on Insta and has liked other posts on their page, it seems quite deliberate that she hasn’t liked this one. Which is odd considering she claims to adore Lauren so much and is supposedly sooooo supportive of understudies/alternates these days. 🤔
Lmao Carrie can't handle anyone else having the spotlight.
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I think most people use tattle as a platform to voice their opinions about certain celebrities/ influences behaviour/ actions away from posting stuff on the persons social media as that can be seen as harassment or bullying. If celebrities/ influences chose to look on rattle that is their own choice. I know that I personally have never commented on her social media, DMed her or had any interaction at all. I think that’s the same for most users on here.

And then you have a small minority of crazies on here who are obsessed and actively stalk people. This is why influences need to be very careful with what information about themselves they share online. And people shouldn’t doxx on tattle.
Yeah, Tattle does have clear rules on harassing the people being discussed, which includes directly communicating with them. It's why people can get banned from the forum by deliberately sending influencers messages/comments intended to rile them (which they then post about on here for clout) - not to mention guarantee themselves a block from the influencer in question.

I have seen it go both ways, where someone either from here or who found Tattle has a result has legitimately asked a question or offered advice and had the influencer then blow up at them/get very passive aggressive. But while Tattle allows for speculation and less than glowing discussion, it's pretty strict on what can actually be considered trolling. For instance, any posts insulting children's looks are usually flagged with a warning if not outright removed.
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She shouldn't of shared the poster because she has young followers, and it also opens the doors for more sickos to see it and copy
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Are there any other backstage bloggers to watch? I only really watch her backstage ones so would like more!
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Are we expecting Carrie to be part of this "National Lottery Big Night of Musicals" event since she has retweeted WOS' story about it?

Weirdly it mentions Andrew Lloyd Webber’s School of Rock rather than Cindermehla, but I guess that's because School of Rock now has an active UK tour (at least I presume it's gone ahead). Maybe Cinders is one of the "to be announced".
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Next thread title suggestion: Carrie Woke Fletcher

As usual she has to get her 2 cents in and speak about matters that have nothing to do with her and her privileged lifestyle
Next thread tile suggestion: Carrie Woke fletcher: stick to terrorising Edgar

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