Caroline Stanbury #3

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True. She HAS to be bored with this now! Thisbis what I think the situation is. She cannot leave Dubai as Cem is maybe insisting that the kids live there until they're 18. Because other than that I cannot see why she would want to be there at all!
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Well, someone is filling her in on what is being said on this thread (yea, us!) as she started out by saying that she is not a therapist but it is just her opinion. I have been saying that for a long time- she acts like she is a marriage therapist and has no background but nothing but her personal opinion which is so negative and biased. Lets start with this podcast that she claims is making her the big bucks. Her podcast is laced with profanity for whatever reason she feels necessary to use- so it makes it unprofessional and trashy even if she had good information to share. It makes her sound cheap and ignorant. She is back to talking about her wedding to Cem (repeated many times) which leads me to believe she is still in love with him. She lied within 5 minutes into her podcast by saying that she is 43 when she got married (she actually was 45 and will be 46 next month). She keeps talking about how everyone can find their very own Sergio- why would she think anyone would want this immature, horrible man? She is talking about how she had everything she wanted when she was married to Cem (we have heard all this before) and how she realizied that she had it all and doesn't need it anymore. She just rambles on and on and on. She basically said that Sergio doesn't want her to have a girls night out. She said she is okay with that. That is the red flag right there! She is being told by this punk arse when she can go out and when she can't and if she goes, he is going with her. By her admitting that out loud tells everyone now that he is as manipulative and controlling as we all though. He is basically running her life and for whatever reason she has accepted. it. But CS if you are reading this, don't give your nasty advice about a young girl's dream about planning a wedding and beginning a family and life. We women all have our dreams when we are young and in love and if we make mistakes along the way that is part of learning and life. Your miserable, jealous, and bitter opinions should be kept to yourself. Don't ruin a young woman's dreams for her future based on your disasters. Sorry for the rambling- but she is way too much.

Sorry, one more thing- when did she become so obsessed with her sex life and hanging on chandeliers and all the other stuff she says now. Why all of a sudden is she obsessed with sharing such a initmate part of a relationship? Does it make her feel younger or what? These weekly podcast she does are her private therapy session as she opens up and all she talks about is herself- past and present. When she keeps saying she has tons of girlfriends that do this and do that - she is referring to herself. Sorry, enough from me- she just grates my nerves (but I can't stop listening to it,)
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I don't remember her ever having such a "potty mouth" as she does now. She seems to think by cursing like that is either makes her feel young and cool or she is that angry with life. For whatever reason I don't see where it benefits her in the business world. She does come across so very bitter and lots of regrets about her past and failed marriage that she spews it all out once a week. Most people wouldn't take her advice because it's apparent she is angry and is all based on a previous lifestyle that most of us couldn't relate to. I think what she is trying to do is make people believe that her marriage and life to Cem was all wrong and everything he provided for her was wasteful and didn't mean anything to her. This is to make up for the downsizing lifestyle she has found herself in since marrying this idiot. She is smart enough to realize that everyone knows that IQ27 can't begin to give her what she had with Cem. She claims that she had a big house and she didn't want it (really?) this is to mask the fact that she is now in a small townhouse. Very bitter woman.
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I am wondering if the twin that doesn't get along with Sergio, Aaron?, lives full time with Cem as we never ever see him anymore in the very brief glimpses of her children that we do see these days.
They'd all be better of with their father, especially her daughter as she's at that vulnerable ago.

Ok, so I'm not a violent person but they both make me want to smack their smug shiny faces
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True. She HAS to be bored with this now! Thisbis what I think the situation is. She cannot leave Dubai as Cem is maybe insisting that the kids live there until they're 18. Because other than that I cannot see why she would want to be there at all!
Are they just writing the same things down every day?
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True. She HAS to be bored with this now! Thisbis what I think the situation is. She cannot leave Dubai as Cem is maybe insisting that the kids live there until they're 18. Because other than that I cannot see why she would want to be there at all!

I really doubt the kids are keeping her there, she is detached from them and probably would be extremely happy if she only had to deal with them on school holidays and leave them in Dubai with Cem during the school term.

I would say the real reason for her staying in Dubai is to keep herself afloat financially, she has a few sponsorships there, which she would not have anywhere else, certainly not in LA or in London, she got the RHOD gig only because she was living in Dubai, she certainly wouldn't get on any of the other RH programmes. The house help, the cars, property etc would be unaffordable elsewhere. What else could she do, she has no career to fall back on.

"when did she become so obsessed with her sex life and hanging on chandeliers and all the other stuff she says now. Why all of a sudden is she obsessed with sharing such a initmate part of a relationship?"

What is that saying 'the lady doth protest too much' ...... I am really beginning to believe he is gay and either she knew it from the outset and was okay to have what she thought was a young cute guy at her side to try to bring interest and enhance her profile, , or he still has not fully come out of the closet, maybe in denial to himself. But when you see him with the other gay men that Caroline hangs out with, it is very clear that he fits right in.

I had a friend who had a boyfriend who turned out to be gay, needed a girlfriend for his career and the circles he was hanging out in, she said he knew exactly what to do with a woman's body during sex, took her a while to realise something was not right about it all. It took her ages to recover from the betrayal of finding out he was gay.
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Exactly. She has sponsorship deals and get freebies in Dubai. Anywhere else, especially in LA this wouldnt happen. Dubai is all about being showy and glamorous but a lot of people that live that life there are living beyond their means. Caroline receives all these freebies otherwise she wouldnt be able to live the 'instagram lifestyle' they like to showcase on their socials.
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Soooooo.. Caroline Brooks (other "housewife of Dubai") actually spent some time shopping (4 hours according to her story) at the Mall with....wait for it.....ready?? Yasmine, CS's daughter taaadaaaaa!!
So Caroline Brooks can spend 4 hours with someone else's daughter but CS can't even do that with her her own daughter?? Ugh this woman is really more and more disgusting with every passing day.
Meanwhile, her and the moron are off to do an other freebie "massazzz" "ohmygad guys look at zees.. Haamaaazing".
And how many times are they going to show us the spot they got married??

Yes exactly right. Dubai is the only place she can make a pretense of having money. Dubai is well known now for "influencers" and fakeness. Besides the really wealthy there (who by the way don't flaunt it apart from a few exceptions), it's all air.
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Are they preparing CS daughter to be an instagrammer ? Didn't someone call that on one of these threads earlier ? That could be fun, Yasmine totally destroying IQ27 and by association, her mother.

Seriously though, it must be humiliating for her children to see someone like IQ27, publicly groping their mother and their mother allowing herself to be degraded by someone as sleazy as he is. Those kids will, unfortunately, suffer psychological trauma from having a mother who is emotionally absent and unavailable to them.
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What the hell has he got on?

I’m wondering where the old Caroline is? I feel something is definitely wrong. He undermines her so much n she seems to let him. The old Caroline was feisty and had no problem saying what she thought. Quite sad really. I could not cope with a manchild wanting to be around me morning, noon and night. He grates on me for the few minutes I see of his stories never mind living with him.


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More to the point, what the hell is she wearing !!!
Her Grandma Legs (Super Knobbly Knees) with those Vile Grandma Shoes (which make them look even Knobblier)
And earlier the Ugly Trousers!
Then she has the Nerve to plug one of her many ‘try to make money’ ventures - ‘Aquarius Luxury Concierge’ for people to go to, for How to Dress Advice


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Also what the hell is Raffles the Palm getting from these freeloaders? They give them rooms and free dining ( I presume) but talking about Raffles on their stories must hardly create any new business for Raffles. Firstly, if you live in Dubai you will know the best Hotels to stay and dine at, secondly, anyone living elsewhere in the world would hardly book a stay there based on these two I really am getting so peed off with the smug slimeball Sergio. He is a kid in an adults world trying to make out he is Mr Big. What a bloody joke! He is a bone idol freeloader. The sooner he gets the rug pulled from under him the better. He is only acknowledged from Companies via Caroline’s connections. Her true friends must cringe when he is around. Rant over.
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I know. A couple of months ago she was glammed up to the nines..... Look at her now.
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My sentiment exactly
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Just listened to her podcast, 30 minutes of my life I will never get back! Jesus, she's painful to listen to, rambling from one thing to the next, clearly no prep done. Don't know who the 2 million listeners are, she must have bought most of them.
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Just seen the last post on Caroline’s insta, she really has aged since she has been with Sergio, make up is far too heavy and the fillers don’t help. Don’t they ever just want in a night in together on the sofa, watching a film with no phones and videoing every second. Something seems off with the relationship, truly connected people would want some privacy surely, I don’t buy the chemistry between them at all, just trying to create a brand which I can not see happening, quite the reverse actually. It’s been mentioned here before but she would have done far better navigating life as a single women dating and doing business on her own for her social media content
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