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She has reduced her self esteem to how perky or big her back side looks. Which is a shame because she has built herself an over all nice balanced physique , her upper body is very defined but she never really shows it off. Her whole focus is on how flat her stomach is and her 'fat' ass. I feel like the industry has been really moving more toward encouraging women to get stronger all over not training just legs 5 days a week but she's still promoting that with her posts whether she realises it or not .
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Has anyone else notice how she always says shes bulking but i always estimate her calories and im 98% sure she has never went above 2050-2100 and is typically eating around 1900. That latest fdoe on reels to me looks like 1700! How can that be a bulk? I guess proofs in the pudding, her shape never changes ever
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Her spine is an S shape, it’s like she’s put too much muscle on to her glutes and her core can’t keep her spine straight anymore. Yikes.
Lol she does not have very muscular glutes. When she stands like that she looks to have full glutes but it's all an illusion. If she stands straight and normal shes a very normal ass.

There is no way anyone would build such glutes where their core wasnt able to support the weight of them.
Building glutes would require you to lift weights that will make your whole body stronger so your core would become stronger as a byproduct.
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Shes not dry and doesn't have visible veins and variations so shes not very lean. She naturally holds more fat in her lower body , like most women.

Her upper body is naturally lean and because she was so flat before the boob job her implants look so obvious because she doesn't have much fat to disguise them.

Her lower body is not that muscular. If it was lean you'd see a quad sweep or a glute-ham tie in. It just looks very well built because of how she poses.
I never suggested she was stage lean, but she is at a very low bodyfat and stays that way year round. If you look at her photos from a few years ago, she’s carrying more upper body weight. I have a feeling Gary has body dismorphia and years with him has made her a little robotic when it comes to food and aesthetics. She never makes any significant muscle progress because she doesn’t eat enough. Her brand is her small waist and she’s tied herself to that. It’s not a picture of true health. Look at Krissy Cela, Cass Martin. They’re healthy and have a normal body weight. They also gain muscle because the feed their body properly.
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Instead of using Google like eveyone else, let me post this up so people will know or think I'm a good little human looking to donate clothes
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6 days ago, the girl in the photo saw her in the gym over in England and asked to take a pic, it's in her tagged pictures 😂
She removes those tags so often, she used to mass untag after bodypower. The stress of looking so different in real life 😂

Nothing like what she posts herself. I wonder does Alex think this is insane. Like hes a respectable PT and dosnt do all this photoshop shit, what must he think of Caroline when he knows she's deceiving her followers/ clients.

What you post Vs what you're tagged in😂😂
Tag is already gone off her tagged pics 🤣
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Been said here many times but she or whoever is editing her posts on IG have serious photoshop skills for her not to be called out.

This was taken from Alex’s stories.. she has no ass. I have a bigger ass than her without any gym work..
I don’t think she’s no ass but I do think she’s a weird shape? Does anyone else see it? She’s a bit like an ant on two legs.
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Gary seems like a nightmare. They were doing a couples photoshoot prep together and I’d say he drove her mad. He never seems to be able to get through any prep without quitting and giving a long obnoxious speech as to why.
Guy has being doing prep for 5 years and never finished one 😅
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The body she creates through sucking in her belly then choosing the correct angle , then photoshopping it (gosh typing that was tiresome never mind actually doing it) is seen as ideal and goals so she knows people will want to look like that and will pay her to " help then look like that"
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Probably shouldn't advertise that it'll be a personal plan then. If she says she's going to do something for the price she quotes it's not on anyone to take that with a pinch of salt. That being said, if she's charging 100 a month or 30 a month and not delivering, she's still a spoofer. Just because she charges less to spoof doesn't make her less worse than the rest. Mad to me that the others all get a load of hate for doing the same thing as Caroline but Caroline is liked.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
i don’t understand how she’s gotten away with so much, she looksnothing like her pics in real life,

She features here at 8.25
Her proportions are such that I think she’s maybe shopping, her comparing her “8 months ago” stuff is easy to go back and check and 8 months ago she was not posting pics that look like her “before”s so something is off. Bought a following in the early days and gets away with murder cause people like her.

This is a great body- but certainly not the freaky un attainable for anyone and even questionable as to like where her organs are) type she posts


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Actually the furthest thing from “slim thick” I’ve ever seen. Babes you’re skinny just drop the crap lol
The deceit is real 🤣

What’s the story with Gary and Diana? Following each other and he’s tagged her in a video, but she doesn’t seem to be posting about him or with him at the moment. She’s deleted all her pics with him
I noticed this, he seems a pain in the ass to be with. Someone that obsessed with themselves and his constant need to make improvements to his physique would be so draining. I think it started to rub off on her, hence the sudden interest to workout and the pics in her gym gear on her IG, but I would feel constantly judged over the way I looked if I was with someone like him
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