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Active member
I suppose she would say she’s not reviewing it more asking some probing questions. I guess.


Chatty Member
Unless someone pokes the bear we’ll never find out what the house situation is.

Ava’s IG pics at the Georgian pile can’t have gone un-noticed by non Tattlers plus Caroline’s Lives must have sparked interest from the Freaks.

If only.....
Maybe that's why she created about people commenting on that cushion, so freaks don't mention her background..


Chatty Member
Body hair is simply genetics plus sex hormones. That is all. Slapping moisturizer on to try to keep the upper dead layer of skin supple and moist could never in a million years affect hair follicles and their ability to produce hair, or affect the thickness of it.
If I remember correctly there was a body lotion that claimed to reduce hair growth about 20 years ago. Nivea maybe? But that clearly never went anywhere.


VIP Member
I was listening to an interior design podcast earlier which had Trinny on as a guest. She was talking about when Caroline went and interviewed her in her bathroom. She said that Caroline really wanted to use a filter on their stories but that she said no and that the lighting in the bathroom was good enough!
Which podcast is this? I was looking for some more interiors/architecture podcast content!

Phil I Buster

VIP Member
People do lots of inadvisable, sometimes unhealthy, and often totally moronic shit to themselves to 'try feel better' or try to address an insecurity and very little of it works on more than a temporary basis. It's not really an argument.

Invasive and risky cosmetic medical procedures, from injectables to full on surgery, carry known risks (inherently, and especially given it's a field that isn't regulated properly and attracts a lot of quacks and clowns) and way too many people are doing shit to themselves for the wrong reasons. You don't heal the inside by messing with the outside when the outside isn't even the actual problem by any realistic metric. Normal smile lines from living your life and actually smiling are not a deformity or a medical issue. Looking 25 when you're 50 isn't a remotely reasonable expectation. It's concerning that the Hirons of this world seek to pathologize them into something that needs 'treating'. Expensively, regularly, and invasively, like a chronic disease.

People like Caroline are fucking predatory, with fingers increasingly stuck into every part of the beauty industry kickback pie. At this point it's wise to take their advice with a huge grain of salt and nowhere more so than in that freaks post where she shut down people being supportive and complimentary about a poster's natural, untweaked face to basically order her off to the nearest injecto-quack to get tweaked, pronto.

Caroline already shills a lot of absolutely wallet-raping and questionable beauty products for profit and has way too much skin in the game and way too many obvious unresolved personal issues with her own ageing face to be a level headed and trustworthy advisor. She has started projecting her own self-disgust and off the charts fearfulness about menopause and not being fertile or perceived as youthful and sexually desirable anymore at the whole world recently, getting really shouty and angry and declarative about all the aesthetic horrors that inevitably await her and every other woman on earth (collagen loss, she talks about it like it's malignant face cancer, such a reasonable attitude eh).

Instead of thoughtfulness or level headedness or even getting someone medical in to advise about actual medical possibilities of easing you through menopause or even herself talk in a positive and actually helpful way about dealing with skin changes or issues when older, she offers panic and descriptions of how gross, essentially unfuckable - thus unlovable - women naturally are by menopause and her solution is to do what she's always done and rage full speed ahead and pimp yet more expensive, invasive and questionable beauty treatments as a cure all. It's all projection but as other posters have pointed out, it does affect more vulnerable people given the esteem many seemingly hold her in since she's appointed herself grand high poobah and skincare queen of the fucking universe in recent years and some actually believe her. Caroline has already had a faceful of tweakments and she's observably growing more weirdly insecure by the month and demanding more. She might actually be the greatest advert for why this shit doesn't cure insecurities, but rather too often creates a cycle of unhealthy dependency and lack of self-acceptance instead.

It's very interesting to contrast Caroline with other famous, older, and now post-menopausal women who were truly great beauties of their time such as the model Paulina Porizkova who doesn't use botox and has lost work because of showing her natural, still beautiful and now lined face, and who talks about ageing and beauty and PS in a considered and nuanced way and about certain cultural attitudes attached to female (as opposed to male) ageing being a problem rather than actual normal female ageing itself. Paulina projects a lot of positive attitudes about ageing and getting older and embracing your natural face and having worth as a woman at any age where as Caroline treats female ageing as a disgusting, fearful thing to be treated like a nasty disease. Both have large female audiences. I wonder which feels better and more secure about themselves after hearing each address the subject?
An incredibly one sided argument I’m afraid. It is absolutely up to ourselves what we do and should that be to eviscerate lines so be it. But I’ll agree on Paulina.


VIP Member
Could anyone tell me what was the outcome of the Oskia cleanser please?
I have one but don’t need to open it yet but if they are being replaced, I may need to check it.
Thank you.