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I think she just hates women, full stop. She's been ageist (both ways), sexist, misogynistic, etc. for a long time.

Anyone who says "tuna purses", "saggy baggy faces and tits", "leather handbag faces", "I'd rather be dead than have grey hair", acuses WoC of playing the "race card" - or not counting as WoC as she did originally with Susan Yara - plus repeatedly elevates having sons over having daughters, and disparagingly talks about young(er than her) and old(er than her) women is not a good person. That she also employs others, particularly some men, who echo these thoughts - as on a fairly recent live - is a whole pitch of red flags. She's an insecure self-obsessed cretin.
"I'd rather be dead than have grey hair" Oh my goodness. I mean everything you said is awful, but this is ridiculous haha. Does she realise that after a certain time in life she will have grey hairs everywhere, and that some of them will just be dyed a different colour. And unless she's completely bald everywhere else, she's got grey hairs * Shakes head *
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I hate the word triggering. Life goes on and we can’t always worry about what is triggering for everyone. Because a butterfly could trigger somebody and I would not know.
The problem with hirons is she will share her grief and then say her dms are triggering. You put it out there so you are going to get dms about grief
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Chatty Member
The live, OMG, all over the bloody place. Hair an epic mess. she described it as “crunchy”. 10 minutes talking about glitter dropping off her jacket. Showing off Liberty Advent Calendar even though she hates advent calendars. Slagging off Beauty Pie marketing, Tropic marketing and telling M&S how to do their beauty marketing 🤣 absolute classic. Oh, and she skimmed over Ava’s near death experience, apparently she’s better.
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I unfollowed Caroline ages ago... I used to really like her advice back in the day when she had the blog but all the manic IG lives, sniffing, shilling and the out of control ego was too much in the end. I'm still on the freaks FB group though, but obviously don't engage with it much because it rarely comes up on my feed. Just had a little nosey on it this morning and there are SO many anonymous posts for topics that are totally boring. Are the freaks so mean now people are scared to ask a question with their own name attached?! Just a cursory glance through and there are several questions which clearly need to be directed to a GP or pharmacist, not a FB group as well.

I'm not sure what the point of my post is really :ROFLMAO: it's all just so depressing. The amount of them asking for 'advice' on skincare for the primary-aged children too... sigh.
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One Freak bought 3 sets! £60 for 9 flannels?! Wanna buy a bridge…? 😜

The Freakoids are like sheep. Loads saying “it’s not overpriced, it’s just over budget.” Oh fuck off! 🤬
Nellie has closed the post now.
Did she delete some comments before she closed it? Maybe I can't see them all but I screenshot this when it was posted, but I can't see it now.


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I think that, along with the ozempic 😬 she’s had a little bit of filler anyone else think so?
Oh for sure filler along with Botox.

One thing that I think really doesn’t work for her is the fried hair. Especially the particular shade of blonde she likes (which washes her out and is unflattering). She could cut back on all the cosmetic interventions and just go back to her natural shade (or even darker) and stop frying it with bleach/heat and she’d look much better.
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Poor thing never gets a holiday. The Ava post was disgusting. That girl does not know her worth. She will be on onlyfans in a matter of time. She reeks of insecurity/ mean girl shit. The accents Ava does are so awful. She thinks she’s some kind of bad ass. Breathe the same air? Why is she better than all of us ? Haha . This woman is just a right piece of shit. And how she thinks everyone is going to stand up for this woman in football? I really fucking doubt it. But hirons did her bit by posting about it , then standing up for Matt Healy, and then selling Ava like a piece of meat. Get fucked you stupid cow.
Spot on. The brothers being her gatekeepers thing was just so creepy and it's quite rich for her to talk about teaching Ava her self worth when only a few days ago she was calling Ava a half mongrel
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Is it just me or was that Siri woman not even rude? Also; why is she so offended at being called an Influencer? She is an influencer isn’t she?
Right! When I saw the name mentioned I quickly scrolled for the tea on what she’d said and when I read it I thought hmmm that’s not what I expected! Clearly all the comments had touched a nerve 😂 Influencer is the only way I’d describe her (apart from the obvious obscenities), what else is she? I’m surprised her bio doesn’t say things like ‘boss mama’ 🫢
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I note she didn’t do the usual “I work for the NHS.”
Now could that be because of Grotbags views of the NHS now or is it because she is using the term loosely?
It was a rather strange post - firstly it was anonymous which, if you’re accepting freebies, totally defeats the object. She can’t use her name on a FB group but will give out her address to random strangers! And secondly she doesn’t just have cancer, she had to state it’s a rare cancer. Surely that is irrelevant?

Oh I’ve just realised a few posts back that someone on here said that the begging posts start around the time of a new kit launch. Isn’t one due any day now?
I hate it when people do the 'im a nurse/i work for NHS' as their opening line. So am I but most of us just get on with it rather than try and blag freebies. Think only discount I use is my 20% in nandos and extra points in asda lol
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She’s on a live and I had to turn off when she threw her head back to guzzle her drink - her manners are just awful!

I did take a little screenshot which I played around with though and how much more flattering is her hair in a more natural tone?


I gave it a little gloss too for good measure.
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I always think they’re like a very cheap, dupe, wannabe, version of the Osbourne’s (without the money, homes, creativity, talent, etc)
She so sees herself like Sharon Osbourne the matriarch and Jim as Ozzy… 😂 and all those awful kids like versions of ozzy rather than Jack and Kelly! 😂😂😂

She fancies herself as that family so much… she’s just hideous.
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It sort of strikes me both are actually the same at their core - afraid of aging and making an income peddling lotions and potions and injectables promising to keep it at bay.
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What I got from her latest story is her 20 something daughter has a vomiting bug, went to a&e with two adults, clogged up and exposed everyone there to the bug, and stropped out. ‘A tight family’ does not excuse bringing TWO people with you to a&e as well as not even suggesting to Ava that she was being a drama queen in the first place. I am not familiar with the NHS at all. Is there no service between a gp and paramedics? Is there no out of hours go service?
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To me it doesn't matter if she has a point or not, it's her bullish, oafish approach I can't stand. Imagine trying to have a proper conversation with her, she would just be all shouty and aggressive. Like that person who talks at you, rather than to you
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Chatty Member
Bahahah… looks like that ‘word’ she had didn’t go to plan. If you agree with dermatica here though or not… I’m glad they’ve stuck to their guns and not backed down to the oaf. Not as influential as she thinks #notaninfluencer


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All the top rated products the app recommended for me were from trader joes- i live in the north of england- cant just pop out and buy them or order them easily.
The products i did use and like scored very low
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