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What's that playing on Carly's spotify this morning?

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust, yeah
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust


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Thanks to the fabulously bottomed @CrackingOwlSanctuary for our new thread title.

You win … 5 packets of tomato seeds, a piece of wood which will last at least 15 years and an AI (fewer than 5 fingers per hand guaranteed) image generator.

The last thread was action packed. Carly announced she was going to stop the food parcels as the government will align benefits with inflation so everyone will eat cake for ever more!

Okay, maybe not but Carly is very very ill and she is about to start (a microdose of) chemo so you can’t be mean to her m’kay?

YourHarlow continued their Indefatigable investigative journalism into St Carly of Salt. It’s been a rollercoaster.
YH reported on her stopping the food parcels. And then on the allotments and what really happened. Harlow council issued a statement saying there was no evidence of salt on the allotments.
Carly responded with a solicitors letter telling your Harlow that comments on articles weren’t allowed.
YH posted an article saying that Carly refused to sign the contract for the allotment as the terms were too onerous.

Meanwhile Carly had said in a video that she’d hold a community meeting to decide what to do with the cash. She didn’t. She decided schools was the thing. She did a pilot project in one school and was excitedly talking about rolling it out.

She launched a YouTube channel and new website weekend 16-17 March about her new schools plans.

On Monday 18 March, YH published an article saying that the school she had identified as her pilot and any other schools in the trust were no longer working with her.

Carly says those aren’t the schools she was talking about. She means other schools, etc etc

God that was long but I’m sure I’ve missed things. Please add!

And all hail @Seaford Haggington extraordinary wiki ^^^^
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wonder if there'll be any exchanges like this in a couple of months:

Yellow Squig: hi Carly it's X from Y CIC, just wondered if you know when we'll get the 7692 transfer sorry I know you're really busy hun xxxx thanks again xxxx thanks for all that you do
Carly: ❤ I need you to message me your bank details sweetie
Yellow Squig: we did xxxx
Carly: to my account? or to the page?
Yellow Squig: to your account xxxx
Carly: it might have gone to my others folder let me check xxx
Green Squig: well done Carly 👏👏👏 xxx
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It’s in a safe. One of those tin money boxes you buy for doing a car boot sale, they come in red or blue, with a black plastic tray for coins, have the same kind of lock as a child’s secret diary.
Donna has glittered it to say “Carlys CIC”

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This is why she won't work with Harlow Council, so none of this is her fault.

Of course she's not showing us the contract itself..
I am prepared to bet a smallish sum of money that absolutely none of that is the plain unvarnished truth.

Break clauses in leases are absolutely standard and work both ways (so Carly has a right to exercise the break clause as well), and the timing of the break clause is dependent on the length of the lease. Given Carly's health issues, a break clause seems very wise, so if she finds herself unable to continue with the allotment she can cancel without being liable for the full twelve months.
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I was listening to the Radio 4 Money Programme from about a month ago on a podcast in my car this morning and they happened to have a segment with a lady that has organised a charity swim for mental health charities for years but foolishly (just because of the way things have come about over the years) the entry fees that people pay go through her bank account on the way to the mental health charity. I think she does recognise that this is foolish but has just been taken unawares as the event has become so popular. She will set up proper banking for the charity event but she says it takes time to do it right. It wasn't completely straightforward because she said she does take a small payment in return for her time arranging everything.

Anyway it was on the Money Programme because DWP and HMRC have now taken an unhealthy interest in her bank account and I think she said they've basically stopped her benefits / tax credits as they are now taking the position that it's all her income, doesn't matter that it ends up with the charity, she's having to do all sorts of appeals and investigations to show it's for the charity. They said it was extra complex because HMRC looks at things on a year by year basis but DWP looks at your income month by month.

Anyway this tale reminded me of St Carly and her mates the other day trying to argue on facebook that as she wasn't a CIC at the time the GFM went viral, then technically the money was donated to her personally, and this meant it was perfectly OK if she just decided to keep it! OK but they want to be careful with that track because what was said on the Money Programme means that if she does count the donated money as hers then she is definitely in for a hell of a lot of DWP and HMRC pain, they're not just going to take "but it was for charity" and go away. If she's been having any means tested benefits during the last year it could easily land her in court for benefits fraud.
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This sums it all up for me. People like Colin often go unappreciated because they don’t bawl and shout, they are altruistic and they just want to quietly go about getting the job done. I have the utmost respect for anyone who turns down an offer of money from Carly.

Colin is the complete opposite of Carly and her chavvy mates who should the loudest and think they’re more superior to others. She’s going to rue the day she ever started this. As those of familiar with Jack Monroe know, these things are often a slow burner but it will all catch up with her eventually. She’ll soon see how quickly her allies run when the shot starts hitting the fan
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OMG! She is more awesome than Mrs Awesome who was not only born awesome, but who went to Awesome University and graduated with an awesome degree!!!
"Agriculture will become a redundant trade in the UK if kids aren't exposed to it" :ROFLMAO: ... no it won't! it's one of our biggest industries! There might not be many farms in Inner Harlow but if she gets out into the proper countryside and sees the scale of the agriculture in the UK, and along with it all the proper farmer education that the global farm management companies are doing ... what planet are these Harlow people living on?
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you know, I've had a quiet feeling of deja vu working away in the background and I've suddenly remembered what it reminded me of.

When I was small, probably late infant or early junior school, I was bored one lunchtime and pootling round by myself cos I didn't fancy tag or football and found myself looking at and picking up interesting looking sticks from round the bottom of the trees in the corner of the yard. Someone tootled up to me and asked me what I was doing. And I told them I was a stick wizard looking for magical sticks.
Fast-forward fifteen minutes and I'm sat on the bench in the playground with other children bringing me sticks and me saying things like "oh yes, this stick has great power, well done" "no this is just an ordinary stick" and all the time being completely amazed that my peers had bought into my bullshit and then just stringing it along and quietly enjoying the power I'd bullshat my way into
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That money will never get to anyone. What's the application procedure? Message me on Facebook hun.
She can't give what she hasn't got

Facebook messenger is the primary application route that all councils use for tenders. It is also used for all ministry of defense contracts.

For submitting an offer on a house you want Instagram, and registering a birth or death is obviously Tik Tok
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