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£150 a week on scratch cards and Bingo!? That’s insane! 🤯. That amount of money would be more useful in helping her son move from living in the shed ffs.
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Jenkins telling everyone she's going to eat whatever she wants whenever she wants and if viewers dare to have an opinion of their own she will rant and scream and go off and eat cake and like her son Anthony, it will all be their fault. Why diet publicly, oh wait for the cash cause clearly the viewers are only here to feed this narcissistic old bag mentally, cause in reality she uses them much like she uses food.... to self medicate, but they must publicly agree, bow and scrape to her every word.
Firstly no weight loss deficit plan in the Universe endorses eating whatever you want whenever you want. On the nhs website, advice from medical nutritionists, not advice from her pal kazza, they recommend eating healthy, give advice on foods to eat, all super healthy. No mention of pepsi max, mountains of salt, saturated fat or huge amounts of sugar.
Secondly, she and her pal, fifty year old women, not far from their pension have knackered legs. Lipodema don't go away with just weight loss, entire diet has to be changed. Both of them, pre diabetic, high bp, fatty liver, problems with their lymphatic system, hence the massive swollen lumpy legs.
I bet they are the kind of people that ignore the doctors advice and sit there like stupidity itself and say I'm gonna eat whatever I like whenever I like.🤣😆
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Seems like her mate has moved in permanently. Hope for Anthony’s sake, the shed doesn’t get wood worm or they’ll have to put bunk beds in Nats room.
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Greedy cow! Moaning that charity shops aren't as 'fruitful' as they used to be! Does she realise that the purpose of a charity shop is to raise money for a cause, and that most people that shop in them perhaps can't afford to spend money in other shops, so they might rely on a charity shop to buy a new winter coat etc. Also there is a cost of living crisis going on, and people just don't have the stuff to donate! But oh no, greedy gluttonous Jenkins thinks charity shops are there for her to grab everything so she can sell it on and line her own pockets! Absolutely disgusting! 🤬
When she muttered about wanting the bag cheaper and “didn’t realise” a staff member had heard. Nah no way I’d ever ask for a discount in a charity shop - it makes me cringe the thought! “Too expensive” but GUARANTEED to be x5 the price on eBay.
When she muttered about wanting the bag cheaper and “didn’t realise” a staff member had heard. Nah no way I’d ever ask for a discount in a charity shop - it makes me cringe the thought! “Too expensive” but GUARANTEED to be x5 the price on eBay.


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Remember the Turkey holiday with her daughter and Tammy all squashed into one room? Carla had to chip in to pay for Tammy to move to a separate room of her own due to Carla's snoring. Wonder what changed. Doubt her snoring is cured. Weird.
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Not sure how to screen shot on here. On the first comments calling Jenkins out…something about the internet being an ‘exhausting place’. Well come off it then you grifting hypocrites!
Lol exhausting., grifting, getting freebies and being paid for swirling her big fat arse around her bedroom dressed in cheap slave labour tat from shein. I guess having no peace of mind must be very tiring.
Seriously though, jenkins says she ate two cookies over two days, yeh sure lmaoooooooo, she was already scoffing them in the car, you could clearly see she had been eating. Im getting the impression she thinks shes 8 stone not 25. Shes in complete denial along with the rest of them she surrounds herself with, its a classic addicts trait. Lol yes plans for later, bedroom picnic buffets and cookies. Lol at her dragging Anthony's friend into it...oh yeh he had some cookies too lmaoooo. You know even if she miraculously only ate a couple of things from the grab bags, she would have scoffed her usual thousands of calories, you dont maintain that kind of weight eating salads.
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I really wish that someone would tell her to stop filming when she’s in a shop. Carla the comedian filming the other two in the Doc Martens shop was embarrassing. I bet the girl on the till was thinking who the hell are these fat twats.
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Chatty Member
its the lumpy legs that make me :sick: How can she not do something about her weight when she is in such a state?
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She should do a vlog with her son so he can explain "Why I prefer to live in a shed rather than my bedroom in my mums house"
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She’s in debt up to her eyebrows but still manages to go on a cruise and eat out nearly every day plus spend, spend, spend on shit from TikTok, Temu, Shein and the like, all of which is bought on a whim and never used. She really isn’t wired right. Her obsessive eating habits spill out to her obsessive compulsion to spend money on anything and everything. £50 a week on scratch cards??? This woman is mental. And are they just budgeting for June? No way will this continue. And all that food in the freezer will still be there this time next year.
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When she was walking through the park she was swaying from side to side so much I felt sea sick. And whilst she’s waffling or sitting on her ‘plumbing’ whose picking up the crap of 3 dogs 🤷‍♀️
Exactly. Those dogs will be crapping everywhere but she can’t get her lazy fat arse off that plumbing and pick it up.
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I’m just fascinated that those two fat Cs think how hilariously funny they are sat screeching in the car together. Bucket’s voice could cut concrete! I’m so sad for them that the charity shops are crap or too expensive. What a pair of greedy ingrates. I find them despicable. Notice she deliberately didn’t film the carvery she had with Josh and Tammy because we know it would have been huge!
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She will just collapse any day now with a huge MI, stroke or similar. Her blood pressure must be through the roof, the swelling in her legs could also be attributed to heart failure too. She’s a ticking time bomb and like I’ve said previously, there’ll be no coming back from that at her size. Even getting her out would be a no-go, these things are also considered in resus situations (major obesity and general health).
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Hanna Spanna

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It was only a matter of time before she jumped on the Teddy Blake bandwagon! Notice how she only replies to negative comments! Completely ignores all of the other sheep who continue to blow smoke up her fat arse!
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Latest vlog, carry on cruising. She paid seventy pounds for a drinks package, says its worthwhile cause she will drink a minimum of at least five pepsi max a day. So in a day she will prob have 8 pepsi max a day, whilst rest of us try and drink 8 glasses of water🥴
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Just read the comment section of Carlas cal crush, she's not replied to anyone, one was a nurse for 25 years who made an interesting comment, nothing, zilch, can't take ten minutes to reply to people that quite frankly have done nothing but empathise with her for years. Shame on you carla jenkins.
She did reply to one comment to make a sarcastic reply.

This is how screwed up and perverse she is. She fluffs her fringe over and over on cam, been doing it for ages , until the viewers are like why does she keep doing that, no one else does, its obsessive behaviour. Then lol cause people commented she reckons they are all obsessed with the beauty that is carla jenkins🙄😂 she just cannot get over herself😝
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Hhm she lost half a pound :D :rolleyes: Apparently shes very motivated. She says shes still in a lot of pain with her legs...and the doctor diagnosed her with osteoarthritis last year....hmmm she said she wàs diagnosed with lipodema, so which is it. Personally I reckon she has pepsi maxitis. I did some research on good old pepsi max and caffeine. One can of pepsi max contains a whopping 69 mg of caffeine, more than the other pepsi drinks. Caffeine raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is important it increases glucose in the blood, enhances glucose use in the brain and helps with tissue repair. Cortisol also slows down none essential functions in fight or flight situations. In the morning as the sun rises cortisol levels rise to help you wake up, this is why people crave a coffee first thing if they are still drowsy. Now there aint nothing wrong with a bit of caffeine, but endless pepsi max, constant paint, anxiety and stress and caffeine all raise cortisol levels that cause a lot of inflammation esp in joints and have been linked to osteo arthritis. I reckon she drinks little to no water, so now her lymph glands are clogged up hence the swollen legs. This kazza deficit diet shes on is bullshit and shes still eating and drinking whatever she wants, hence she yet again looks half dead in he car and half asleep. Whacked out with sugar spikes and caffeine. They are all thick stupid and dumb and expect doctors to come up with miracle cures, heres one, drink some fucking water, geeze. Going on holiday with a suitcase of pepsi max, embarrassing to say the least.:rolleyes::D
Im trying not to comment as much cause ive noticed narcissist jenkins, lego and kazzo all love attention negative or positive.
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What’s the point of her channel any more?
No calorie crush, weekly waffles, cruise vlogs etc, just boot fair hauls as an excuse to up her sales (is that knackered CK tin still for sale??).
Pointless 🤦‍♀️
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