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I thought it was bullshit too. Tammy goes on about not eating out and preparing meals then jenkins pipes up were off out for lunch after this. As for their "dainty" post holiday gains🙄🥴😂 carlas lost weight, carb water weight 😂🙄 Its not only carbs make you retain water, ten thousand cans of pepsi do and salt and basically most of your diet. Oh and biggest way to retain water is BY NOT DRINKING ANY and just having caffeine filled diuretics called pepsi max lol. Then shes banging on about her lipedema and her osteoarthritis and how even if she loses weight it will never go. Will use every excuse under the sun to maintain her pepsi habit and sugar hits. Lipedema responds really well to weight loss and sugar detox. As for osteoarthritis read this part of medical papers:
Arthritis causes chronic joint inflammation that can spread to other parts of the body. Researchers are finding more evidence to link sugar and arthritis, and sugar is known to worsen symptoms in people with the condition.
Research generally backs this up. Eating excess sugar causes the body to produce more cytokines, which are inflammatory proteins. People with arthritis already have high levels of cytokines, so increasing inflammation can make them feel worse.

You can vastly improve both medical conditions with weight loss and changing your diet, but shes so utterly thick its beyond belief.
I suffer with arthritis and I can truthfully say that cutting out sugar makes a big difference. The pain is nowhere near as bad. But you can’t tell big gob know it all that. She’d sooner hobble round in pain than stop shovelling cakes and chocolate in her face.
I see Tammy glammed herself up for the vlog with a ton of makeup 😂😂
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She could barely walk in that vlog today! What a state to be in! Noticed one of the obese friends stuffing their face at the bingo! Then out for a carvery with the others! And you know she would have ordered pudding on top of it! As for the 2 of them complaining about the charity shops! Who the F do they think they are?! Sheer greed!
Yes I noticed that. It was Tamsin who is also allegedly on a diet. As if that lot will watch what they eat on that cruise. I bet Carla won’t film any of it.
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Hanna Spanna

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They are so awkward together! Apart from being greedy resellers, I don't think they have anything in common with each other. As for Carla being a life coach! I'm pretty speechless! Thought it was rather funny that Mrs bucket told her she'd be terrible! The disdain on Jenkins face! The 2 of them together are so cringey! But they bring out each others true colours.
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I cannot believe I just witnessed these two utter morons traipsing round for TGTG bags full of fat and suger! Is Carla losing it? Does she truly not see what an utter dope she makes herself look when she's supposed to be dieting? I'm just gobsmacked.
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Hanna Spanna

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Yeah and then off to find something to eat at 10.30 at night. We weren’t privileged to see what they had but at a guess McDonald’s or KFC.
Oh defo! Can just imagine Carla now 'I deserve it! I've been good all day and I've got loads of calories to use up! So it's perfectly fine for me to have 10 big macs!'
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How many of us when out and about look for money that’s been dropped on the ground? I never even think about it. People must be very careless where she lives if they’re forever losing change everywhere.
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Hanna Spanna

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I swear she plays that same old driving song just to annoy us! And of course she didn't buy any of the stuff she claims to have put back!
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So according to Jenkins, she doesn’t encourage her hounds to go after those with a different opinion to hers diet wise, but by her slagging anyone off whose opinion differs by telling them they ‘shat’ on her is enough of a cue for her ‘fans’ to go for it. She’s disingenuous to say the least.
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Hanna Spanna

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Why do all her friends look like they need a good wash! Tammy is full of the same bs excuses as Carla is! Can't eat salad because she doesn't like lettuce and is allergic to tomatoes! There are sooooo many delicious and nutritious items you can make a bloody salad with and you dont have to eat out to get it! Spinach, peppers, cucumber, beetroot, onions, celery, radishes, pomegranates, rocket, olives, carrots, green beans, just to name a few! All the comments, kissing both their arses 'we are so proud of you' blah blah. The pair of them are addicted to sugar and processed food! Full of excuses, this doesn't work for me, that doesn't work for me blah blah blah. Can't stop themselves from eating out! They could have made scrambled eggs on toast at home, foe half the price and half the amount of eggs and a healthier choice of bread! They think calorie counting is so good and that consuming bubble tea, which is 100% sugar isn't too bad because it's only 200 calories!
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carla hoping her pants will stretch enough as she does the proverbial shit advertising on her viewers.."Oh I love it, it's free" :ROFLMAO: Most exercise she's done in two years lol
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Take a look at her in this video, she can't walk, she's knackered, clearly in pain, very unhappy. Is it really down to her viewers, internet strangers to try and help her, or are her family and friends BLIND? She needs an intervention. In my view she needs to go on disability cause bet your bottom dollar she will have no choice soon. Obsessed with eBay and carboots then just fritters the money away. Her daughter who she says works 80 hours a week sometimes, does the same., just throws her money down the drain, but of course it's all the viewers fault lol. All that money, none of them grateful.

Didn’t she take a bag of oven chips into work with her once for her break,absolute glutton 🤢
It's clear she is permanently knackered and can't make a single decision as what to eat, will run to macdonalds rather than put a slice of toast in the toaster or make an omelette. She clearly only lost weight last time cause the world shut down over COVID and she had no choice but to eat at home most of the time.
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I get confused with her obese, great unwashed friends! Tammy? Tamsin, Tracey? Are they all the same person?.
I see the diet is going well. 100% sugar bubble tea straight down the gullet!
Yeah and then off to find something to eat at 10.30 at night. We weren’t privileged to see what they had but at a guess McDonald’s or KFC.
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Well you’d seriously think her and Lexx were two teenagers in that childish, ridiculous vlog. Switched off after 2 minutes. They really are under the misapprehension that they’re a pair of really funny comedians. Sadly you are pair of idiots. Carla looked absolutely huge and if this was filmed before her cruise, god knows what she looks like now!
It was a bit like special wasn't it. jenkins said carrot and coriander soup and her pal waved her arms around which meant carrot. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA guffaw guffaw laugh laugh, better than french and saunders, soooo funny, oh the genius. It's actually painful to watch, jenkins keeps tilting her head to the side and her jowels hang down and sagging neck. It's all a barrel of laughs lol :LOL: legends in their own lifetime or has a psychiatrist would say, narcissistic personality disorder! To be honest I switched it off after she berated the viewers for own fringe lmaoooo. She thinks it's perfectly rational to constantly fluff her fringe, it's like a tick, she just can't stop. Thing is, she does it cause her hair is thinning, hope she goes bald lmao with one strand left to fluff!
She hates her balding fringe, hates her grey hair even more, can't stand the roots showing. Will actually apologise for her grey hair lol. Is morbidly obese, her teeth are ruined, her legs are knackered and her health is pensioner status....and she blames the viewers if they bring up any of these things because she is in denial!. She has a massive massive temper, thinly veiled on her video's, can't stand anyone who challenges her hence why she drags around her little group of worshippers, thus enabling her to eat cake all day long. She actually said that viewers are pissed off with her, it's YOU who is pissed off with your grey balding fringe. You are getting a very mild hint of the kind of conversation that goes on off camera.
Saggy jowels on her way back to 27 stone and it's all the viewers fault lol.
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Those two constantly talking over each other getting louder and louder. There really isn’t room in that car, that house or even Devon for their egos!
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Is she late with the calorie crush or was it yet another failed diet week and she’s too embarrassed to tell everybody? If anything she looks fatter. Oh the fruit teas, hilarious, as if she would start drinking anything healthy. She seriously needs to go to rehab for her appalling addiction to Pepsi. God knows what her insides are like. And the state of that house! Nobody seems to bloody clean up. They must all love living in squalor that’s for sure 🤢
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Interestingly tnere are quite a few comments on that video calling her out. Not the usual blanket “ooh you’re wonderful love your honesty” shit. Wonder how long they’ll last before she deletes them or slags them off?
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Just watched Carla’s Pure Plus try on. Dear oh dear. Her stomach is practically dragging on her knees 🤢. Oh I wish I was slimmer, I wish I was 2 stone lighter. She was wearing one outfit to go out to lunch. You see Carla this is your problem. Your life revolves around eating out and shovelling in all the wrong things but unfortunately you’ll never learn.
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Real quality content from jenkins, a home bargains haul. She will expect an award for putting stuff on the table and telling viewers what they are cause no ones been to home bargains but her, she's teaching the world to shop, wowser, what an amazing woman. Table of course is full of chocolate etc but its all bought by village idiot missing teeth nat and tammy etc. jenkins dont eat chocolate lmaoo, she just nibbles the edges like kazz then gives it away.Laughing away here, she just said it again these are not for me, my sister is here she's laughing. jenkins nibbling on a lettuce leaf later viewers,honestly :D
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