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Chatty Member
I just thought, here is a white woman ‘doing the work’ that she says white people should do, she could have easily signposted her white followers to the stories. I KNOW it’s not the job of the oppressed to educate the oppressor etc, but that kind of response is almost counter productive. These small steps help create big change.
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I’ve followed CB for a good while now and at the start I like her honesty and openness and she just seemed to be a normal relatable mum trying to do her thing and make some money.
Recently she’s become quite sour, even more aggressive, money obsessed and just quite a nasty person. It’s really quite disappointing to see.

Also, in the escort programme notice how she talks compared to how she tries to sound more posh now?
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My two pence worth is this, a documentary by jodie Marsh on TLC should not be held up as a beacon of investigative journalism that holds any kind of authenticity or reflection of how the world of sex working/escorting truly works. And I say this as someone who used to work with sex workers from a public health perspective, and would regularly visit off street brothels and work with women who sold sex on the street.

The role of madam/pimp doesn't really exist.
There is a kind of business model (if you like) whereby more experienced or older sex workers would ensure younger and less experienced workers were safe and not being ripped or or putting themselves in vulnerable situations. It's not pretty or pleasant but it's the reality of sex work.

Both types of women selling sex are vulnerable in their own way and one should not be seen as more worthy of a victim status than the other. They both are.

However, this won't make for a good dialogue on a jodie Marsh documentary on a trash TV show.

I understand that Candice explained her role as a madam but to truly explain and go into the workings of selling sex takes a lot of time, and needs a non judgemental audience willing to listen and to try and understand it.

In addition, some of our best volunteers and employees within 3rd sector agencies who worked with sex workers, were themselves ex sex workers. I valued their previous experience and they could see things from a perspective I couldn't, having not sold sex myself. Some of them would probably be viewed as having previously been pimps/madams but I worked alongside them and valued them as work colleagues. And would have happily gone for after work drinks or had them over to my house.

I feel this 'revelation' about candice is simply a way to distract from MOD having been outed as a bully
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New member
Can anyone explain what went on with MMD and the two other instamums she used to work on it with? I think it was @toomuchmotheringinformation but a few months back she threw lots of shade and declared she was working on it entirely by herself now? Would love to know more...

Also, a friend of mine has been following Candice for a really long time and she has always been like this. Back in the early 2009(?) she ran an escort agency with an escort friend and they fell out big time, I get the sense there was some bullying going on on Candice’s part. She then went offline for a while, presumably raising Esme and reappeared very suddenly on Instagram as a newly formed Instamum. She is exactly as described, ruthless and extremely determined to make as much money as she possibly can. Not a bad thing I guess, if money is your main motivator.
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Dont agree with sex work PERSONALLY.

I really dont agree with pimps at all. They're as bad as drug dealers.
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Hang on - I see Stomzy on stage and I see a handsome man with a great body putting on a fucking brilliant performance and having the time of his life. The colour of his skin is completely irrelevant. She honestly needs to get a hold of herself sometimes.
Colour is relevant for this. He was the first black solo artist to headline Glasto. Glasto has been around since 1970. This is huge. To NEVER have a black solo artist headline Glasto until 2019??? This is ALL about colour, babe.
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Well-known member
Jodie made it very clear in the documentary that Candi and her mate were very much In control of the work they do and that they did not come across as victims and as Candi said herself ‘ the lifestyle was similar to that of a celebrity lifestyle’ seems she’s been after this celeb lifestyle for a long long time!

She has hired her sister as her 'Social Media Manager'. I guess part of her role is comment management, pressing likes and deleting. Imagine having 50k followers, thanking them for their overwhelming support and then needing someone else to manage your account. Surely you would take comfort from the lovely comments?
Sister is probably in charge of deleting any comments that contain the word ‘pimp’
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Well-known member
That really irked me... because it’s actually racist what she’s saying. She’s a total hypocrite. She constantly bashes white women and that’s okay because we have white privilege? Nah... that’s not okay Candice, it’s just not.
There’s no such thing as reverse racism...but I agree she’s often rude and assumptive about ‘white women’ and clumps the whole group together like everyone is the same. I used to really enjoy her writing about diversity and learnt a lot but I find it all too self-serving now
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VIP Member
Candice is modelling the clothes from her ‘fix me up’ request for freebies. To think there are parents dependent on food banks while brands send clothes to rich beggars.
Without getting all ‘disgusted from Tunbridge Wells’ it’s an absolute fucking disgrace that she demanded free stuff and then got it.
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VIP Member
I thought that too 😱

Fair play to her.
That what she says. Don’t be too quick to believe everything that you hear on Instagram! In one breath she says she’s paying £25K in tax for 6 months work but then in another she saying she’s still got £1K to pay off on personal debt..... hmmmmmmm something isn’t adding up there!!!!!!!!

I actually find her constant chat about money a bit vulgar. You can be ambitious and business oriented without always talking about money (“the hustle”) 🤷🏼‍♀️

Does anyone know what her husband is called?! I hate that he is just “Papa B” and what does he do for a living? (I’m just being nosey!!)
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I don't know if you missed my previous posts, but I explained that I have previously worked with sex workers in a public health role. I actually live in London and all my work with sex workers has been in London.

I know it's probably a bitter pill for you to swallow as all of your knowledge seemingly comes from watching one jodie Marsh documentary on TLC, but I know what I'm talking about. I'm writing from first hand, on the ground experience.

There was, and no doubt still is, a huge amount of multi agency working between public sector agencies in order to keep sex workers safe. It just doesn't sit well with people who sound like they believe everything they read in the Daily mail.

Oh geez, are we seriously back on me being candice?
Is this what happens when someone puts across an intelligent argument which you don't have a reply to? They get accused of being the person they are talking about?
Let’s face it Candice,you don’t give a flying monkeys about me, her or she. You literally would sell her soul, my soul and your soul for the ‘money green’. Your ‘business model’ is embarrassing. Education level - zero, but it’s ok because let’s sell women’s bodies and earn the green for those Gucci shoes eh?! Lick mother of daughters ass hole when it suits you. I hope selling your soul (and other women’s bodies) was worth it.
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VIP Member
Lol and no one does that about black or coloured people?

You just have to look at Sudan as a perfect example. Not a single person on Tattle did a thread about it in the News section...but what thread are we on now for these influencers like Meldrum and Conway? Racism is so heavily ingrained into you that you dont even realise.
You just used the term “coloured people” ——— people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
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Chatty Member
Wow, in that story Candice is basically saying she doesn’t read material written by white people (“the oppressors”). That’s shocking.
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You would think that a father, of all people, would be against circumcision unless it's for medical reasons. It's quite common in the US still, and of course in the Jewish faith.
Having had a baby boy recently I just can’t imagine harming him at all let alone for something so unnecessary. Just blows my mind.
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VIP Member
Why does she, and all her fickle Instachums, seem to have forgotten that she was in a TV documentary about it!! She’s now acting as if she was forced to reveal a big secret thanks to MoD. No candice, your fame hunger has come back to bite you in the arse and you’re acting the poor victim. Some of the comments from her Instachums on her latest post are cringeworthy especially Susie V.
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She is all fur coat no knickers as my mum would say. I think that it is often the case with some people - they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. I am starting to think she is drinking her own koolaid. She really believes she just has to ask the universe!
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The PR and companies are doing a shit job if it took Tattle to bring it to their attention, she is introduced by her first name in the video and its not hard to find
This shouldn’t end her career, i feel for her here.
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