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Well-known member
I think CB will be just fine.

Brands will look at followers , they’ll see she’s still popular and supported by the well known IGer’s such as Frugality, Susie and others.
It’s a really tickle industry, I worked in PR for 15 years and any criminal activity attached to a Brand is a huge risk. Pimping is illegal in the UK.

She had to remove a post yesterday that she had up which was an AD an more will follow no doubt.

She’ll get other deals more appropriate and another book deal for sure but things will change. Pampers etc won’t endorse.

From a PR prospective MOD has more chance of keeping deals as she hasn’t broken the law. It’s the way the tickle world of Pr works unfortunately
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I have no issue with how Candice was or wasn’t a sex worker.
My concern has always been the way that she treated people when they questioned her in the past.
The aggression, the setting others on to then, the fact that her stories changed as much as the weather.
She isn’t a nice person. That has nothing to do with the colour of her skin.
She has been really rude about some people and I personally feel the whole outing and blaming it on MOD is another smoke screen.
Agreed!! Nothing to do with her skin colour, I just find her very rude and the way she goes on irritates me. Yet if I were to comment this, no doubt the race card would be pulled out. I unfollowed her few month back and still seeing/hearing her in other peoples posts annoy me.
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Chatty Member
That's the problem with the internet, it's there forever. Happy to talk about being a pimp / madam there. Looks like she's had several rolls of the dice for fame and her different online personas conflict each other.

What was her sex blog?
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I just can’t with her tonight, she’s a fame hungry scrounge..asking for a stylist to “hook her up” and acting like an Oscar winner on some the red carpet, absolutely lapping it uo. I sincerely hope anyone looking to work with her Googles her and comes on here.

Where has her anger gone? Her ‘sweetie’ vibe makes me gag.
She sold it for a dress
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Cannot stand her. Anyone dare to stand up to her, disagree or even agree (especially if your white) gets knocked down with her sarcastic vile responses. I saw a white man say that he wouldn't have stepped forward in that video she shared and instead of putting her point across in a calm way, she flew off the handle. Rude, obnoxious and actually vile. Shes always going off on one. All her followers started to gang up too. Awful woman.
I agree that white people should never make a post about white privilege about ourselves. There is never a time or place to do that. But you’re so right- she was bloody rude when she didn’t have to be.

Not everyone will understand the privilege of having white skin, no matter what your other circumstances might be. I would think for all her campaigning and apparent education about this she would get it.

You want to bring people along with you when fighting something like this, no alienate and show yourself in such a negative way.

But of course no-one can say this or we’ll be branded racist 🙄
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I agree. I sort of see where she’s coming from, but is she really saying that only POC can find him attractive?
I think she is, yes.
To me that’s like her almost putting a claim on him because he’s a black man. Like “oh no, only WOC are allowed to find him attractive- im black so I’m allowed to say whether it’s ok for you white people to find him sexy or not”
She makes my eyes roll alllllll the way to the back of my head!
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Chatty Member
Highly doubt that Candice will refer to this thread on her stories. It would drive people over here to see what she is complaining about, and she certainly wouldn’t want to destroy her Equality Campaigner rebrand. The whole thing is so hypocritical - just six years ago she was making money from the exploitation of women’s bodies.

There is definitely a need for someone to speak up about issues faced by POC particularly WOC but sadly, for me, this isn’t Candice’s.

If I hadn’t seen the documentary posted last night I never would have believed it.

I don’t think an escorting past should preclude you from working with brands, people do what they do and move on. As far as we know this isn’t happening now?
But Candice wasn’t just escorting, she was setting up a whole escorting agency; making money from other people selling sex.
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I was enjoying her feed for a while, calling out uncomfortable truths about racism, white privilege, not having a model type body etc but it feels like it’s just descended into a materialistic, braggy, money focussed and self obsessed mess. I thought the whole ‘money doesn’t buy you happiness’ concept is pretty well known...
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
the doc makes it clear that Candice was an escort. The facts of life are that sex is big business, it will happen regardless of the law and whilst being a “pimp” is massively problematic, i do think that women running their own escort agency, with a history of escorting themselves is probably a safer option. Its not great no, but remember that the doc is a snapshot of time, clearly the agency didn’t take off as Candice turned to instafame. Its easy to dislike Candice especially with women like MOD pushing her (racist) rhetoric that Candice is “aggressive” (something no white instamum would be dubbed) but the fact is that Candices journey here is VERY different to the rest of the carbon copy instamums that have risen in popularity. I do think that MOD should carry some of the blame here and i do think we’ll see more of the dirt she has on the other instahuns drop as the weeks go on to deflect from her own screw up.
How do we know Candice was ever an escort in the past? She's lied so many times and it's quite possibly made up just to make her look better for selling other women's bodies.

The only thing we know is she was bragging on national TV about how much money she made from selling other women's bodies.

She's disgusting.
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I've said this before probably in the Meldrums chat, I am a women of colour, and for the sake of not saying where I'm originally from (lolz) most people where I am from are MIXED race (big melting pot of races / cultures), manyyyyyy are 'coloured'. I'm not a huge fan of the word, I don't really agree with it, mostly because it creates a binary opposition of white vs coloured, or white vs black, light vs dark, etc etc.

And as for CB trying to bring race into -everything- it pisses me off. But this is her 'calling card' so why I am not surprised. Some of what she is says is very relevant (ain't no fan of hers), and she did have a point regarding maybe some women do internalise and sexualise black men, but her constant aggressiveness to belittle people and maintain a level of prejudice shrouded in being 'woke' is just BS.

I think so many of the women on the CB thread are incredibly intelligent regarding race and exclusive / inclusiveness, and it's so engaging. Maybe CB should take a look.... but yeah that's not gonna happen.
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My eyes rolled so far into the back of my head reading those comments, they are worse than the OD fawners.

Hang on, that’s not true. I unfollowed Candice ages ago because she DOES come across as very aggressive. I unfollowed Caroline Hirons for exactly the same reason. Nothing to do with race, and I really resent that someone is exempt from being called out on their aggression just because they’re black.
Yes same here. CC was the epitome of aggression too.
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I think Candice is incredibly racist but no one is allowed to say that.
That's because there is a different between prejudice and racism. Candice is prejudiced. There is lots of reading available on this, not everyone agrees with it but it is what is it

You obviously missed the one where she threatened to rip a woman's windpipe through her vagina. That goes beyond my definition of rude.
I take it back!!!
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Chatty Member
I think her stories/tall tales are reminiscent of CC's 'constructed reality' (which were dressed up as 'art' when she was challenged on it)
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Well-known member
The one thing that really irritates me about so many influencers is the lack of professionally; how can the industry ever expect to be seen as trusted and respected when so much bull goes on with so many - saying they are the bigger troll, the deleted of comments that aren't trolling thus creating an echo chamber, the non-declaring of ads ...I could go on and on, and the bolstering the other influencers then give this behaviour. It's ridiculous.
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Chatty Member
Just three days ago she was shutting down and telling people to ‘contact management for updates’. Since then she has done Happy Mum Happy Baby and launched her book chapter. So, mental health all sorted then?
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