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If you go on Facebook and search "jodie marsh on the game" a clip with Candice comes up
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Cannot believe next are paying her to post for them. I buy my babies clothes from next. Not anymore.

Have also emailed them to ask they they’re paying an ex pimp to sell children’s clothes.
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The new peanut photo shoot is cool. I like the diversity and I think they represent a whole range of women. I did think to myself that she might not be the best think for the shoot after the recent news but then thought to myself. Pimps / prostitutes can and are still mothers too a lot of the time. So it’s defo inclusive that’s for sure! 😂
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Chatty Member
What I don’t get it she admits she was detained by a black police officer but she still thinks it was racial profiling because the initial person asking her to move was white? The police officer was the one that took it further
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Nothing to do with her finances makes any sense.

She claims she was in loads of personal debt and was paying it back via a debt management plan. She recently stated she still had £1000 to pay off. So if she’s only recently completed a DMP her credit rating will be pretty terrible. So how on Earth has she secured a mortgage on an expensive property??!!

It’s all bullshit.
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Completely agree with @Basicbasic
CB has totally manipulated this whole situation. she is a very aggressive woman who will get the deals she wants at all costs.
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I think M&S would welcome this feedback and the message button on their Instagram account is very accessible.
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I almost feel sorry for her, I think she was probably hoping to be doing #ads for Louboutin rather than Persil by this stage. It's such a shoddy ad anyway, she isn't exactly the rugged outdoors type.
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Rue Git Le Couer

Chatty Member
Just recently discovered this woman and my main question is why is she so angry all the time? So she had a tough upbringing. So what? So do a lot of people.
I also find her constant talk of money and how much she has or doesn’t have really poor taste.
The latest instastory begging for free clothes was the end of the line for me already with this wannabe. It’s just grabby, and no one likes grabby. She’s also not a size 14 so why she’s putting that out there I have no idea.
I hope she can go and get happy somewhere; because she is one deeply unhappy woman.
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I'm gutted. I thought she was going to be different but yet another one who can't follow guidelines. You're on a freebie trip for a brand so mark it as #gifted on every post. Do this and no one minds. We are not jealous of your trip but bluestones get a lot of free publicity for this so making it clear that you haven't spent your own money for this is important. What you'll get on this branded trip isn't what the general punter gets, marking it this way makes it clear for everyone. It's not rocket science.

Pity she is another to block and shout 'troll' when someone asks a genuine question.
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Active member
Agreed!! Nothing to do with her skin colour, I just find her very rude and the way she goes on irritates me. Yet if I were to comment this, no doubt the race card would be pulled out. I unfollowed her few month back and still seeing/hearing her in other peoples posts annoy me.
Talking about “race card” is not appropriate, it is belittling based on skin colour. One thing that I think CB is spot on about, is that her life will be impacted daily due to her race. So if you feel like it always comes back to race with her, it’s because it does.. and it should. The fact that WOC are more likely to die giving birth is a race issue. I’m really pleased that CB has used her forum to talk about that.
I wish MOD hadn’t used the line, as I believe she is being unfairly tarnished with the racist brush.
I hope this isn’t coming across as an attack, as that isn’t what I want to do. x
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I used to really like her but I do see her very similar to CC. There is something very venomous about her if she is confronted and then she starts gaslighting in a very nasty way. I don't have any sympathy for her financial woes; she wants to have her cake and eat it (don't we all?!) I think when she started out she was great but now it's more about an aspirational lifestyle. Her original message seems to be los t.
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Oh yeah of course , because all the pimps that run escort agencies are best mates with the police and they all walk side by side holding hands skipping into the sunset together, on unicorns.

I mean really!!! Listen to what your talking about. Have you ever been to central London before?
I don't know if you missed my previous posts, but I explained that I have previously worked with sex workers in a public health role. I actually live in London and all my work with sex workers has been in London.

I know it's probably a bitter pill for you to swallow as all of your knowledge seemingly comes from watching one jodie Marsh documentary on TLC, but I know what I'm talking about. I'm writing from first hand, on the ground experience.

There was, and no doubt still is, a huge amount of multi agency working between public sector agencies in order to keep sex workers safe. It just doesn't sit well with people who sound like they believe everything they read in the Daily mail.

Tacks for the reply candice. I think you're missing the point. It's not me who is saying you were a pimp. It's all there in the documentary and in your old cake making videos. You've certainly played this well, bravo. Unfortunately for you when you sold your pimp story to jodie you forgot it would stay around forever.
Oh geez, are we seriously back on me being candice?
Is this what happens when someone puts across an intelligent argument which you don't have a reply to? They get accused of being the person they are talking about?
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I’m sorry is she saying her mental health is a rock bottom be she got wet on the school run?!

Fuck off Candice.
That’s what I came here to ask too!
I thought that was very strange. One minute you are revealing your book cover, the next you are at rock bottom because you got soaked on the school run? I feel like I’ve missed a step.

We all got soaked on the school run babe.
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I do wonder if she over inflates the success of her businesses though? In that interview it sounded like she was doing very well, but she spoke about being in dire poverty with her newborn to the extent that she couldn't afford a packet of nappies. I also recall from her youtube channel that she had a successful cake making business some years ago too? Candy's Cakes or something like that.

ETA: Had a look at her friend, what a load of :rolleyes: I'm not white therefore my negative opinion on ONE IGer who happens to be black is not evidence of my white fragility. I have spoken out a lot more about the OD's. CB on here is chicken feed in comparison. That friend is making out that Tattle was created to bring down Black women. Jog on love.
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Wasn’t she a madam at an escort agency on Jodie Marsh programme about UK sex workers? She’s clever I give you that becoming an instamum and saying it’s about race and making motherhood diverse. This is all just a rouse & pretence to make lots of money. All the middle class liberal white insta mums don’t know what to do so scared of being called a racist fawn over her & have fallen right into her money grabbing claws.
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Does anyone know what this ‘happy mum happy baby’ tour thing actually is?

I mean if it’s a panel where the guests can ask the ‘celebs’ questions freely - what if one of them asks a question that she takes offence too? And she goes off on them like we’ve seen in her comments?

Could be interesting 👀
It sounds as if it's the sort of event where the 'mummas' sit and tee hee about how drinking copious amounts of gin makes for a happy mumma therefore a happy baby. Throw in the odd #ad such as that babysitting app that everyone was on about (CB being one), maybe referring to Pampers as being a lifesaver and Dove body wash being a perfect mumma/baby bonding time shower necessity :rolleyes:
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Man alive those stories were vulgar 😢 I’ve never seen a grown woman get quite so worked up about a materialistic and gross
So gross! Perhaps she’s so ‘moved and amazed’ because she hasn’t had to sleep with anyone or pimp anyone else out to get the clothes...

I think it’s terrible that she’s continually getting gifted items and brand sponsorships while she has formally worked as a pimp. I have and will continue to complain to the companies that use her about their association with a pimp.
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VIP Member
I too have some very first hand experience in this world and mine was nothing like yours.

Pimping does happen, it is a thing, it does go on, it isn’t all policed by the police. God image if it was. Candice is a big girl and made some bad choices to appear on a tv show admitting to running and escort and selling sex. Should she be punished for that forever, no defo not. But facts are facts and what she’s done has be done, nothing you, i or anyone else can say will change that. Sorry.
But then she goes on and on about being authentic and having no more shame... yet lying about her role as a pimp. Own your truth cb, stop lying and insinuating you were exploited and poor when in fact you were raking in the money and selling women's bodies.
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I’m not white, not middle class and to me she comes across as self satisfied, landed on her feet,smug and a very nasty piece of work.

Defensive to the extreme and no doubt riding the crest of wave in terms of representation and diversity. The same white middle class people she can barely stand and who she spits venom on with every post are the ones tripping over themselves to work with her to show how woke and with it they are. But how long before the tide turns? The tide always turns.

She can’t write for shit, there is knowing your own worth, loving yourself and then there is Gemma Collins. She has veered too far to the GC side of things. Sis if the white woman giveth she can also take it away. Learn some humility and some grace. You aren’t Maya Angelou you are shilling tat, making coin on an image that will no doubt be your ultimate downfall. Hope you have savings.
YES THIS!!! Best description of her I have read!! Hope you read this Charlotte Jacklin and Allison Perry et al when you’re puffing smoke up her bum
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