Butlersempire #2 Of course it is baby

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Who needs enemies when you have a brother and a sister in law like these two. Disgusting behaviour calling out his brother in the way that they did. Maybe his brother doesn’t want the entire internet knowing his business.
I thought that! Not their story to tell 🤨
Its helpful and informative to raise awareness about the side effects of poorly managed diabetes but they didn’t have to ridicule his poor brother in the process 😔 they could of just said we have a family member in hospital and we want to make you aware how important it is when you have diabetes to look after yourself because this has happened to them.
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Who needs enemies when you have a brother and a sister in law like these two. Disgusting behaviour calling out his brother in the way that they did. Maybe his brother doesn’t want the entire internet knowing his business.
What a pair of horrible peepul telling his poor brother's business all over the internet😡
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@Justabrowser ---- 💯💯💯💯 agree. I thought that especially when guru said his brother isn't the most 'hygenial' of people. What a twit.
I take it this is the same brother they took to the dentist to have his teeth out and then guru paraded him in front of the camera to show his gullibles.

The comments from his gullibles, saying how lucky David is having them two.
Marty, don't talk like that about your brother, give him some privacy and dignity. You only needed to say he was in hospital with complications of his diabetes. The world doesn't need to know he doesn't take care of himself, it's no one else's business. He's not a youtuber, putting himself out there.
Anyway, I hope David's foot can be saved, and wish him the best.
I thought that! Not their story to tell 🤨
Its helpful and informative to raise awareness about the side effects of poorly managed diabetes but they didn’t have to ridicule his poor brother in the process 😔 they could of just said we have a family member in hospital and we want to make you aware how important it is when you have diabetes to look after yourself because this has happened to them.
I'd started my post and got interrupted by the phone, by the time I'd posted, already been said. Sorry, all I can say is great minds 🤣🤣🤣
Just thought, how can the guru criticise his brother's eating habits. He's been on I don't know how many faddy diets and now he's a carnivore.
Eating bacon and sausages which is processed every day (doubt nicola gets him the nitrate free stuff). Then there's all the meat smothered in butter, albeit grass fed peepul. That diet is a heart attack waiting to happen.
The Heck sausages and naked bacon haven't put in an appearance since they first slogged them.
Guru says all his numbers have come down,since being on the carnivore diet, that maybe the case, but I dread to think what his arteries are like.
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@Justabrowser ---- 💯💯💯💯 agree. I thought that especially when guru said his brother isn't the most 'hygenial' of people. What a twit.
I take it this is the same brother they took to the dentist to have his teeth out and then guru paraded him in front of the camera to show his gullibles.

The comments from his gullibles, saying how lucky David is having them two.
Marty, don't talk like that about your brother, give him some privacy and dignity. You only needed to say he was in hospital with complications of his diabetes. The world doesn't need to know he doesn't take care of himself, it's no one else's business. He's not a youtuber, putting himself out there.
Anyway, I hope David's foot can be saved, and wish him the best.
Old Butler likes to think he's superior to his poor brother and to say about his hygiene 😠 this is from a couple that lives in a house that Aggie and Kim would have trouble sorting out.
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Yes @Rosiep2008, we've seen their hygiene standards when cooking, picking seasoning pots up after handling raw chicken, putting cheese on the wrapper it came in to cut it. duck knows how many peepul could have touched that on the supermarket shelf. Guru and baby pick up everything in sight with no intention of buying, just to show us.
We should be grateful 'cause we're that stupid and not capable of going shopping for what we want.
Not to mention all the dog :poop: in the garden.
Baby said you wouldn't believe they were brothers, David obviously not a twit.
And what's with guru's suggestive comments in the ragged apron, and sounded like it wasn't the first time. Bet nicola doesn't find it funny.
Shazza, don't allow that prick to make smutty comments to other women, and in front of you. Next time he thinks he's being funny, either show him up for the neanderthal he is, or ram the camera down his throat and twit him on your way out. Let the bastard walk home.
He would have been wearing that bleeping breakfast all the way back to Woodhall spa.
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All those customers Nicola serves every day, germs galore, and she had her head in Charlie’s pram giving him kisses. No no no, I’d have decked the woman
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This post is slightly political, but is on topic.
Last nights slog, where guru embarrassed his hospitalised brother,proceeded to say how bad the A&E department was, not the medical staff. Hardly breaking news, unless you live under a rock or in your own perfect bubble, everyone knows the NHS is on its arse.
When I read the comments, it wasn't surprising, past racist comments show a certain demographic, and they get ♥ by guru.
I gave up reading them, lots of vote reform comments, which is their right.
In my opinion, the Reform party, is an extension of the old National Front and BNP. I think they are very dangerous, having an air of respectability, but letting racists in, via the back door.
Today's news of Reform campaigners (for Farage) making disgusting racist comments prove my point.
One, who used to be a Tory voter, was recorded calling Rishi Sunak a bleeping P****. Absolutely disgusting, no matter what you think of him as a prime minister, I actually think he's one of the worst, but I thought was a pretty good chancellor during the pandemic.
This piece of tit then went on to say that army recruits should use illegal immigrants for target practice. This bastard should be prosecuted and imprisoned, if that isn't a hate crime, I don't know what is.
Needles to say he is no longer campaigning for Farage, but just highlights the mindset of their supporters and some of the Butlers subscribers/commenters.
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Gosh yeah they were both rude about his brothers private health issues. Saying he's not hygenic and you wouldn't believe they were brothers!
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@ChiRie ---- yes the pair of them, they're bleeping horrible. No they're vile.
Sat there, all caring while sticking the boot in. Boosting their own egos, aren't we wonderful, we take care of ourselves, smug bastards. P'lease , I don't want to speculate on David, but maybe life hasn't been as good to him as 'ol Marty.
What Guru and baby said about David is nothing short of trolling.
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Disgusting comments about his brother, as if they are the pinnacle of healthy living. What shocked me more though was Baby’s complete indifference and lack of interest over their granddaughter’s sporting achievements. If it was baby Frank they’d never shut up about it.
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Disgusting comments about his brother, as if they are the pinnacle of healthy living. What shocked me more though was Baby’s complete indifference and lack of interest over their granddaughter’s sporting achievements. If it was baby Frank they’d never shut up about it.
I said this to my other half! I said Sharon not making anything of that good news about her grandchild! Different if it was Tracey’s kids 🤨
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Just when you think you've seen it all, a commenter tells guru to go into politics as an independent, and they'd vote for him. That's all we need. Are these gullibles really living amongst us, or do they have internet access in secure facilities 🤔🤔🤔
Mind you his manifesto could be good for a laugh.

Vote Butler, For a Better Britain.
Free Cosori pressure cookers and air fryers for every household.
No VAT on e bikes.
YouTubers will be income tax exempt.
Carnivores will have 14 ribeye steaks, 4 chickens, 3 kilos of bacon, 3 kilos of sausages, 2 dozen eggs, 14 half pound burgers and 7 packs kerry gold(grass fed) butter free of charge and delivered to their door weekly.
Vegetables and fruit will incur a new premium health tax.
It will also be compulsory for public areas (gyms, garages, tyre repair centres) to display pictures of scantily clad, semi naked, topless women.


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Oh my lord….the BBQ 🤢 Not a salad or vegetable in sight - fine- go ahead and eat a crappy diet but surely if you have guests round to eat you could at least open a bag of salad and chop a bit of cucumber and tomato? I feel sick just looking. More smutty comments between Mart and Stacey.
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Just when you think you've seen it all, a commenter tells guru to go into politics as an independent, and they'd vote for him. That's all we need. Are these gullibles really living amongst us, or do they have internet access in secure facilities 🤔🤔🤔
Mind you his manifesto could be good for a laugh.

Vote Butler, For a Better Britain.
Free Cosori pressure cookers and air fryers for every household.
No VAT on e bikes.
YouTubers will be income tax exempt.
Carnivores will have 14 ribeye steaks, 4 chickens, 3 kilos of bacon, 3 kilos of sausages, 2 dozen eggs, 14 half pound burgers and 7 packs kerry gold(grass fed) butter free of charge and delivered to their door weekly.
Vegetables and fruit will incur a new premium health tax.
It will also be compulsory for public areas (gyms, garages, tyre repair centres) to display pictures of scantily clad, semi naked, topless women.
Christ can you imagine?
Oh my lord….the BBQ 🤢 Not a salad or vegetable in sight - fine- go ahead and eat a crappy diet but surely if you have guests round to eat you could at least open a bag of salad and chop a bit of cucumber and tomato? I feel sick just looking. More smutty comments between Mart and Stacey.
He can't have salad so he won't serve it. It bloats him and makes him ill. Love a nice fresh salad I do.
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Well I was well and truly entertained tonight, I was pissing myself laughing, it was like watching Frank Spencer.
First, looking for that priory place. He went through an opening that said private land, wouldn't listen to shazza. Carried on in people's private driveways, and eventually had to turn round saying there wasn't any signs. Yes there was, you bleeping ignored them.
He's put high fencing at the front of his house for privacy, yet drives onto someone's private drive, not bad enough, he's filming. Unbelievable.

Guru and stacey were toying with us, making a comment about a lovely pair when stacey was fence painting. And stacey said about the comments from the last slog, she obviously reads on here because it wasn't in his comments (as far as I'm aware) it was on here. And it was nicola it was directed to that we commented about.
I did notice a comment from one of their subscribers, saying stacey shouldn't let anyone kiss baby Charlie's face, that was mentioned on here, their subscriber wouldn't have decked them though, 🤣🤣🤣.
Shazza replied, she's not anyone, she's our friend. Wrong, she is just anyone, she's not his mother.
Anyway, I'm nominating 'ol Marty for husband of the year. He is so considerate to shazza. After she'd painted those panels in scorching hot weather, he told her she'd done enough and to have a rest. He's a keeper.
Marty, next time you go to feed your brothers cat, please film it. Shazza with the box in front of her, like a lion tamer, said cat launching its self at you. It'd be priceless comedy gold.
And, I am now going to start calling my shed, the log cabin.🤪🤪🤪
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They're both getting bigger after each slog ffs.Old Butler gave everyone a taste of his steak........OH MATRON !!!!
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Oh my lord….the BBQ 🤢 Not a salad or vegetable in sight - fine- go ahead and eat a crappy diet but surely if you have guests round to eat you could at least open a bag of salad and chop a bit of cucumber and tomato? I feel sick just looking. More smutty comments between Mart and Stacey.
Agree. They could have used less than a quarter of that food, had a bun with the burgers and sausages, some fried onions, cheese if they wanted it and a nice but of salad, even on the burgers. Some fresh fruit for afters, even tinned. It would have been a lot healthier and less calories than all that meat.
That pork and beef could have been saved for a Sunday lunch when the family was round.
duck knows why they want fruit trees in the garden, I've never seen them eat fruit, mustn't be allowed on the carnivore diet.🐂🐂🐂🐖🐖🐖
Regarding the speeding ticket, I think you only get fined a percentage of your wage if you plead not guilty. Usually it's a £100 fine and three points if you just plead guilty, unless your going faster than the 3 point threshold. I thought last week when they said about the speed awareness course, they wouldn't be eligible.
Just checked, I thought I was right thinking that's if you plead not guilty COULD be more points and bigger fine.They've probably not read it right. I'd just plead guilty and have done with it. Insurance will probably go up depending on the speed you were going.


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Agree. They could have used less than a quarter of that food, had a bun with the burgers and sausages, some fried onions, cheese if they wanted it and a nice but of salad, even on the burgers. Some fresh fruit for afters, even tinned. It would have been a lot healthier and less calories than all that meat.
That pork and beef could have been saved for a Sunday lunch when the family was round.
duck knows why they want fruit trees in the garden, I've never seen them eat fruit, mustn't be allowed on the carnivore diet.🐂🐂🐂🐖🐖🐖
Regarding the speeding ticket, I think you only get fined a percentage of your wage if you plead not guilty. Usually it's a £100 fine and three points if you just plead guilty, unless your going faster than the 3 point threshold. I thought last week when they said about the speed awareness course, they wouldn't be eligible.
Just checked, I thought I was right thinking that's if you plead not guilty COULD be more points and bigger fine.They'vebably not read it right. I'd just plead guilty and have done with it. Insurance will probably go up depending on the speed you were going.
Agree. They could have used less than a quarter of that food, had a bun with the burgers and sausages, some fried onions, cheese if they wanted it and a nice but of salad, even on the burgers. Some fresh fruit for afters, even tinned. It would have been a lot healthier and less calories than all that meat.
That pork and beef could have been saved for a Sunday lunch when the family was round.
duck knows why they want fruit trees in the garden, I've never seen them eat fruit, mustn't be allowed on the carnivore diet.🐂🐂🐂🐖🐖🐖
Regarding the speeding ticket, I think you only get fined a percentage of your wage if you plead not guilty. Usually it's a £100 fine and three points if you just plead guilty, unless your going faster than the 3 point threshold. I thought last week when they said about the speed awareness course, they wouldn't be eligible.
Just checked, I thought I was right thinking that's if you plead not guilty COULD be more points and bigger fine.They've probably not read it right. I'd just plead guilty and have done with it. Insurance will probably go up depending on the speed you were going.
Anyone savvy enough to superimpose their faces on this?!


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@Upnorth ---- 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I thought exactly the same on tonight's slog, when guru kept walking past all them cars on the drive.
Then I thought no,the Clampetts are genuinely sweet simple folk. Wouldn't grift, and granny never sits still, always cleaning, doing the washing by hand in the cement pond.And wouldn't dream of going to the ragged apron for vittles everyday, everything cooked from scratch. Even Jethro talks more sense.
I owe Jed and all his kin an apology for even thinking of the comparison.
I've said it before it's like Steptoes yard, now I'm thinking Arthur Daly with all them cars 🤑
Sadly, I've not got the knowhow to photo shop, but I'm sure other tattlers are more than capable. 🤞🤞🤞
Incidentally, the Beverley Hillbillies are on every Monday.
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