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Sorry for you but haha babs ....another indicator Covid is real x
Hahaha we knew that it probably wouldn't be going ahead and we did book it on a fanciful 'Ooooo maybe the country may be ok by then' aspect but we were just fooling ourselves 😆😆😆

I blame fanciful notions on being stuck in the North West and not seeing my family since last September, you know to protect people...Babs...
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If her therapy was Tuesday would she have made her changes on Wednesday if anything suggested to her? Hope she hasn't gone off line with a full breakdown, no one wishes that on anyone, self-inflicted or otherwise.
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Because she is being the “youest you” or what ever cuntary she was gobbling off about this morning
I see the interpretation of being the youest you is acting like some crude yob

I’m not one to Emma defend, but there are no rules on distance - you can go anywhere as long as you don’t stay the night and social distance. But I will say you still shouldn’t be seeing every man and their dog as Kebab is, and more importantly social distancing which Kebab isn’t.
I said this would happen to my husband the other day, that people like Emma would go bonkers and see a relaxation as an excuse to see every man woman and their dog 24/7
Not that I believe for one second she hasnt seen her mum and dad regularly
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Chatty Member
I had a friend who when she was carrying a few extra pounds and wanted to wear her jeans...would wear body shaping tights to be able to do this.
Just putting this bit of info out there.
Yes, well, I can imagine the tights make her plastic trousers go up and down more smoothly. It saves them getting stuck and having that “Ross” moment.
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Yes I said this the other day. Only way I can describe it is like it’s almost like a break up and then you get back together to try and make it work so on best behaviour - but you know it’s never going to work, and it’s just awkward and forced.

I think she’s just deeply miserable.
bang on the money.
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Chatty Member
Was it you that pointed out she looks like she's karate chopping when she talks last week? I haven't been able to unsee it, it was such a perfect call. I think it's because she is constantly trying to put her hand underneath her chin, then remembers that she shouldn't do that as much so just ends up flailing her hand around. It looks so incredibly stupid.
Yeah that was me, I genuinely thought she started doing more today as a f*ck you to us lot. Just screams she’s not relaxed as she says she is and is lying through the skin of her teeth.
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Had to screenshot it🤣. I wonder if she’ll confirm? 🤔
probably good that you screenshot it, because i'm sure that'll be the first comment to be deleted - wouldn't want anyone revealing that she was lying about her week revolving around painting drawers and sniffing children. i don't doubt that babs went on a trip to drayton manor, but i also guarantee that she won't reply to that comment because she won't want to admit that she's been out galavanting the minute lockdown rules were slightly relaxed. not that anyone wod be surprised, the amount of garden visits she had managed to cram in before she took her six day break. also, thomas land? really? i bet she was FUMING she couldn't post such perfect toddler mum content on IG! surely her kids are way too old for thomas? it kinda feels like the time she took erin on a peter rabbit walk for her tenth birthday - except this time it was entirely pointless, because she couldn't use it to up her engagement!
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Why is she sat in her own garden in the Arctic weather?! (I don’t think it’s arctic but she does as it’s freezing at 6 degrees 🙄)
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
It would feel like being in a witness protection programme, constantly on edge! Good practise I suppose for when she has to leave social media in disgrace and start a new life under an assumed identity.
I genuinely think this is what her kids will end up having to do later in life.
Any future employees will Google them and see Emma's car crash exploitation of them 🤬🤬
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I know I'm a cynical misanthrope but it really irritates me when people call themselves parents of their pets, but fine, I get it, whatever.

To call yourself a grandmother of pets though is the height of narcissism. If Erin and Ethan do ever have children she is going to be unbearable.
I bet also she'll be one of those *nudge nudge wink wink* type "ooh any grand babies for me then?" type parents as soon as Ethan or Erin are married with no sensitivity whatsoever to the possibility that they could have problems conceiving 🙄🤦
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Chatty Member
I’m not one to Emma defend, but there are no rules on distance - you can go anywhere as long as you don’t stay the night and social distance. But I will say you still shouldn’t be seeing every man and their dog as Kebab is, and more importantly social distancing which Kebab isn’t.
Stay local replaced the stay home message from 29th March.
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