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Not in a million years could (or would) I convince my husband and 7 year old to stand by the dishwasher holding a cardboard hammer and look as though pretending its going in is causing much hilarity! PATHETIC! Absolutely woeful 🤦‍♀️
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What grown adult says belly ache!? Also why is she a hypochondriac 😶 having belly ache is not feeling rotten Kebbaba most women have it for a week solid once a month!
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All the booze and sugar have finally caught up with her. Her body has had enough punishment and is now turning on her (perhaps the final straw was being squeezed into more clothes that don’t fit 🤔)
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Ha! She’s posted a reply to one of the posts asking her to get a Covid test saying she doesn’t have a cold or a cough just a belly ache!

**edited to add: She also states she has IBS ( bollocks!!!) and is ‘ being very careful’!!!!!
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I think she's off somewhere, but has decided to take the week off as people have pointed out her cough etc she doesn't want any more questions about possible illness so thinks by taking the time off she can crack on no questions asked
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Jesus Christ.

She really is a fucking cunt! Sorry if i offend anyone by using the word cunt. But that is the best word to describe Babs.
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Oh my god guys!!!! I had a dream I was in Tesco picking up canned cocktails and waving them around saying ‘cock in a can!’ and thinking I was hilarious!!! I’m so ashamed of myself!!!!! Please forgive me 🙏🏼

Don’t get your hopes up! There have been quite a few times when we’ve thought she could change and do her job in a better way. But she never does 🙄

By the way, I watched the Louis Theroux/Joe Exotic program last night and I don’t know what Babs was on about - it literally started in 2020/2021 with new bits. It wasn’t a repeat at all. I know she’s SO intelligent and has a masters and used to be the head of RE so I don’t want to insult her, but she’s a special kind of idiot sometimes 🤣
Exactly my thoughts re the Louis/Joe doc! It wasn’t rehashed content at all! I think she watched the wrong thing. What a dick 😂
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So she’s bought herself the kids nocturnal pets when they are notorious in that house for bed olympics & she struggles to sleep for Ste’s snoring. She’ll still hear them in the kids rooms. What an absolute twat! Its all for the gram because her content is dire & she’s the biggest liar hence the nose growth. This is the first time she’s ever told the tale of Babs the rat whisperer - I smell a rat 🐀
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Lady Doodle

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Does anyone else think Wet Sandra has done that bloody awful braggy Birthday display herself because there is no way Grandad Dodger would have done that 🤮🤢 Emma is a chip off the old block alright! And it is freezing in the South East of Birmingham area..... NO WAY The Wet Wipes and The Conwoman will be sitting outside. NO WAY!
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If my child at younger than 10 had a wonky neck and they went to the hairdressers then I would have a quiet word with the hairdresser and explain the situation - which I'm assuming most parents would do. When I get my hair cut I get told to straighten my head .. you know so they can do their job and cut in a straight line ....

I mean its kind of obvious something may get said and as a mum she could have prevented her child from being placed in a preventable and upsetting situation that seemingly scarred her from going to the hairdressers for years.

Shes just so self absorbed that even her golden child doesn't come before herself.
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She’s met up with her family, Ste’s family, and now 2 sets of friends all in the past 3/4 days. I can imagine there has been little social distancing going on. She’s ultimately stupid & if not passing covid around passing something else.
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I don't think they're going away as nowhere officially opens til Mon 12th and I'm betting she'll be back online by then.
I dont think she's got COVID either 🤷‍♀️ Or is isolating.
But I do think the Wet wipes are probably moving and she'll help, throw in a load more rule breaking and getting called out for so much socialising already and boom, she's suddenly got a planned in week off, recommended by her Groupon therapist and not mentioned until 5pm the night before 🤥
The fact it took her approx 3 hours to actually fuck off proves she is doing this under duress.
Took her approx 3 hours to actually fuck off! 😂😂😂
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So not only is there Prince Philip (RIP) she can't post about but now the tragic death of Nikki Grahame 😣 that Babs can't milk

Babs. Must. Be. Seething. *Shakes fist like in pit stories*

I imagine when she does pop back on Instagram next week she'll do a grid post r.e Nikki's death and make sure it's alllll about her and how she has been a size 10 and was never happy etc 🙄 calling a pre Tingo on that already!
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Lady Doodle

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Why does she make it sooooo obvious that we live in her head rent free 🤣🤣
Todays "be more you" bullshit post
Now the "poorly belly" Peppermint Tea bullshit.

Emma, do us all a favour and spend as much time with your kids as you do on here.
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So the top 20 Mum influencer list from Mother and Baby is out... Alison Perry is on it, Emma, for some reason, isn't. Bet she'll be seething! After all, she's a great Mum and great at her job!
She’s losing the toddler mum audience, there are more new mums on the horizon. She can’t keep plugging the sleep deprived, mum of toddlers line because she isn’t one anymore she isn’t relatable with her lifestyle. She’s up at the crack of dawn (through choice for the Instagram algorithm), she’s not sleep deprived & gets plenty of “me” time, she barely lifts a finger as her husband does a lot, she shops for utter rubbish & vlogs it all, flashes her gunt at every given opportunity in a bid to appear body confident yet poses in a fashion to make herself appear smaller, how is she relatable? Any Babettes out there really need to give their heads a wobble.
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So, I agree we are in for some 'tattle material' if Emma can be even MORE Emma like.

However, what she's failed to see is that if she changes to being more 'Emma' it would also be a totally different account to follow. The vast majority of stuff she posts is lifted from other influenzas or in response to what she's read here. If she is genuinely going to do what she's preached about this morning, I'd expect to see a massive change in content. She's full of shit 🙄
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She's already moaning about having to sit in the garden every day because it's cold. Here is an idea then Babs - don't. It's not compulsory to see somebody every single day. She's acting like she hasn't seen another human being for a whole year! She went on two bloody holidays last year and she's acting like she has literally been stuck in her house without another person for company. Babs you have a 2.4 family. There are elderly and vulnerable people all over the country who have only just been able to leave their homes.
She's seeing her daughter's godmother today. Why? Ever since we've been allowed to see people in our gardens she's practically lived under her gazebo. Of course that's going to get boring after a while. Personally I think it's just an excuse to show all of these people her fancy new house. There's no way they're just using her toilet.
And did you know it was cold? And snowy? Not like it’s suddenly come on. It was predicted last week ffs
I know the rules have relaxed but other than work I’ve seen my elderly father who is in my bubble and that’s it. If I have even a sniffle I wouldn’t go near him. Jesus Typhoid babs strikes again.

Oh wow there’s a shock. An ad the day after a pity me post
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