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If the mugs4mugs (love that by the way) really are valentines ones she’s a bigger idiot than I’s almost 2 weeks away!
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Ruby’s mum

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I don't get the constant moaning about "work" round the kids. They go to bed at 630. She could easily do 3 hours work then and still manage a TV programme and be asleep by 1030.

Really pees me off. I have a job that I have to do 9-5 and then I often end up working evenings too, because right now that's life. And a job. And actual work.

These influencers moaning, god they could record crap, write emails, take photos, write their books, all when their (young) children are in bed surely?
Their content mostly relies on the kids anyway so I don’t see the problem, having the kids at home all day they should be drowning In content
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It's ok, I'm going for a WALK later, then we are getting Chinese and we will all scream. Then we will eat cake that I remembered to pick up with my normal (essential) food shop, and didn't go out specially to buy!!
Yes, but have have already blown out the candles on it and posted it on the socials? 🤪
Enjoy your day. 🥂🎂🎁
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Chatty Member
What ad do we think she will spring upon us tomorrow?
Not that she's predictable or anything 🤔
Or a "I'm sorry I was being a bit of a tit, I feel silly now" post to garner even more soothing from the babette, before another ad soon after 🙄
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☝🏼 All of this. She’s an out and out cunt. I’m sorry but that’s how I feel. I am currently trying to do my job from home self isolating. I’m a front line key worker that can’t be there fully for my team as I’ve been in contact with a positive covid case and guess where they got it that’s right at work. From a patient. She’s petrified as her partner is vulnerable and this moron is moaning about a fucking farm.
Her children are 8 and 10 ffs am I wrong to think they’re a little old for a children’s farm?? Or did mine just grow out of it early?? And why does she have to go to Gloucester?! There’s Hatton country world and Ash End 30 mins from her 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who drives that far for a farm? Unless they give you a micro pig when you go and then I’m in.
i don't even think it's the kids who want to go to a farm. it's babs. last year, when brum was in tier three, the kids seemed perfectly content to chill at home, yet it was babs booking in day trips, dragging them out under the guise that it was "for the kids", when in reality she just cannot bare to spend time at home with her family.

and as for the ages - babs won't care if the kids have outgrown trips to the farm, they'll still be forced to go because treating them like toddlers means she is still - in her tiny mind - seemingly relatable to her toddler mum audience. she literally celebrated her daughter's tenth birthday by hauling her out on a peter rabbit walk - her "tween" daughter, who supposedly loves lip gloss and fashion - yet she was forced to celebrate her birthday in toddler style because, content.
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Well you’re not being inclusive are you 🙈 View attachment 413752
she's literally minimising her target audience with that idea! the whole "bab" thing is pretty niche, but i get that the babettes buy into it because it's a phrase they associate with kween babs - not that we ever actually hear her say it but y'know. but MOM?! even babs herself uses the term "mum" when typing - presumably because it's more inclusive and relevant to her followers. she's essentially making a mug that will appeal - potentially - to her brummie followers, and all those millions of american fans that she's accumulated. i can't see that many babettes being a "mom" mug, literally altering the spelling of "mum" on a product produced as a gift for mother's day, solely because it reflects their adoration for babs. i predict her mommugs for mugs are gonna be a huge flop.
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View attachment 414699
Or maybe its because you made a COMPLETE tit of yourself yesterday bab? Started with lies on DMC’s post and slid into the pit of despair with the reference to the police file in order to drum up some sympathy from the gullible babettes on Facebook. Take an ibuprofen and treat yourself to a duvet day. You don’t have any actual work to do, anyway.
Shouldn't this be marked as as ad or gifted?
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Chatty Member
But in the Babettes opinion they're just trolls and not being kind!?
Omg I’m sure Babs is old enough and ugly enough to fight her own battles??? Jesus, as if they’re reacting this way? They’re just as bad as her!!
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yes I want to know as well @Patrickthewonderdog why she has two different personas....unbrushed hair and filthy dressing gown/blanket leg on the counter constantly drunk on Instagram then on YouTube shes all "glammed up"(I say this with an eye roll) and fake lisp begging/selling to all in sundry? I followed her on insta ....saw the light and then watched one of her vlogs when I came over to the better side.(tattle obvs)...couldn't believe it was the same person - Christ if you split her down the middle what could you read? liar/fake.....cant get my head around this at all!
I’m not sure but I think she thinks her audience is different on each one! She thinks Instagram viewers want her to be like a slummy mummy type! On you tube she’s forever mentioning how she’s in England and asks about her ‘fans’ in other countries!
I can’t believe she put her drunken post on last night which also appeared on Facebook! I’m surprised!....she thinks that online people who might comment on her posts are her friends!...also did anybody notice on her stories a strange ‘angry family argument’ that chewing gum should always be minty and not fruity!..:.she looked drunk on that too!
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"just an influenza mum. using her kids for content."

"that homeschool and werk juggling act. #mumlife"

"living my best 'i'm the best mum' lie"

"my kids love me HARD"

"nowhere to go, nothing to dooooo, so down a baileys hot cock...or two!"

"netflix-and-purposefully ignore you children so you can binge teen mom"

"i'm not a regular mom....i'm a COOL mom - so where's my present?!"

"twinning with your pre-teen daughter is winning!"
If Babs uses any of these she better give us a split of the profits 😉😂
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Serious question - is she really so naive, deluded and (sorry to say it) stupid that she genuinely thought January would be totally different to December? How can she keep claiming she's an intelligent person but yet not see the cause and effect of allowing people to mix over Christmas? I want to knock on her head and shout EMMA WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU NEED TO STAY AT HOME THINGS ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE FOR A LONG TIME

Every time there's a PM press conference she seems to actually think they're suddenly going to announce the end of covid. She's completely clueless.

I demand a recount on her Masters
I honestly think she thought she would wake up on January 1st and covid would be a distant memory and life would be all Primark hauls, Costa visits, trips "home", being able to palm the kids off on her parents!
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