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Are we all excited for tomorrow morning? Let’s imagine Babs in her pit, phone light bright in her face, gurning at us;

*Zooms phone in and out to face....oh I have a spot...must be from wearing my mask as my diet and lifestyle are nothing but healthy....scratch....anyway......Mooooorning! I’m back!.....scratch.....Did you all have a nice Christmas? We were.....pokes eye.....very quiet at my mum’s......yawn.....with my sister, she’s in my bubble you know.....I ate so many big mini cheddars.....zooms in on one eye.....but hey, calories don’t count at Christmas right?.....puts hand under chin and pulls “cute” face......How are you all? I won’t do anything serious about what is going on so don’t bother answering that....eye poke.....after all I’m just a mum. Here for fun. And to make you.....yawn.....laugh. We’ve been on so many walks....scratch....four walks every wellies got stuck....eye poke....oh we all screamed on that the word walk even a word? Did I invent the word walk? I’m going to story all my Christmas presents today and show you adored I am. I’ve missed showing off....eye poke....I’m very proud I stuck to my Instagram break.....I’ve won against the nasty.....yawn and put stinky teddy on my face.....trolls who say I am too addicted to attention.....I am good at my.....scratch....job. Love you.....scratch....all....zooms in and out on face for no reason*
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Ah this passed 5 mins, thanks Babs!


I know they’re not gifs but still, this was more fun.
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Right I’m on a fucking rant. I apologise.

emma you absolute cunt Conway 5 weeks ago you gave us the pity post as to why you weren’t sleeping. That being because you’ve co-slept with your 7 ur old son since birth and now he doesn’t want to. (You aren’t sleeping because you are lazy, a closet alcoholic and have a shit diet but that’s not the point) now we get this:

you fucking liar. If you co-slept with your son for 7 years every year on his birthday your room would be filled with balloons. Every. Fucking. Year. If 5 weeks ago you were so distraught that you couldn’t sleep because your son wanted to sleep in his own bed. Why is him wanting to sleep with you on his birthday a “farce” this year?? Pick your lie and stick to it, twunt.
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Lady Doodle

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Am I the only one imagining the following,,,,,,,
Kenny up a corner in silence (probably on Grinder)
Rog feasting on the Conway Street
Ethan performing open heart surgery on Lucy
The triple threat having a dance off with Wet Sandra to Santa Baby
And Babs,,,,,,,,
Sprawled out on the sofa full length so that nobody else can sit down, 3 dressings gowns on, hoods up with Turkey headband over the top, surrounded by Giant mini cheddars, humous all around her mouth, clutching an empty bottle of Bailey's shouting at Kenny to feed her more Hot Cock while she's reading Tattle!
Hi Emma 🙌🤣🥳🥳🥳🥳
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Seeing Babs in that black hooded dressing gown, I knew I'd see that before 💡 One for the Harry potter fans!

Ta da! Please someone good with photo shop put Babs face on the screenshot 🤣 I don't have a clue 🤦🤦

For the full 🤢 effect
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Oh my goodness. My very first thread title and the equivalent of Christmas number one. I'm rabid. Think I'll celebrate with a watery baileys hot cock, pull gurning faces, sniff my children and make my husband sleep in the bath same bed as me.
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Lady Doodle

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I dread to think what tomorrow will bring from our Grotbabs!
I'll be busy (as we all will) but I'll make sure to find time to check in here cos you guys are my people 🥳
May you all have a day filled with Beige food, Bailey's on your cereal, your PJ's on by 2pm, Frozen Roasties, no veg (except peas) on your Xmas Dinner, Make-up fit for a pantomime dame, a Turkey headband and millions of Bath bombs and Yankee Candles 🌲🎅❤
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals 😘
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Good Egg

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New thread title suggestion: Babseye Potato-faced waffle - she’s totally versatile 😘
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I have a recap for you all.......

I think Babs outdid herself on the speed of comments on one of her threads; that last one moved quicker than I have ever seen! It began Friday night and by Sunday morning was well over 300 comments in!
Let’s see......the comments caught fire on Friday night because Babs came out with a woe is me post. A Babette (who later turned out to be a Tattler!) had politely commented on a post that Babs has changed, does a lot of ADs, isn’t giving the same content anymore. Babs replied explaining that she’s just a mum, there for lighthearted fun and that people can unfollow her. Then the conversation got deleted, although was carried on in DMs 🧐
Then it was followed by late posts (we rarely see her after 8/8:30 so 10pm was shocking) which means it was keeping her up. She did say the lady wasn’t a troll, so that’s a step forward, and they’d had a polite dialogue, but it had left her feeling crappy. She understands people have opinions but she doesn’t think she needs to hear them, you don’t need to tell someone you are unfollowing them, the internet is a BRUTAL place to work and she has feelings you know.
Sure. I’m sure nurses and doctors don’t have brutal shifts. I’m sure police, ambulance and fire services aren’t scarred by things they see. I’m sure teachers and social workers have a walk in the park. People who deal with the public or are physically active in their jobs, people who do 12+ hour shifts, people who stay up all night are having it easy compared to Babs werking so hard, on her lazy arse, dealing with people she doesn’t know and doesn’t have to see face to face give their polite opinions.
If you don’t have the balls to cope with criticism and negativity, don’t put your life on the internet!

Saturday morning began with more chat about how it makes her feel when people give negative feedback. Heavens to Betsy, what job doesn’t involve a performance review of some kind?? Learn from it Babs and make better choices!
Three times she said she’d finished mentioning it and then brought it up again. Clearly she needs to build up momentum for a Christmas break down so she can have maximum engagement while taking time off the gram!

Pastries, Hamilton in the car, walks etc etc. You know the drill by now 🤣
Big lounge reveal on Sat afternoon. Some good bits, some not so good. Whatever the opinion on the decorating I think we can all agree she has filled the room with way too much clutter and it would be frustrating to bang your leg on a table every time you move! Also, the rug is awful.

BoJo ruined Christmas for most of England, particularly tier 4 residents, on Saturday afternoon. It shouldn’t change much for Babs, except she can only hang with her family for one day and not five. She was shocked by the news, because she has no awareness of the world around her and doesn’t think she’s part of the problem with all of her germ spreading trips to Poundland and NT places. Of course she churned out some crappy sentences telling us we have the right to be annoyed but she’ll be here for festive fun.
I think I speak for most of the nation when I fuck off Babs 🙄

Sunday morning was the poll, are you okay or rubbish? She wants to know.
Does she? What’s she going to do about it? Support followers in DM conversations? Do live chats? Organise zooms? No. No she’s not going to do anything that requires an effort. A poll that she’ll never mention the results of will do. Oh and a screenshot of some support lines you can call. So that’s her done in supporting others.
Her content will just be homey stuff as she has nowhere to go. Yeah, ok. No NT trips, no sales shopping, no Black Country museum, no Warwick, no tier 3 Christmas Day at her mum’s? Yeah. Ok.

Bloody vlog still went up, no awareness that showing off a newly decorated room might be insensitive to millions of people who have just had their Christmas plans ruined 🤦🏼‍♀️

Parenting tip of the day - organise FaceTime for your kids with their friends so you can sit on your butt while they’re entertained by someone else 👍🏻

Sunday lunch where the elves got china while the kids got plastic plates.
A photo from her mummy corner 🤬 of the rest of the family playing scrabble. Without her. Because she’s got Christmas films to watch, on her own, and she doesn’t want other people spoiling her festive times.
Christmas tree shot and some crap about how happy they are at their new home. Ok. Pyjamas at 4pm. Then a few stories about Bob (the cat who befriended a homeless man) and all the crying she did about that and the past pets she’s lost. Someone’s been on the Baileys this afternoon 🤣
Present wrapping on her own - you think she’d be done by now since she started prepping for Christmas in June. But it’s more time to herself which seems to be the main goal in her life these days.

Monday morning began with scratchy stories from the pit and Babs pretending to say goodbye to PUS as he left at 7am to go to the supermarket for EVEN MORE food. Yep, even though she’s been shopping every day in December, apparently there is still food to buy. It’s because they were planning on being at her parents more than they are now allowed so now need food for home. This could all be lies and fiction, you know because they’ll just carry on breaking the rules and spreading their Covid germs; after all she will want to be drinking all day at Christmas and won’t want to parent her kids or take care of her family.
PUS came back with games for the kids so she could photograph them playing together from her sofa. Never mind it’s a couple of days before Christmas, when they will get all sorts of presents, he is as bad as Babs for buying tat 🤦🏼‍♀️

Another crappy AD, using Ethan this time, so at least he gets a turn at being exploited too. She doesn’t want to be seen to have a favourite after all.

Seems from her stories she spent all day in the same corner, in her pyjamas, watching tv and reading the TV guide. Sure it’s the Christmas holidays, and I would not judge any parent who wants a pyjama day to chill with their family. But it’s a little harder to understand when it’s all Babs does. Her day to day life is basically one sofa in pyjamas day. And watching her kids play is just a shame, they won’t be little for long and will soon have their own lives. Far away from her.
We got a rehash of a stupid Moana Tiktok involving PUS pulling her around, because tomorrow is their wedding anniversary and he adores her. Very excited to hear that all day 🙄
A gross selfie with a charcoal face mask finished off the day, it’s like she’s just handing out new avatars for the tattlers. Merry Christmas from Babs!🎅🏼

Tuesday morning began with 9 stories of photos from the wedding with a poorly written, grammatically incorrect commentary of the wedding day. A breakfast PUS “bought” her before 7am, because of course she wouldn’t get herself out of bed to make something for him, and an AD for her “book” thrown in because she wrote a poem about him and she’s so bloody greedy her whole life has become about how much money she can make. Then some chatty stories about what she got for presents and how much he adores her. A little post about PUS saying he’s quiet but with the 3 of them he’s chatty and fun, which was blatantly for Tattle (Hi Babs 👋🏻)
She reckons she’s over indulging in the wedding memories because normally she’d be swanning of to London and she can’t. And she can’t see people. So she’s feeling meh. Which of course is perfectly natural and we all feel it, but she never tries to spin a positive or say how lucky she is as well. Not to mention every now and then she tells us she’s not allowed to moan on social media because people think she should always be cheerful, yet somehow every post ties in to how bad her life is at the moment 🙄
A very quiet morning so clearly she was out somewhere she shouldn’t be 🤣, a quick lunchtime story of McDonalds on a plate (physically couldn’t eat McDonald’s off a plate, that is not the way that God intended it to be!) and then she reappeared later in the afternoon claiming she’d been on two walks and her nips had frozen off. Classy Babs, always classy.

A Babette outed her as being at the Black Country museum, which she said she booked the other week so not much of a secret. Maybe she’s taken the comments about constantly showing off on board and has decided to keep things a bit quiet?!? Or she was breaking rules of who she was allowed to go with! Either way she claimed she went on two walks when in fact she went on a day out, so she’s basically been proved to be a bare faced liar. Again. 🤬

Christmas quiz Tues evening, complete with gnomie jumper and turkey head band.

Wednesday began with crappy chat stories. Things I took from it - she’s so drunk/hangover she doesn’t know what day it is, she’s started calling PUS the man 🤢, she’s now trying to convince herself she loves homey days where they stay in and her kids must be pretty horrid to each other if they can’t survive a day without arguing and needing to be separated.
We had a rant about Bridget Jones, who Babs clearly thinks she has much in common with 🤦🏼‍♀️ Doesn’t surprise me, I bet in her 20s Bridget seemed like the ultimate heroine and role model! It led to a load of long badly strung together sentences about her and her mate trying to be cool and aloof but actually being loud and crazy, then some “inspirational” words about how being yourself, being kind, working hard and treating people nicely is what it’s all about. OK Babs. OK. All we ever hear are nice stories about how friendly you are when you’re seen out and about 🙄 You work non stop at a really important job 🙄 You know exactly who you are and never try to change to fit in with people or tell lies to make yourself seem better 🙄
Some crap about cleaning 🤣 and an awful post of her lying with food all over her showing us just how much crap she’s planning to consume in the next few days.
A couple of outfit changes today suggest pre records. The next few days will be interesting to see if she tries to trick the Babettes by lying about what she’s doing. Honestly Babs I really wouldn’t bother, it never takes much to find you out because you’re really bad at it! Plus we are insanely clever over here on tattle so not much escapes our attention! Could be an interesting Christmas 🤣
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Looked out the window and was shooketh. We. All. Screamed! 🤪

Lucy didn't know herself. So I made myself a hot cock and we went for a walk out to the front garden in my NEW dressing gown and wellies. Amd we threw snowballs at each other- we were RABID! I really was living my best festive life!!

We then came inside for some festive pan au chocolate a la jus roll and some selection box as Christmas calories DONT COUNT right?

Then Steven joined us after his lie in@ 😁
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Oh Emma! I’m right with you bab on ‘‘check the size of things on Amazon”.
Let me tell you what happened: I thought I’d got myself a real bargain when I picked up a little 2 seater convertible sports car, online, for an insanely rabid price! I had visions of driving round Harbs with the top down, Ray Bans on & my yellowish hair blowing in the wind!

Imagine my surprise when it arrived!

DOH! I really should have checked the dimensions! What a silly twat I am! But I had to laugh. My adoring husband did too. In fact we both screamed, for ages!! 😂😂
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Goodness beige buffet for lunch and beige buffet for dinner 🤢 I love a good buffet (not that i would class the “Conway’s” as having a good buffet) as much as the next person but break it up with a bit of cucumber and a cherry tomato for goodness sake!

May I take this opportunity to get in early with Christmas/festive good wishes to you all 🎄💕 I admit when I first saw this site I thought it was going to be full of nasty trolls but I was completely wrong.....not only are you lot hilarious but I’ve also seen some very caring and lovely posts looking out for each other. So as annoying as Babs is, we owe her a big thanks for contributing so much shit to the internet so that we can keep our chat going! Have a good one everyone, even if it’s not the celebration you wanted this year xx
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I completely agree, I had Christmas Eve, Christmas day and boxing day...sitting around and eating Bab's normal diet and yesterday I felt terrible.
I decided to go for a run, and today I have swam and will run later. Have also stopped eating all the rubbish.

She must feel terrible and so sluggish from eating poorly and sitting around all day.

If she was honest and changed her diet and decided to move she could have some interesting content... But she is too lazy and I loathe that she influences people with the crappy message of eat crap-because you deserve it!!!!!
This is one of my biggest bug bares with Babs. She trys to pass it off as "body positive".
I'm all for body positivity but there's a fine line between body positive and promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. You can't tell her that though as she sees her world through beige tinted spectacles (see what I did there 🤣)

I've just had a quick look at her posts from this time last year. 30th Dec is the 7 year anniversary of her starting her blog. So won't miss an opportunity to post about that.
I can see it now..

"I know I said I was taking a break. A hiatus from le gram is good for one's soul. However. 7 years ago. I was just a mum. Sat in her dressing gown. With two little ones. Desperate to reach out to someone. Anyone.
It's been one hell of a journey this ride. But. I lovvve my job. I'm GOOD at my job. And i wouldn't change it for a ruddy thing. Love ya all."

Something like that?! 🤣
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The sleepover gives away more than she thinks. Erin is asleep still, in the big bed. So Babs gets up to do her talk to camera morning shite, so Erin isn't disturbed. Does she do that every other morning so she doesn't disturb PUS? No, because he isn't bloody there! 🙄🤣
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