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This is her - 2nd Jan 2023.
There's nothing about these pictures or this post that say she isn't happy, doesn't like herself, or that she's in the depths of despair of Perimenopause!
She's a fake lying cunt!
This is literally every other month now, right? "X amount of time ago I felt so awful about myself. It was making me poorly. Everything was dark. Confidence at rock bottom. Then I decided to embrace my wobbly bits, accept that I'm just a woman who loves mugs and Disney..." If she's perennially in this cycle of hating herself, then deciding everything she likes/does is great, only to end up hating herself again a month later then a) the private therapy she was "so lucky" she could afford was an absolute waste of her time and money, and b) she needs a real world job where she has structure, colleagues, expectations to meet etc or at the very least a volunteer role. She spends far, far too much time on her own thinking about herself (not just because she's a selfish pillock, but because she literally is her "brand") and clearly frequently doesn't like herself. But instead of really reflecting on things and making changes she just convinces herself that she's actually quite marvellous only to go full circle again!!!

Or its all just a tried and tested way of drumming up some engagement. (Cynical? Me? Never!!!)
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Lady Doodle

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Since when didn't The Wets host Christmas?šŸ¤¬ She seems to forget that she documents her entire life, every year, and that we ALL know she goes home to Mummy to be waited on every fucking year!
Except Covid Years! But I even had my doubts then to be honest! šŸ¤¬
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Lady Doodle

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Wouldn't you think the Ex Teacher would go to the Sats meeting and let the wank stain take the brat to the Dentist?
Or better still, rearrange the fucking dentist so you can both go to to the Sats meeting!
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The body language here speaks volumes!
And the worrying thing is that she's so thick she has no idea how glaringly obvious it is that the spoilt brat is her favourite child šŸ¤¬
ā€¦ā€¦..or she doesnā€™t give a shit. She reads here frequently. She knows itā€™s commented on and does nothing. Iā€™ve only been around since 40 something no thread and itā€™s been pointed out over she and over how much she favours Erin.
I really hope Ethan has the best life when heā€™s older. Away from this narcissist! Hope he leaves her to rot under a pile of smelly blankets and crusty tights!
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Firstly HNY šŸ® šŸ›.

Secondly what kind of tight arsed bitch sneaks a cake into Tim Hortons when they have the disposable income of the Duchy of Cornwall?
(Hardly sneaking it in when you're taking photos of the wet wipes and the lovely lad in the middle of the place)

Finally I'm saying it now, she will HATE California. It'll take too much actual planning for them to see anything outside of Disney. She'll hate the traffic. She'll hate that it's nothing like Orlando . She'll hate that Californians outlook in life on the whole is completely different.

I can't bloody wait for the meltdown.
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Chatty Member
She really needs to think about reigning in how much she shares of the kids going forward. Iā€™ve have children the same age and they would be mortified if I shared their what should be private moments on social media and my accounts are private! I donā€™t care how many holidays it pays for itā€™s not worth it!
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Fuck me sheā€™s ugly in so many ways, just saw this ā€¦ not caught up with the rest. Babs/Les Dawson separated at birthā€¦


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ā€¦ā€¦..bored of her already in 2024 and it hasnā€™t started yet šŸ™„

Hope youā€™ve all had wonderful Christmasesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦I had mr boreds birthday yesterday and itā€™s mini boreds tomoā€¦ā€¦..then Iā€™ll be off for a big nap! šŸ˜‚
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Hilarious the old fart Rog got more likes and comments than the trip to Amsterdam šŸ‘€
Tone deaf as always. People will be counting the cost of Christmas- both financially and emotionally. Itā€™s peak divorce season, peak depression time. Guarantee sheā€™ll come up with some bullshit platitude about feeling wobbly on the ā€œblue Mondayā€.
I know little E canā€™t help his birthday. More then most as my daughter is a 28th dec baby (following her dad on Boxing Day and my dad Christmas Eve) but this whole trip was to say up yours to usā€¦ā€¦couldnā€™t even turn up at the football stadium for him. I couldnā€™t give a shiny shite about half the crap my daughter is on to but I rock up and smile because itā€™s about her not me.
I think I need caffeine. Iā€™m grumpy. šŸ˜‚
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"survived" spending two hours sitting in the sidelines and chatting to wet san! good job, babs! šŸ‘šŸ» the way she describes it, she's had a full on two hours of activity, herding toddlers around a soft-play! she took a couple of kids to a trampolining session - she didn't go to war. šŸ™„

guaranteed it was a #gifted trip anyway, and not the activity "lovely boy" Ethan would have chosen for his party. and the way she has talked about going to Tim Horton's instead of McDonald's - undoubtedly expecting a huge display of thanks for "treating" the boy, as though she didn't just take Erin to fucking Disney! poor kid looks incredibly uncomfortable being forced to pose for a photo with his nan and grandad while holding his cake - presumably with his friends watching - with wet san's usual death grip on his shoulder, only for babs to then hand out the toddler party bags to embarrass him further. imagine celebrating your 11th birthday with your friends, and your mum drags along your grandparents to join the party simply because she - a big, brave, independent 46 year old woman - can't cope with taking a couple of lads to a trampoline session and sitting scrolling social media while they have fun, on the off chance she may have to - shock, horror - interact with her son!

View attachment 2663901
If ever it's a rainy weekend and my kids are driving me up the wall I like to take them to the trampoline place - because it buys me an hour with my book, cup of tea and a slice of carrot cake! No survival needed, it's a treat for me.

She surely only says this stuff so toddler mums like her posts, she can't possibly be micromanaging her kids that much.

Update on my solo parenting day - I played a few games of WWE 2K23 with the 9 year old in my lunchbreak. I have seen the 12 year old approx 3 times, once for beans on toast, another time to do a password, and the last time to tell me she's about to die because dinner isn't for another half an hour.

#i'masurvivor #cheddarmarkedsafefromherownkids
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Thing is Sharky, if you and your dozy, lazy arsed spouse had thought things thru (difficult when you're sharing 1 brain cell)
You could've bought a bigger house with the cash you had at the time. But no you had to indulge the oxygen thief of her love for a poxy mug cupboard which is why you're stuck in a damp, hobbit house with little to no storage. If you'd thought things thru you could have moved into a 4 bed and had your own bedroom instead of having to bed down in the attic - little princess that you are šŸ˜‰.
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ā€¦ā€¦..babsā€¦ā€¦do you know what doesnā€™t need putting on at 200ā€¦ā€¦..your slow cookerā€¦ā€¦..dust the lid, remove Steveā€™s balls et voila - the easiest way to feed your busy family a healthy and hearty dinner in winter - fill it up and get 2 days from it or leftovers for lunchā€¦ā€¦ā€¦maybe even content to replace the dirge youā€™re currently sharing. Who am I kidding. Chopping veg is too much effortā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
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Lady Doodle

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Nobody, I repeat NOBODY needs to be posting spoilers about anything popular on tele!
She's such an annoying immature brat. This is like the annoying kid at school trying to spoil everyone's fun! Why does she need to do this!
I cannot stand her!
Emma, we know you read here!
Grow up and take the spoiler down. It's not big, clever or funny!!!!!
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So, tell me Cunt Face, what is Amsterdam famous for? šŸ¤”

Use your words you bellend šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„
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Those morning stories actually repulse me , you can tell sheā€™s literally just opened her eyes and started recording

I can smell her through my phone šŸ‘€šŸ¤¢

also ā€œcracking rackā€? Her tits are touching her fupa šŸ¤”
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Shit. The. Bed.
A busy mum who is hosting the party and running around after everyone might not have time for cake while there and will have a slice after, at home, with her feet up and a cup of tea??!! What is this genius in front of me? I kneel down to the altar of Babs, without whom I just would never have thought to eat cake at home with a cuppa. Woah. Mind blown, and itā€™s only the 2nd day of 2024!!View attachment 2663886
The mug ā€¦ she ainā€™t no feminist.
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