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Has hell frozen over, Ethan has a WHOLE grid post to himself an no mention of the triple thread?! WHAT IS GOING ON
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To my great surprise, I saw her in the wild earlier hanging around waiting for the eldest to get a bubble tea in Chinatown in London! She was standing with a very moody face when I spotted her… properly turning her nose up at something. Haven’t commented on here in forever but I had to share!
aha, babs in the wild! what a treat! 🤣🤣

so yet another day she's spending one-on-one with the golden child, poor ethan. and she's likely sulking and looking moody af because she's told the babettes she's taking a week off SM, thus suffering from withdrawal symptoms of not receiving endless validation and attention via her endless gurning stories. she'll be fuming, and an absolute nightmare to spend the day with - because what's the point of even taking erin to London to get bubble tea if she can't use it as content! although I definitely predict it will be shared next week, as babs will simply use everything she documents this week to rabidly upload 500 stories at 5am on Monday morning. 🤦🏻‍♀️

having seen in the wild, can you confirm whether or not she is the rEaLiStiC size 18 she claims to be? 🤣🤣
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Lady Doodle

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I don't know about you lot cowbags, but I'm still bloody boiling, I mean, I am in Greece 🤣 but I just spoke to my mum who's in Warwickshire and she was sat in the garden. And this grade A twat is in the house in PJ's and her hideous dressing gown at 5pm 🙄🤦‍♀️

I'm calling a Tingo that tomorrow's tone deaf show off cash splash will be about getting Harry Styles tickets for Coventry next May!
She'll either :-
A. Get them and be bragging and talking about how Harry will see her and immediately want to marry her with no regard for the repulsive amount of money she spends 🤮
B. Not be able to get any and start begging by tagging in Coventry Building Society arena to try and get freebies.
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Chatty Member
I actually feel really horrified that she’s trying to talk about saving money after all the manic spending she’s been banging on about. She’s so tone deaf
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I feel like she does this to test the waters sometimes. She’s trying to be mates with Knee Deep In Life and she’s vulgar - I’ve seen brief bits of her “content” which involved her talking about shitting herself in the car. So maybe Babs is trying to use that same style of content to see if it works on her audience.

A rebrand has to be coming at some point. Her children willing to participate in het content is ticking away rapidly now.
Sorry to quote myself but cheers Babs for proving my point entirely.

No one in the history of the world needs to know this about you. You vile warthog.


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Thank god a whole week without her endless repetitive shite! I know I don’t need to watch and I don’t follow her just dip in and out. Why the hell didn’t she take the week off she went to Lazarote? It’s not like she did any thrilling content stuff while they were there and she could have concentrated on spending time with her family and not recording every minute! But then I‘ve answered my own question she hates spending time with her family! Bet the kids are booked into activities during her week off!
We all know her ‘week off’ will be spent filming content and counting down the hours til she can start posting drivel again! It’s August Emma, not bloody Autumn and even in Sept it’s not Autumn til the end of the month. Not every one wishes time away like you!
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The girl going to senior school is about Babs again....weird dreams, allergy/panic attack in the night...
Sounds to me like she needs a therapist, maybe not a groupon/google find next time!
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If those Christmas pj bottoms get any tighter they will split. And why oh why would you do this? It's not funny Babs, despite what the babettes will tell you. It's embarrassing especially I'm sure for your daughter.
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Think it’s hilarious that her friend TT (who by the way I think is excellent at what she does) has SO many piss easy slow cooker recipes that taste delicious.

Here’s an idea bab. Why don’t you see if she could teach you to cook? Maybe a little mini series. Healthy family meals for someone who isn’t very good at cooking. There you go. Have that for free!
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I was just going to say this,,,,,,,

She's just said (and I quote) "I worked in a senior school and I know senior schools are fine" 😳😳

Fine??? Fine!!!!

Emma, Senior schools are a LOT of things. "FINE" is definitely not a word I'd use! They can be brutal and I for one would not want to be your daughter who is about to be thrown to the wolves thanks to your online antics! It's not the new routine (🤮) keeping you up at night love, it's the fact you know you've absolutely RUINED your kids lives! Fact!
it would be vaguely believe that babs was describing secondary school as "fine" if she was naively basing her description on her own time as a high school student - in her blog, she explains that she attended an all girls grammar, wore a perfect uniform and never skipped a single class, where there was absolutely no fighting orr swearing o. raehuing with teachers. she literally describes her school from the age of 11 to 18 as "hogwarts. without the magic". 🌟🤦🏻‍♀️

ironically though, that her earlier stories labelling high school as "fine" are supposedly based on her experience as a teacher in a secondary school, not as her own experience as a high school student. her blog post is very clear in that she taught at an inner city school with a pass rate "at the (very) low end of the spectrum", and her experience as a teacher at this "rough" school was a shock after her own hogwarts experience. she had a chair thrown at her, was. told by a student to "fuck off" and *shock, horror* someone called her fat! quite a culture shock for Queen babs, but she quickly realised that, despite her own "very privileged education", she actually enjoyed teaching the peasant children of Brum - those who were "not necessarily the richest or the brightest".while she worked in this school, she treated the teens like toddlers as a way to keep their behaviour under control - these were kids all aged 11+, and she was imposing countdowns 10, 9, 8.....down to 1 to give whatever teen ten seconds to stop talking/misbehaving etc - and claimed this was an effective tactic at controlling unruly 16 year olds! she also explains that she regularly had to leave the classroom - simply walk out mid lesson to calm down and not lose her shit, based purely on the behaviour of the kids in her class. it was also where the tat reward box originated, as she attempted to bribe the teens in her class to concentrate on their work and not throw tables or insult RE teacher babs, who undoubtedly had zero control over the classes she taught! always reminds me very much of my own RE teacher who was so shockingly awful, she'd turn her back on the class to write on the whiteboard, turn back around and be SHOOKETH that half the kids had disappeared out the window and out across the playing fields! shocked every time, despite it happening in every. single. lesson. although in her favour, i don't e er remember her stomping out of the room in a sulk, to take a few deep breaths and regain control to avoid throwing a tantrum in front of a classroom of mocking teens! i can just imagine classrooms full of 15 year olds deadly focused on their work, solely to earn themselves a tat ruler from poundland! 🤣

from her description of her teaching career, she must have been fully aware that kids could be vicious and cruel - especially when they were regularly rude to her, commenting on her appearance, calling her fat and swearing at her, etc. presumably the "secondary schools are fine" comment was based on her own experience of attending an all girl's grammar school, which was so tame that apparently the worst thing thing ever happened was dating to wear a navy hair bobble instead of the obligatory black - which i assume was the extent of babs' teenage rebellion phase, and doesn't represent the behaviour of other girls in the scjool - but y'know, babs was a shy and reserved wallflower, so hardly likely to be hanging out behind the bike sheds, skipping lessons to share fags and snog boys, or to roll her skirt well above the knee! i can't imagine that she was never bullied - and assume she's simply fabricated so many stories over th eyears about her idealistic, fairytale Hogwarts school experience taht she has blocked the reality form her mind, but even if it were the case she wasn't specifically targeted by other gia and they simply bicthed about her behind her back, it's ridiculous to assume that simply because erin is "privileged" enough to follow in babs' trotter-steps and attend - i assume?! - an all girls grammar school, that she will be protected from bullying, simply because that kind of thing only happens to those "disadvantaged" kids who attend "underprivileged" schools at the bottom of the league tables, where kids get low grades and poor quality teachers - hence why those poor kids were lumbered with babs! - amongst kids who "aren't the brightest or the richest" and don't come from wealthy hobbit families like her girl, who has a regarrrrrrta jacket, her own umbrella and a whole stationery ailse of zebra pens that poor, underprivileged, inner city peasant kids could of dream of! thus, based solely in their background, she is assuming that it is these schools where bullying is rife - hut the golden child doesn't attend a rough school full of dumb, peasant children, she isn't at risk, because bullying simply doesn't occur! regardless of babs' own "perfect n" secondary school experience - whether rose tinted nostalgia or not - she is soon going to realise that bullying is rife in all schools, and that her self-designated celeb status will not protect erin from being bullied. in fact, babs herself has handed her classmates such an exhaustive supply of ammunition to use against her that the poor girl will be absolutely tortured, teased relentlessly and absolutely torn to shreds - especially as we all know babs won't allow her daughter's bullies to "win" by changing the humiliating content she shares and refraining from sharing any further private details about her children's lives. hell, she'll probably be rubbing her hands in glee the day erin comes home from school in tears, absolutely rabid that she can use her daughter's distress as content, and write posts and film vlogs and stories all about bullying, and how much erin is suffering, failing to accept that if she simply removed herself from SM, the poor girl wouldn't be such an easy target, while simultaneously making the situation all about HER, and her struggles with anxiety/IBS/her allergies that are supposedly triggered by anxiety etc etc, which will obvs prompt a return to therapy and a post that she was "nervous to share" etc etc. she'll be massively pushing the "be kind" mantra, totally ignoraning the fact that refusing to change her own behaviour is making her daughter's school life a living hell, thus she is being the absolute opposite of "kind" to her daughter. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Lady Doodle

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It's not IBS Emma darling , it's the bad food and drink choices you make .... Oh if you are reading this and you really think you could be peri menopause then you drastically need to change your diet and listen to the experts.
The IBS thing really pisses me off because if she had any idea about Anxiety (which she apparently does cos she self diagnosed and paid for therapy for 18 months) she would know that there is a direct link between the Brain and the Digestive system which allows them to respond to how each other is feeling,,,,,, this can cause a change in bowel habits at times of distress!
IBS is a medical/clinical condition that is caused by (but not exclusively) allergies, intolerances, certain malfunctions of the Dig Sys & some bowel diseases.

Emma, you do not have IBS you attention seeking melodramatic idiot!!!!!
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So she says Erin was fine and didn’t want her to shout I love you, presumbly because anyone that age would be embarassed so as a result she decides to so a grid post and share everything on her stories.

I honestly feel for Erin so so much, not the first week, just as the months creep in and people find her Mums insta and every single post and video from her childhood.
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Did she take someone to sainsburys with her or did she set her camera up on the trolley to film herself?! If I walked into an aisle and saw a woman marching around in front of the stationery I would turn and run!!! How embarrassing! Imagine when E starts school and a classmate shouts ‘oi E saw your mum in sainsburys filming herself stroking the pens!!’ 🙈
"Oi E, your Dad wears kids socks"
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Why is she stressing about new routines in the morning when she DOESN’T HAVE A JOB! It’s literally her only role to get those kids to school. Imagine if she had to do it while having to go to a job outside the home like millions of other parents have to do. How does this moronic sack of pumpkins get through a day? She needs to get lost.
Basically she’s got the hump as the new routine is going to affect her laying in bed in the morning and possibly affect her Netflix start time in the evening.
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As an ex teacher she should know that there is always an inset day (or maybe two) at the beginning of the school year. Where they discuss results, plans for the year, hold department meetings (hi former hod RE) meet new staff etc etc. absolutely ridiculous.
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Lady Doodle

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Hope the fellow cowbags are having a good holiday :)
I'm having a lovely time thanks fellow cowbag, fly home on Sunday just in time to 'micro manage' my kids back into school by Tuesday! Need to pack their school bags for them, label all of their belongings and buy them umbrella's and bus pass holders 🙄🤦‍♀️ Have I forgotten anything? 🤣
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So she’s back with a bang 🙄 12 stories before 7am.
And there’s new routines starting at 630 and she’s still in her pit at 655 being given breakfast in bed by the man child. And who the fuck eats croissants in bed?! Think of the crumbs 🤢
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