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Is it just me who couldn't be arsed to decant board games into ill fitting storage bags when the box they came in is perfectly adequate to store them in ? 🤷
Definitely not just you. What a absolute waste of money and resources. Why do you need something that already has its own storage?? You can bet if games came in plastic bags she would be buying special boxes to put them in!
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The hobbit house isn't in the city centre, so you'll need to bus it there, it's a bit of a trek to walk it all 😂 You'll be in a hotel opposite her beloved Primark, if I remember correctly?...

Yes, it infuriates me when people disagree with, or call someone out, that they're called "keyboard warriors". Babs just wants to exist in an echo chamber where babettes blow smoke up her arse all day.
I’m staying with my nephew who is just around from the hobbit house. Much easier to spot a babs in the wild. I’m so hoping to bump into her, can’t wait to ask if she’s getting the correct help for her ptsd.
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Wow Louise looks incredible. She has a completely different style to me but it doesn’t stop me appreciating how her style works so well.

Then you have Emma…..

Her whole thing was being normal and relatable because she came in at a time where people were sick of seeing the “perfect” insta mums. But in order to stay relevant (cough) she’s took it so far away from being normal she’s turned herself into a laughingstock.


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i swear it's actually worse now that erin is generally treated more like a tween, yet ethan is still dragged around with babs in toddler mum mode. ffs, let the poor kid have fun! "kids zone is perfect if you have little ones...!" - yeah, brilliant babs, except you don't have "little ones". she has a nine year old who adores HP - and is presumably taller than 100cm which is the height limit of children that Woody Woodpecker zone is aimed at! 🤦🏻‍♀️- yet she's dragging him around like a four year old, and preventing him from making the most of his time at Universal and actually enjoying himself, because she prefers meeting kids characters, like spongebob and scooby doo, and toddler playparks and "big slides" and "safe" toddler rides where she's properly strapped in, because she finds them more manageable and "really fun". essentially, kidzone is preferable for babs because she is an oversized toddler who hates rides and prefers the slower, quieter pace in comparison to the hype of universal, because she's so fucking unfit she struggles to keep up with steve and the kids, constantly screaming at them to "stop running" because how dare they have fun while she's hugging and puffing behind them struggling to catch her breath.

this "divide and conquer" bullshit is heartbreaking. in the past, it was used as a way to exclude ethan and leave him at home with steve while she spent all her time with the golden child, yet now it's still being used to ethan's detriment, as erin is paired with steve and allowed to go and enjoy her holiday, actually having fun, going on the rides and getting a break from having a camera shoved in her face, while ethan is manipulated into being dragged around by babs for the day, undoubtedly being guilt-tripped with "don't leave mummy on her own!" type comments, exploiting his sensitive nature. 😔

if babs doesn't want to go on roller coasters and prefers to spend the day sitting down resting and shoving snacks down her throat in quieter areas of the park, surely she can do that without ethan. but ofc she needs him for content, because she wouldn't lure in an audience if she filmed herself making Universal appear even more boring than she already has, so the poor kid has to miss out on all the fun his sister gets to enjoy, constantly being told that he can't do stuff because he's "too tired" or "too scared" etc. even to the point where erin and steve snuck out the hotel room super early to ensure that ethan couldn't join them, and babs could blame it on him, claiming it was his fault because he overslept. yet we all know that is a lie and it was all pre-planned, because we are well aware that it's ethan who wakes up the earliest - supposedly to the point that babs was forced to buy him a toddler colouring book in the dollarstore to keep him entertained until erin and steve woke up! she claims that her and ethan - who always wake up earliest decided to have a chilled morning and not rush out to the parks, yet that was obvs babs' decision which ethan had no say in. she is honestly such a cruel and manipulative bitch, and an absolute disgrace as a. mother, the way she treats that kid. 😡💔
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Christ on a bike...the reel 🤦. This pic, I hope to god her GP has a stern word with her as she looks worse than my mum when she passed quite frankly !!
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It's because she's a spurious, fake, faux Disney "fan". She looks bored a.f in every Vlog she's done on it. The funniest bit is in her most recent upload, when she handed the camera to not a Triple.Threat, where T.T. proceeded to mainly film the concrete & pebble ground as she walking (she's deffo inherited her mum's rubbish filming skills), which Babs still uploaded regardless 😂 and as T.T. returned, there was Babs sat at a table on her phone doomscrolling Tattle checking her engagement on Instagram 😂😂😂

It's just yet another chapter in Bandwagoner Babs's life.
She reminds me of The Inghams
Blabs banged on for months about her second “home” Disney and how she couldn’t wait to go back and how she and Steve dream of the day they can go by themselves blah blah blah fucking bollocks blah… then the day came and oh it was a shower of shit with slack arse about informative as a postage stamp and the vibe given that they were penny pinching ( unless it was something bitch wanted) and that she was too fat and unfit to enjoy it. And no I’m not fat shaming I’m fat and unfit and don’t think I could trudge round Disney all day

The Inghams are the same, they lurve to go travelling in their shitty van, but do nothing when they get to their destinations, no real in-depth sight seeing or proper exploring, just a quick look round and maybe a stroll on the beach then off they go again, the kids are bored witless but can’t say anything

blabs gives me the impression she makes it clear her money gets them holidays and free things and they have to play to her tune

I’m at a loss as to how she keeps her instagram account going, she’s boring and unimaginative, the clothes stuff is just a joke as she just wears old stuff despite buying new stuff, her grids are just rehashed shit every week

* I was an unconfident teenager- cue pictures of her being anything but

* body positivity - cue pictures of her in those two skanky costumes she wears all the time and photos taken either filtered, shot from above or with people/the dog used to cover her true size …that is not being body confident

* then it’s Einstein and her SATS which have been banged on about endlessly whilst mother of the year swung between proud mum and the awful inconvenience it all was 🙄🙄🙄

* Ethan is too confused, deranged and different for her, my own feelings are he was a typical toddler ( after the perfect golden child) and she’s never forgiven him

* anything else; allergies, the scraggy bought for content dog, Colin, smut, Gary fucking Barlow, the endless boy band choices 🙄🙄🙄🙄

pick any day and it’s the same, the same boring old rubbish
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I cannot imagine Steve showing this much enthusiasm or having this much personality
I’m sorry if this is stereotyping and I’ll take the blowback but I’ve never personally met a straight man that a) loves Beyoncé enough to go to a concert - perv over yeah, her music not so much and b) keep shouting “to the left” even when shitfaced drunk


After watching her most recent reel where she pretends she is coughing mimics giving head, I fully understand why her husband won’t touch her and likes Grindr so much

and Emma nobody needs to see your flabby, sweaty, unwashed body jiggling 🤢in your filthy pyjamas at 7am as for parts of your body slapping 🤢🤢 Jesus wept get a grip on yourself buy a vibrator or just get some dick
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Who goes to Universal & doesn’t go on the rides? Babs CONway that’s who 😂 she’s so niche & quirky. 🙄
Also, taking Ethan on the dr Seuss land rides, minions etc and saying he’d be too scared to go on gringotts, and if you have “little ones” you should watch ride videos before going on them to see if they are scary. He’s 9 1/2 for fucks sake! My son went on gringotts, rip ride rocket and everything when he was 7. Only missed out on hulk and that was because he was an inch too short. She really does try and baby him doesn’t she, especially seeing as he did get to go on gringotts in the end despite her best attempts to persuade him otherwise!!
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According to Wikipedia Let Loose released “Seventeen” in 1994 so Babs would’ve been in her mid20s…... you weren’t a teenager chasing boy bands you were a full on adult.

Stunted, absolutely stunted mid 20s I was not into boybands. I was out clubbing, getting up to all sorts it was amazing. Not scrapbooking boybands.
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Lady Doodle

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Another crap Universal vlog!
ATD must be thrilled they've paid her to vlog this and just compare it to Disney!

All I got from these vlogs is that she clearly hates Universal 🤣🤣 But what is really sad is that ATD could've gifted the tickets and hotel stay to a family really in need! You know, a hard working family who don't sell out their kids privacy for easy money. A family who might have actually taken their kids on the rides and stayed in the parks for more than 5 minutes 🤬🤬
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She’s too desperate for attention to let anything sink in especially when she’s got her incredibly stupid followers blowing smoke up her arse
#size18of course
What that commenter really meant was "really needed to see this today" as now I feel 100% better about myself and my choices and I'm off to eat my 5 a day 🤣🤣🤣
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Totally!!! She’s wearing NORMAL BEACH DRESSES ON A BEACH - it’s not like she’s sunbathing in a fucking shroud. What’s the big deal?!!! No-one wanders round the shops in a bikini unless they’re about 7 so it’s not even an issue. God, she’s so self-obsessed - no-one cares 😭
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Lady Doodle

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2 Threads in a row 🤣👏👍🥳
I'm thrilled cow bags!
What a week its been! I'm not sure I've got it in me to celebrate this one so I'm just off to slob in my bed after a la Bab style 😘

Ps I just know my brother would be thrilled his humour lives on 🤣❤
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