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I just read a YouGov survey that says 96% of people don’t trust influencers. Is it no wonder when they post ridiculous ads that are obviously fake? I’m fed up of them claiming they love a product so much for an ad and then you never see it mentioned again. The bubble will soon be bursting!
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49 minute video just to brag about how she bought a house & tell people to do their own research. And complain that her neighbours are gardening when she’s trying to film?? Who cares? I assume they can potentially see her? Again, who cares. I made it about 20 minutes into the video. I feel like I’ve been watching for an hour and I’ve learned nothing, so I’m giving up
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Just catching up on the Apprentice, and was thinking how Brogan would be a perfect candidate...
Self absorbed ☑
Falls out with people easily ☑
Great at begging stuff for free ☑
Thicker than two short planks ✔
Very limited vocabulary and mispronounces words ✔
Knows fuck all about being a successful businesswoman ✔
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How do companies keep wanting to work with her? She was invited to the launch of Stacey Solomon’s collection & then talked down about how the clothes weren’t displayed for her to show in the vlog. And then the PR package she got from Pixi, she immediately complained how ‘bulky’ the packaging was and how it should be condensed down with press releases on recycled paper & how bulky it will be in her recycling bin. It just seems so ungrateful, she focused so much more energy on complaining about the packaging than being thankful or even looking at the products.

And then at the very end of the vlog, she was saying how busy she is (the usual) and how she’s going to be on a panel on Thursday and she doesn’t even know the name of it! She just comes off so lazy and so ungrateful.
Exactly !!! She is ungrateful she said in one of her blogs she picks and chooses what brands she wants to work with
I agree completely! I do think she was probably a spoilt brat as a child or she was spoilt by one parent at least. Have you ever seen the YouTube video she put on of her as a child with clips from her disney visits and birthdays? Her mum literally idolised her! 😂
Oh I haven’t seen I need to have a look She’s definitely screams to me that she likes to get her own way I blame the parents 😂 her mum was maybe one of those mums that when brogan would tell her other kids had been mean to her her mum would be like “ oh brogan they are just jealous of you “ now as an adult she still believes it and generally believes she’s better than others
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Wow she is really just mentioning it everywhere isn't she!? Really tying to get the sympathy vote.
Makes me angry as I'm often in a hell of a lot of pain with my cronic illness (just to name one symptom) and have to power through and go to work, yet she's like this after having a quick procedure that she decided to have done in the first place.
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I mean Kate's video is pretty cringe too let's be honest BUT it's obvious how much effort has gone into it so she should be applauded for the creativity.

I couldn't imagine Brogan ever trying something like this or being in any way creative with editing or music. She fell into this career but she's no good at it.
Yes i totally agree, it's a cringe AD like one you'd see on the tele (remember Barry Scott?! 😂) But there's no bullshitting. It's an AD. Not Bogey's awful attempt at a candid shot. Just imagine... "Oh Kevin, funny you should walk in right at this moment wielding a camera whilst your son and I slouch in amongst the stripped wallpaper scoffing sunbites"
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Oh fuck off brogan.
I had absolutely agonising stomach cramps today that had me doubled over in pain.
Could I just take the day off like you?! No.
I was in work at 9, came home on my lunch break and sat with a hot water bottle for an hour then went back to work until 5.

Stop being such a bloody attention seeker.
Also I don’t know why you constantly have to have your mum at EVERYTHING.

Grow up
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The notepad with the blank page sums up Brogie better than we ever could. A walking blank page.
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I know this is very crude and off topic but does anyone else reckon she stinks of farts??!

she just looks so smelly in her photos nowadays, I’ve really gone off her 🤢
She probably has something else that smells and who ever is fitting her coil tomorrow is not gonna have a nice time 🤢🤮
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Gosh 35 years!
she’s going to be in one hell of a pickle when this relationship goes tits up.

a 35 year mortgage doesn’t mean you have to stay in that house with that person for 35 years...😂 if they split up then they’d sell the house and pay off the mortgage
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Chatty Member
I have occasionally watched Borgan, the last video I watched was when she moved in with her bf last year (I actually had to check on her YT chanel when it was). I stoped watching her shortly after when she had a meltdown in her car for not being able to lose weight after having a private trainer for a short while and complaining that she has stomach problems/ pain or somthing- probably because of the food she eats- and crying because she did not want to change what she eats. I was like, ok is the pain really worth it?

On the topic of renovations, my elderly parents 62 (mom) and dad (78) have relocated our family to the souther part of Norway- non of us children were able to get jobs were we were living before, and my parents wanted to move into an apartment for easier upkeep.

The apartment they got was old, not renovated since 1970. With the help of one family member that is a carpenter, my partens, who both have problems with their heath, stripped wallpaper, painted and helped as much as possible renovating the apartment. Sadly I was not able to help myself, I was doing a job course that was basically a 9-15 job, 5 days a week, and taking care of the rented apartment we lived in. The renovation was mostly finished in about two months, finishing touches took some time because of some items that were delayed in shipping. The bathroom and the kitchen took the longest, since there was only space for two people.

If my parents can strip wallpaper, paint the walls and put down flooring and finish about 80% of the bathroom renovations in about 6-7 weeks, Borgan should be able to at last paint the walls in the same timeframe.

I just skipped though the vlog with the empty house tour- the house looks quite nice. Not all of the colors were to my taste but it was something I definitely could have lived with for a year or two until I figured out what I wanted to do to the space- also saved a lot of money for all of the work that was most urgent to do.

Sorry for the long rant, and grammar 😬
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Why does she post such unflattering photos of herself?! Like how can you look at that and think “yep that’s a good one” and post it?! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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She’s just an aggressive, bratty, grabber, clinging to Bogey in the hope of more follows, subs & likes. That’s definitely a friendship based on what they can gain. Even though it’s a kinda pointless statement bignoseboo, because old bogeyboo deletes every comment anyway, so people don’t know wtf you’re talking about you attention seeking nobody! 👋🏻
Also Brogan mature? The girl who takes her mum to get her coil fitted and gets worryingly excited about caramel m&ms
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Sorry I'm so late to the party, but the absolute state of Brogan & her mum on the train mocking the event. It really highlights what everyone here says, that it's her mum who encouragesher nasty bitchy side.

Why even take the pots if you don't like them and think they're something to laugh at ?! They looked hand made too so some poor person has probably been so excited for their artwork to be used to promote a big Primark event, only for this pair of absolute cunts to laugh their heads off at them.

When they were on the train laughing, it was as if Brogan thought she was some super cool bitchy gal who can make fun of others - but the reality is that she had only her mum to bring to an event, where she creepily video'd Louise when she couldn't see (just to say she had been talking to her) & had seemingly convinced herself she was there because her and Stacey go way back - not because anyone with a small to medium following was invited !
View attachment 50062

Keep laughing Brogan , whatever helps you stay in your bubble of denial I guess 🤦‍♀️
she has just become so vile
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Well-known member
I’ve just started the weekly vlog... OH MY GOD IS SHE EVER NOT OVERWHELMED??

She has the luxury of sitting in her pjs all day, having no commute time, being able to go to the gym in the middle of the day, can afford a personal trainer, and has the time to make homemade soup all while Benji is doing a full days work... soz but what do you even have to be overwhelmed about

also omg how many times did she have to say “my friend Gary”
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I was super bored when I got home from work today (a proper job, not just filming myself eating crisps) and I was watching a load of Brogies old vlogs. I can't believe someone has changed their personality so much in only a couple of years. Although she's always been slightly irritating (those careokes are hilarious) she was really independent and hardworking and seemed super grateful for her subscribers and the opportunities she got. Nowadays her vlogs are so bloody boring, and that mortgage video could have been a lot better. Instead of saying "do your own research" maybe she should have done her own fucking job properly and added links to useful websites ect. She makes me so angry it's insaaane
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What a joke we've never seen her eat or mention them! Especially on her many many train journeys to WORK in London!! My eyes just rolled so much they nearly fell out. And Jesus don't try shovel another one in before you even chew the first one! Pig
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