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Someone said before in a previous thread (before we knew the gender) that they reckon she wanted girls. I didn’t really agree before but I 100% agree now. I reckon that’s why she’s wearing pink outfits by the bucket load now - cos she wishes she was having girls. Can you imagine how much worse the pink overload would be?
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She might as well take all the baby stuff out if they’re going to come ‘any day now’ because she will be home long before they are so can take their going home outfit to the hospital on the bus in 3 months time when they’re discharged.
Those blankets might as well stay at home too because they’re far too big for a hospital cot and yes Brit you can buy nappies smaller than a size 0 if you google it. Pampers do prem nappies (which you also won’t need if they come ‘any day now’ as nicu will provide them)
Snacks can also go in the bin as even if she does decide to labour naturally she will be on clear fluids only in case she ends up in theatre and in sure ash can nip to Tesco for some food once they’re born and she’s stopped throwing her guts up (yes Brit you will vomit either before/during or after the birth. Probably all three).
white pjs. Any idiot would know they’re a bad idea along with the standard period pads. Even worse idea with the white pjs.
Scrap the weeks worth of nursing bras too. We all know she will spin some story about not being able to breastfeed when actually it’s just cos it’s fucking hard. Especially with twins so may as well just take the multipacks of aptamil and be done with it. Same with the breast pads. Takes 3/4 days for the milk to come in so another waste of space in the bag. Especially an entire years worth. What a dick. Someone gift this girl some antenatal classes and a membership to tamba asap
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I agree she doesn't deserve to have anyone after her lies. Why does Ash put up with her though? He obviously knows about her sick lies. Is it so he can doss around 24/7 getting everything done for him and and live off her Tiktok money?
Why does Ash put up with her…?? You say that like he’s any better. The guy is as thick as two short planks!!!
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. Says she hasn’t got stretch marks but she def has in ash video she’s just covered them in fake tan. I reckon she deleted cause she been using deep heat which I don’t think is allowed in pregnancy. Didn’t get the chance to see comments. This video came up on my fyp with hundreds comments but they weren’t showing so I saved the video and then tried to find it again but it was deleted.

Did you see the video of her eating the sausage 🤢
Just came on to say about this… really Brittany?? 🤮


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She's desperate for the babies to come early to get her body back. She doesn't care what that would mean for the babies. She's done no research about the birth because as far as she's concerned, she won't have to do or know anything because it's a section. She thinks it will all be so cute, they will go to hospital at their allocated time, she will have a little 10 min procedure where she won't feel a thing and the babies will be here and she will pop off to put on her thong and satin pjs and then be free to take all her pics ready for insta and tik tok. It doesn't cross her mind that the babies will likely be poorly/need help regardless of when they are born. She's totally clueless. I might be wrong as I don't watch all her videos but I don't think she's mentioned the babies moving or kicking? I doubt she's aware of looking out for reduced movements or anything like that. I bet the midwife and consultants have to spell things out for her because she's so utterly thick.
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How was going shopping to sort out their garden more important than putting together the twins room and sorting out all the big stuff she literally said they hadn’t got. No brain cells between them. They’re so unprepared. They think having Nike bodysuits and tacky baby tracksuits means they’re ready or something..??
Omg her video just now ‘we had about 30 people there and it was both our families’ why is she making such a point of going over numbers and telling us how many people, she defo reads here 😂😂
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Thread suggestion: still wearing clothes that don’t fit, we can’t wait until your knee deep in sick & sh*t

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I’m in shock at how disorganised they are, admitting they can come any day now but she has nothing useful or needed. so busy looking at cute clothes and stuffed animals they haven’t even packed basic hospital bags or actually organised the room yet. They are so disorganised. They’re gonna struggle so much.
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Chatty Member
I have absolutely no idea how anyone wears that dental floss. How does it not cut her in half? I’d worry it wouldn’t be very clear right next to my bum hole all day ahaha
After having a baby, the comfy knickers win every time.

Signed, a former thong wearer x
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her babies being 2lbs each and her saying "they could come any day" .. girl, grow the fuck up, and thank your lucky stars they're still growing in there safely. I can't stand the bitch. 😑 I hope she shits herself during labour.
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Do we think she hasn’t bought much for the twins because she’s disappointed with the gender and isn’t excited/just can’t be bothered?
I think it’s going to hit her very quickly that she’s going to have two babies to look after. God help her, she’s going to need it.
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Made me laugh that she seemed surprised that her womb is connected to her vagina and blood will come out even after a caesarean...she probably doesn't know how she got pregnant 😂
It's baffling to me that they even have sex, there's zero chemistry between them.
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I feel so sorry for these babies having this chavy bint as their mum. Can’t wait for the shit show of newborn twins to slap her in the face
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Chatty Member
Those skimpy satin pjs will look unreal with her maternity pad, leaky boobs and baby sick all over them 😂
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Ash actually gives me the ick so much. I’m always creeped out when a guy is super sexual towards his girlfriend and that girl acts like a child 🤮

Also tells her he’s “not feeling” the comfy oversized shirt for pjs but loves the skimpy little satin set where her big dirty belly will be hanging out 🤨


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Her face when she pulled the pads out. She's fucking clueless
I laughed out loud when she said she was packing normal pads. I bled through a massive maternity pad in an hour in my last birth. She has no idea what’s to come
And white pjs?! Has she done no research?!
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