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my cup runneth

Well-known member
I always wanted one of those tshirts but my parents didn’t have a lot of money so i would never ask for one. I was literally thinking about them the other morning on the way to work
I think it’s super admirable that as a kid you didn’t ask for something despite wanting it, it shows a truly altruistic person to go against your teenage instincts of pestering for fashion. Well done youth you! 😍
I was all Naf-Naf, Benetton and Fila trainers tbh. But I was also B&H and alcopops as well.
I’ll raise you..
I’m British Knights, Pods, Kickers, Joe Bloggs and Enesse tracksuits I’m that old (but I was very cool, and had to babysit most nights to pay for this clobber)
I was all Naf-Naf, Benetton and Fila trainers tbh. But I was also B&H and alcopops as well.
I’ll raise you..
I’m British Knights, Pods, Kickers, Joe Bloggs and Enesse tracksuits I’m that old (but I was very cool, and had to babysit most nights to pay for this clobber)
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Aww look at the wee jacket 😍
My heating isn’t working properly and I’m trying to stop her licking some sore bits to let them recover. She is also a little weirdo who loves dressing up (as well as a little shit who you can’t turn your back on for 5 mins) 😂
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SFA did have some great songs at the time, I liked Ice Hockey Hair, Something 4 The Weekend, and Northern Lites, but I think they lost the general appeal they had. They were very Welsh and I wonder if that was a factor. I know the lead singer released an album in Welsh which is completely fine but isn't going to have mass appeal.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I’ve seen Oa-Sis and Noasis quite a few times and I think also Definitely Maybe 🤔 Oa-Sis sometimes do a joint thing with another tribute band, usually The Total Stone Roses. Honestly, if they’re doing a gig near you then give it a shot, it’s such a good night.
Thank you so much, I’ll look out for these ones! I don’t doubt you. Half the fun of Oasis gigs was getting to sing things like “SO Sally can waaait” in a big crowd, so anything close to that sounds good.
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I’ve found my people!! I absolutely loved 90s indie. I was cool for 5 minutes in 1995. Aged 14, I was really geeky into bands no one else had heard of. Went on holiday to Spain; came back and my favourite bands were suddenly in the charts. Completely indie obsessed: even though we were skint, my dad gave me a tenner every week to put towards music stuff (CDs, t shirts, nme/ mm, t in the park tickets). I had a lovely “I’m common” t shirt, a blur t shirt with a beer mat on it, an oasis t shirt, charlatans t shirt, black grape t shirt: it said “Jesus was Batman”‘on the back: so mum wouldn’t let me wear it to church.

went to any gig or festival I could (t in the park was nearby). My cousin was in some Glasgow indie bands (obscure Bands in the 90s, but a band in the 00s hit it big). Went to one of his gigs when I was 15 in king tuts: his girlfriend fell overherself to find out who the bird was he was chatting to…

Ah… good times

I’ll be honest, I cannot imagine Liam is a pedi. He’s a bit of a slag and that. But no way a 13 year old. Don’t see it at all

I loved that song “shame”. I always thought he said “you got 2 years in corton vale prison”
Liam and Noel used to live near me, I used to see Liam in our local I'm the same age as Noel, Liam deffo not a pedi, he was as he is now, always attitude and getting drunk, I found him funny then and I still do 🤣.
I saw Blur and Pulp back in the day. Finally saw Richard Ashcroft a couple of years ago. As I’ve fancied him since I was 18 and he didn’t disappoint. Everyone singing along and hardly anyone with a phone in their hand. It was like 1997 again just for a couple of hours 😁 He was absolutely awesome. My fantasy was not shattered 🤣
When I was in Hope Hospital or Salford as its known my nurse Kath went to college in Wigan with Richard, she said he had this charisma and all the girls used to follow him around and shouting his name 🤣. Have you watched Hijack with Idris Elba?( brilliantly written acted produced and directed! IMHO every episode was brilliant, it made me laugh when I saw a few corrie and northwest actors in it) Unkle featuring RA Lonely Soul is the theme song I love this song
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I remember the free cassette's from the melody maker:ROFLMAO: maker shaker
There's a great book called 'the last party' about the britpop story written by John Harris
Aw NME and Melody Maker.... I had subscriptions to both for about 10 years! Really wish I'd kept them all 😞
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The split rumours turned out to be true then. I first saw speculations a month or two back on the blur forum. Wonder what he did to get kicked out 😆
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I saw Mansun support Suede, that was some gig.

I have a huge, huge soft spot for SFA ♥ I didn't really get on with Shed Seven and OCS but I seemed to like Space for some reason. Easy to listen to poppy indie at the time, I guess.

We used to get into aftershows as we spent that much time bunking off school and hanging outside the Barrlowlands that the bouncers would let us in past the guest list now and again 🤣
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Stripper Vicar

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I saw Jo Whiley was doing a dj set in my town, the 90’s sessions i think, tickets are £30 !!! So nah i won’t be going
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according to John Harris's book "the last party", elastica's Annie holland, the bass player was a career junkie who introduced it to the rest of the band.
Justine was remained clean until their last american tour when she decided to give it a go. The author does come across to me like he loves Frischman describing her as beautiful and many other compliments, maybe he's a personal friend protecting her reputation who knows?
Inside, there are a couple of startling photo's; A group called Menswear when they got their first record deal looking dapper in tuxedos then 12 months down the line looking like total pin heads. (Harris also "blamed" Donna Mathews for getting clean cut menswear hooked as she was dating on the the members) Such an interesting book I've read it about 5 times. I actually bought it three times as firnds have "borrowed" it. So, yeah it's very pro Blur and very very pro Frischman.
I always thought Lush were like shoegazers until about 1995 they changed their sound to more jangly indie (probably to cash in on the britpop wave). Love that song 500 shake baby shake.
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This is interesting. Horrible! Heartbreaking for their fans. But never thought Graham would do these things. My younger sister was a Blur fan. What is it with musicians hooking up with fans?
There's music I like but the thought of being in a relationship with them? I'm too down to Earth for that crap.
*Sniffy early Britpop was more forward looking anyway.
It’s „always“ (not always always, but… you know.) the shy, quiet ones. My bf is quite similar. He wouldn’t hurt me, but he is SO shy, quiet, reserved, softly spoken, with other people, that my mum‘s always like, „I can’t even imagine, he could raise his voice“, when in reality he has anger issues and we yell at each other very loudly.
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The Select article I remember most was the expose on Happy Mondays when they were in the Caribbean (I think) and absolutely at their worst in terms of addiction - smoking crack on the bog etc, quite shocking at the time.
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I was just telling my son about Divine Comedy. He's really into Brit pop stuff (he's 14) and particularly likes Blur so is watching them on TV tonight with me.

I was meant to see Divine Comedy last year. I'd got tickets but my ex refused to look after the children for the evening so I didn't get to go in the end. I was gutted.

I'd love to take him to some of these revival gigs but his dad won't look after his siblings to enable me to do it. It makes me quite sad because we could share some really special moments. I've promised to bombard him with 90's Indie on our way to Devon in a couple of weeks (something I've always done anyway so he'll realise he knows more songs than he thinks) #stealthIndie 😁.
If I lived near you and wasn't an internet rando I'd volunteer myself or my three toothed halitosis dog to watch your kids while you and your lad lived your best Britpop life ♥

I saw Pulp this evening. It was so, so special but also so sweaty 🤣
I'm also mentally banking the mention of Blur stuff for when my OH is out on Weds next week. It sounds immense 💃
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Stripper Vicar

VIP Member
Does anyone remember a band called Cecil? They weren’t brit pop but i saw them supporting Mansun in 97/98. Their second album was great 😍

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Buttons is not a name I'd have expected Liam G to keep if he rescued a dog, that's quite cute. Then again, you can hardly call a dog Wanker, I suppose, so maybe he was stuck for a new name 🤣
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