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Nelly's mum

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I guess this is the difficulty for me, I see both sides pointing fingers at only the most extreme views on each side. I'd like to think that not all people who are gender critical are pro-censorship, ultra-conservative people who want to see men and women forced to keep up traditional roles. I'd also like to think that not all pro-trans people believe in the things you've mentioned either. I think there are probably a lot of very reasonable people on both sides making fair and logical arguments. Sadly when you really have no dog in the race it's just so murky, I'm struggling to find a balanced viewpoint.
BiB - no not at all, people with GC beliefs say you can be any kind of person you want to be - you can be a woman who is a truck driver, plays rugby and goes potholing or a man who loves baking, poetry and is a nurse - gender is a social construct, you can be whatever kind of man or woman you want to be.
But biology is a fact - you cannot change sex.
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Miss polar

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Brianna was let down by all the adults. He was a very messed up young lad whose delusions and fantasies were enabled by his parents and his teachers. He had food issues body and gender dysmorphia.
The parents now parading themselves in the media at every opportunity, calling for restrictions on social media access for young people is an absolute joke!
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I live in Culcheth. Just round the corner from the park. My daughter went to Culcheth High. It’s actually a great school and regarded as one of the best in the area. It‘s incomprehensible that this happened. Most locals knew it was Eddie and Scarlett the day they were arrested. Her mum is a teacher at another local school, I don’t know if she’s had to leave. This story has left the community shocked.
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Elle Woods

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I think it's so easy to hear "20 years and 22 years" and feel disappointed but those are minimum terms - they will likely serve beyond that. In the case of Scarlett particularly, the judge made it very clear that she has a lot of work to do and a lot to change before she will ever be considered for release, if ever. I think it's highly unlikely she will ever change and I do believe she'll serve the remainder of her life inside.
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I think unless you have a teenager who has ASD/ADHD/Anxiety, it’s hard to understand how little help there is out there.
Before my daughter was diagnosed (she was 16 was diagnosed), we really didn’t know what we were dealing with. She masked at Primary, things started to get increasingly difficult at high school, struggled with friendships, struggled to go into school, struggled with everything, she would have these (frankly terrifying) rages - which I now recognised as an ASD meltdown / panic attack. She would assault me, smash her room up, scream .. just awful. I did not know what the problem was, nobody mentioned ASD until she was 14.
Getting into CAMHS is hard, you have to continually fight / complain to get an appointment.. and then the next appointment etc.
There is no counselling available.. well for free. I had to find someone, and pay for weekly sessions at £65 a pop - she’s been there for 18 months, you do the maths.
GPs won’t help with under 18s, they won’t perscribe any meds, only CAMHS can do that .. but you are waiting years. My daughter is now on Sertraline, which has been a game changer.
Schools are limited in what they can do, they haven’t got the staff or budget .. thier number one priority is attendance, if your child is unable to attend, they just want you off role. There is a cycle of “new school / exclusion” .. no support going in.
The council have nothing offer .. unless it’s a fine for none attendance. They do have a statutory responsibility to provide an education, but push you to “home school”.

So what do you do, as a parent, with a child who is showing serious issues with thier mental health? No NHS services for under 18s unless it’s CAMHS who are under-resourced, with 2 year waiting lists, GPs won’t help, as they are under 18. No therapy available unless you can pay for it. Schools have neither the expertise or resources to help, and the council have no services either.

System had collapsed.

My daughter is doing really well now, but it’s been 3 years of complaints, and fights, and expense. It should not be this hard.
I got sent to CAHMS when I was a teenager, I had depression and anxiety (diagnosed) and I also got diagnosed with Bipolar whilst involved with CAHMS. I’d speak to them about how I felt like I didn’t want to be here anymore and my depression was just too much for me to handle, they told me to get a bath and have a cup of tea and a biscuit to relax 🫣 This was over 10 years ago and even now there’s still no help anywhere for kids who need professional help, that’s why so many kids slip through the net
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Well-known member
By gifting him the knife, part of the message was "this knife is acceptable" and "this knife is yours".

I will NEVER knowingly allow my children to buy or own a weapon whilst living in my house. If I did, on some level I'd be saying that owning weapons was ok. My own child has autism and ADHD and for him this is especially relevant. He, despite being very very 'intelligent' would struggle to appreciate that it's ok to own a knife that's used for hunting and killing, but that it must never be used or taken out the house. Far far too many blurred lines for him.
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Some people are so arrogant they are convinced their experience and viewpoint is the only experience and viewpoint. Sad really. I feel sorry for them and especially sorry for their children.
So sorry you feel you have to leave 💗
And by the same token I feel very sorry for all the children and teens whose parents have allowed them to believe they have been born in the wrong body. Including children as young as 4 or 5. Who let them believe you can change sex by changing your clothes or hair or name. It breaks my fucking heart actually. And this will absolutely come back to bite us (society) but ultimately it’s these children that will suffer.
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How is it different if the knife is obtained from a kitchen drawer? Brianna would have lost her life either way. She’d have been in pain whilst dying either way. It would have been a horrific death either way.

They were both determined to kill and would have found a way.

Guns are traditionally made to hunt/ catch vermin, knives are made as a utensil for eating / chopping food and for use in the wild, and ibuprofen is used as a painkiller / anti inflammatory. All can potentially be used in harmful ways to poison / potentially kill - but most people don’t use them in these ways. Most use them for their intended purposes.

We can’t be angry at the parents that they’ve made the choices they have regarding the knife / access to ibuprofen. They are not responsible for their children’s actions, they’ve not encouraged the murder or aided their children.

Eddie could have gone and brought a knife himself in a few years time - despite his emotional maturity being that of a much younger child. When is it safe for someone to possess or collect knives.

The biggest two issues for me is the total disconnect the parents had from their children, in particular how Scarlett’s parents seem to barely know her or her ‘real’ character, as well as how information was not passed on about Scarlett’s previous behaviour and she was allowed to slip through the net.
Rubbish. I teach in an AP (a school where children who have been excluded from school) and we keep all the knives (other than cutlery) locked up, I keep all my scissors locked way, I remove anything they attempt to hurt themselves/others with and either bin it or lock it away.

That doesn’t mean they won’t get hold of weapons or knives but we have to make it difficult and that includes not buying them the bloody thing.
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Parents can have open and trusting relationships with their kids without having to go along with the lie that you can change sex. They can discuss the reasons why they feel the way they do (this is obviously massively open ended and I’d want to get to the bottom of what they are actually struggling with) and talk about harmful stereotypes for both men and women, sexuality etc.
Didn’t see one person say anything about puberty blockers and surgery….. you’re projecting. Going off to the absolute extreme and gaslighting others isn’t a great way to make an intelligent point IMO.
if you don’t think this is happening then you need to do some research.
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Chatty Member
You are absolutely right. Anyone saying they are just trying to appear in a certain way or anything along those lines is incredibly cruel.
If Scarlett’s family had said nothing - people
would be on here berating them. They can’t win.
It’s an incredibly difficult case for all families involved. Of course my ultimate sympathy lies with Brianna’s family who have lost a beautiful child and will never see her again, but there is nothing wrong with also feeling a degree of sympathy with Scarlett and Eddies families, who I’m sure are devastated with knowing their children are guilty of such a heinous crime and knowing their child will be locked up for such a long time.
Amen to this. All three families have lost their children. They all have my utmost sympathy.
The alternative is harassment of your children though, journalists will contact anyone on your Facebook friends lists I had one once when a friend’s dad was lost on a mountain
Quite. The stalking of them documented on here is extreme enough!
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Chatty Member
I think sometimes people also seem to forget that people with personality disorders are very good at faking/masking. Maybe her parents knew she was a bit different but not that awful
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Jenkinson knew she was getting a life sentence anyway and admitted what she did afterwards so she would have more notoriety like the serial killers she so admired. Twisted little fucker.
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The other week I had the numbers 20 and 22 come into my head. I've got the numbers 21 and 22 in my head today. I go with what's in my head the day of sentencing so gonna errrrr on the side of caution and go with 21 and 22 yrs.
Should of went with my original stance. Does this count as getting it right??
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Chatty Member
I think this is the most sensible, realistic comment on the whole thread.
I think it’s one of the most disgusting, moronic, right wing, narrow minded comments on the whole thread tbh. But we are all entitled to our opinions

For me the of this post irony is, if your child comes to you and says they feel they were born into the wrong body, you telling them to ignore it and not supporting them to explore it, is pushing your own agenda on a vulnerable kid and is a prime example of terrible parenting 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Fuck me, she's a twisted little cunt isn't she? Just goes to show she has absolutely no remorse or awareness. I said before in this thread, I don't think she will ever be able to be rehabilitated. She will always be dangerous.
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Chatty Member
I actually feel really sorry for staff who have to work with Jenkinson. She’s one sick depraved monster & the pleasure she gets from evil acts means she will attack again and the staff will be first in her firing line given her carers were on her latest kill list. God help them when she’s in an adult prison, she’s likely to seek out the most evil twisted prisoner she can form a friendship with & continue her evil cycle. Hopefully this will mean she will never get passed a probation board but I just pray no innocent staff get hurt along the way.
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I believe her that she did the majority of the stabbing, I never bought that it was all the boy.

Also I see his selective mutism wasn’t present when he was complaining about the food at his unit..
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As victim impact statements written by Brianna’s mother, father and step-father were read to the court, Ratcliffe, who wore a black shirt, was seated doing Sudoku puzzles.

How Brianna's family kept their composure while this psychopath was doing a fucking Sudoku puzzle during their most vulnerable moments, I'll never know. Who allowed that?!
Yeah I mean I get he needs certain allowances but walking in with a fucking take a break magazine under his arm is just disrespectful. Poor Brianna’s family have had to go through so much in this trial.
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