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Maybe I'm just a boring conservative but I think it's mental and massively irresponsible to buy a hunting knife for a15 year old. Just insane.
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Brianna’s murder has been used for political gain since day one. Brianna was a child that was suffering from gender dysphoria. Anything said about that trans movement that doesn’t sound like sunshine and roses is policed and deemed as transphobia and supporting a make believe genocide. We live in quite bizarre times. Why is her father demanding an apology from RS for stating absolute fact when he has publicly ‘dead named’ BG (I’m not against that) however that is also deemed transphobic and against trans rights rules and regulations. Are the rules just made up as we go along or?
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I’d just like to point out that various sources on the Internet say it has never been proven that “Red Rooms” actually exist. Scarlett is quite clearly an attention seeking idiot who thinks saying these things make her seem scary and edgy. Like saying she killed Brianna so she would always be a part of her? That is verbatim what Jeffrey Dahmer said about his victims. She is a pathetic individual who, much to her dismay, will soon be forgotten about once all the media attention dies down. I hope she rots and never sees the light of day again.
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I agree with the earlier poster who said the idea of high and low functioning autism is very outdated and based on ableist ideas of autism being linked to intelligence. I have a masters but struggled at school, flap my hands when I’m stressed or upset and can’t cope with bright lights.

Eddie is clearly academically intelligent, but the judge also said he was assessed to have social skills nearer an 8 year old. Knowing now he also has a family who have either ignored his diagnosis or just not understood it’s impact on him, it’s easier to understand how he got here.

Scarlett is much more difficult to understand, a person without empathy is so incredibly dangerous. Her family could never have predicted this.

We also know Brianna had autism and adhd. Having worked in a school, very few children have a personalised timetable without significant advocacy from or collaboration with their parents. Brianna was given the best chance to navigate her diagnoses because her parents made the effort. Esther Ghey is truly admirable in every sense.

I didn’t take the bit I read in the Daily Mail about Eddie putting on a Christmas jumper and looking forward to the Christmas party as him being deliberately callous. It sounds like what you’d expect from an 8 year old who doesn’t fully understand how something might look to others, which fits with what the judge said about his social skills. It does appear that Scarlett found the perfect accomplice.

Every autistic person is different and I think the judge struck a very fine balance very well during her sentencing remarks. They will likely appeal and having already factored it in makes this less likely to succeed and then he ends up with a reduced sentence.

We have also lost a close family member to homicide and it’s just not something you can ever get over. I also at times found myself feeling some empathy for the killer, who ruined so many lives besides ours because of his violence. I’d still rather feel empathy than hate. God bless Esther and her family, they’ve been incredible throughout this.
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He's an intelligent guy, deffo playing up to the autism diagnosis to pretend he's more disabled. I'm not being abelist he might be autistic but his IQ is good he's sat his GCSEs and doing his A levels. He's more intelligent than scarlett they had testing done.
Stick him some loop earplugs in (they take the edge off sound) and take the sodoku puzzle away.
You absolutely are being ableist. I’m autistic and I have a Masters degree. Disability does not equal low IQ.

Still he’ll have plenty of time to study in prison.
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Well, yes and no. Scarlett's siblings are much older and the parents jobs weren't exactly demanding, yet between the 2 of them they seemed entirely clueless about their daughter for years.

I've always worked fulltime, I'm also a single parent. I've certainly not always known what my kids were doing but I always knew enough to trust that they were safe, and not a danger to themselves or others.

I do know for certain they weren't on the dark web or writing kill lists at 12. Let alone taking drugs and then drugging others. That really should have been a massive wake up call, yet nothing seems to have changed and the end result is a needless loss of life.
We don’t know what demands there were on them and teaching is very demanding. I’m also a single parent and wouldn’t dream to say I know exactly what goes on in my teen’s head. It’s easy to sit in judgement less easy to have some human empathy for them
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Er I’m aware she murdered someone?
My point was that no one ever thinks their child’s gonna end up doing something like that. All them hopes she had for her kid just gone. Horrible situation
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Enabling your very vulnerable son to transition as a solution to his problems, and tolerating his oversexualised behaviour online and dressing, is not an amazing act of parenting.
In fairness to the woman maybe she was led astray by professionals and thought she was doing the right thing.
I'm not saying she was to blame for Brianna's murder, for clarity. The woman lost a child and must be going through hell. This won't make me venerate her though as some are doing.
The trans cult has a lot to answer for and in years to come, people will ask why was it tolerated that this was pushed on vulnerable kids.
I feel sorry for Brianna. None of this was a solution to her problems.

I think this is the most sensible, realistic comment on the whole thread.
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I think they'll be in for a shock when they come of age and get moved to an adult prison. At the moment they're in a secure unit with other youngsters their age and younger. They will be treated as kids with people fussing over them and handling them with kid gloves because of the duty of care required due to their age. Adult prison will be very different for them and it won't be easy. I hope they have a hellish time.
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I feel in a sense Esther’s message is abit lost.
She wants to ban sites and social media for under 16/18’s however didn’t seem to monitor what her own child was putting online. Brianna’s social media was extremely disturbing and I think that’s why people are getting confused
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Miss polar

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There's a gender discussion thread going all ready.

Can we just remember Brianna please? ❤‍🩹
Classic trying to shut down discussion comment!! .

I don’t think anyone has said that the brutal murder of a child is anything other heartbreaking, but the way the murder is being politicised by Starmer and labour and used by the trans community is appalling.
Her father demanding an apology is a bloody disgrace!
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As victim impact statements written by Brianna’s mother, father and step-father were read to the court, Ratcliffe, who wore a black shirt, was seated doing Sudoku puzzles.

How Brianna's family kept their composure while this psychopath was doing a fucking Sudoku puzzle during their most vulnerable moments, I'll never know. Who allowed that?!
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Chatty Member
Im not sure why people care so much about the genitalia of others, it’s giving weird.
Im not being drawn into discussion about it today.
This is such a bad take in my opinion.

When a woman says she'd rather be on a female-only hospital ward, or that she felt uncomfortable because four guys were walking behind her on the way home, or that she's looking for the ladies' toilet, or even that she fancies a particular guy, NOBODY responds 'ew how weird, you're thinking about genitals.'

If I said I felt uneasy because I was on the top deck of a bus alone with four hulking teen lads, nobody would say 'wow, weird? you're thinking about teenagers' genitals?'

This is so disingenuous it riles me up. I welcome debate but not dishonest debate.
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I’ve not been able to participate in this thread as this was very close to home, my two teenage girls have friends who were related to Brianna, I didn’t expect to break down today when the names and faces were published as they’ve been known to most around here for ages, but it’s just so utterly tragic and angering that I couldn’t help it, I hope Brianna gets the justice that is deserved this afternoon, and the family can at least have that.
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Scarlett’s mother seems to have done her best to support the criminal proceedings.
She’s openly apologised to Brianna’s family.
She’s clearly horrified and devastated.

I can’t say how I’d feel about her teaching my child because I luckily haven’t been in that situation, but I like to think I’d be fine with it.

Ultimately, she didn’t do anything wrong herself, her life is in pieces and she needs to rebuild her family’s future.

Some teenagers, and some parents, can be awful to deal with though and I expect her work life could be incredibly difficult now.
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It’s very easy to not know what’s going on with your teenager especially if you have other kids and a job and whatever else life throws at you. Now the buying a knife and being a n there’s no excusing
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I’m not really willing to get into an argument here but trans people ARE mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and no person without a mental illness feels so uncomfortable in their own body that they feel the need to “transition“. My autistic 13 year old sister who has a rare illness which has caused severe PTSD and has meant she can’t go to school believes she’s non binary and goes by “he” online. I have no doubt in my mind that her mental health issues, autism and lack of community that a 13 year old girl would usually have at school are what have contributed to how she feels and it’s so easy to be groomed into the community of “misfits” online as a child when you don’t feel like you belong elsewhere. It’s really sad tbh and it’s always the extremely vulnerable children who get dragged down the trans path online. She’s not a boy, she’s just a seriously confused little girl.
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I don’t think anyone has said that he has committed murder because he is autistic? He’s murdered Brianna AND he’s autistic. Even the judge said he is still culpable despite ASD diagnosis.
I am autistic too, I committed crimes at their age that got me put in a secure unit.
From my own lived experience being an autistic child criminal, I would say sitting in a court room & being put in a secure unit is a lot different than being in a chaotic school setting.
No matter what you have done to get yourself in that court room or institution, the process is traumatic especially for an autistic person. Trauma can induce things such as selective mutism. It makes perfect sense to me.
In a secure unit, you are watched 24/7. There is no way you can fake any diagnosis for that amount of time 24 hours of the day in front of highly trained professionals.
Having a high IQ is completely irrelevant and has no indication of a persons moral compass nor diagnosis.
Also, just because I have autism - doesn’t mean I can speak on behalf of anyone else with autism. We are completely different.
Can I also add, using phrases such as low or high functioning is actually damaging to autistic people and should be used in this day and age.
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Chatty Member
We don’t know what demands there were on them and teaching is very demanding. I’m also a single parent and wouldn’t dream to say I know exactly what goes on in my teen’s head. It’s easy to sit in judgement less easy to have some human empathy for them
This 👏🏻 you have perfectly worded what I think.

Honestly, some of the comments on here towards the murderers parents have been gross.
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