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Haha yeah, he dose look more compact.

He's totally got this steaming Alpha Male crap pile like a monkey on his back to prove how tough he is, making himself taller online is just another way to elevate that. Such a dummy.
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So aggressive and defensive?

Counting calories.. at the moment it's helping me (lack of appetite due to various reasons) not lose weight but in the past it has really not served me and there have been many times I wished I never started. I got obsessed. It was not good for me for a very long time. He should be careful, a lot of people are more prone to getting an ED than most people think.
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Active member
He's so sun damaged! His skin is going to age really badly. I think he already has big patches of hyperpigmentation on his face and chest - you can see it in his forehead. He only cares about health when it comes to glamour muscles, not the body as a whole.
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He's emotionally abusive, I wish that someone would take his phone away already.

He's got a problem with people being comfortable in their skin just because he's a delusional narcissist who wants to sell his little exercise program.
He sounds totally miserable and he deserves it.

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He’s got a lot of arrogance for someone who is 5ft8 at a push. I’ll never forget walking past his stumpy ass at Ocean Beach in Ibiza 🤣🤣
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Well-known member
Oh god utter bollocks from this absolute weapon.

Your health has nothing to do with catching a virus, it’s chance and luck.

Your immuno response to it is another matter.

When the cells under attack from the virus send out a stress response, they release cytokines to let the body’s immune system know there’s an invader (aka virus) present.

The bod’s immune response, is what makes us “ill”. The feeling of being crap, fevers, chills etc aren’t being caused by a virus - it’s the body’s response to the virus.

Having a healthy heart for example, will better equip your body to deal with the extra stress of this immune response. Having the adequate hydration and minerals will equip the body to withstand the assault it’s being put under by our immune system sometimes the imuno response can be a little overzealous, which varies by individual and those specific circumstances, and an cause more harm than good.

It’s why the Spanish flu at the turn of the century was so deadly to young, healthy people. Their immune responses were too aggressive. In the words of Cambridge Uni press;

“A well-known feature of the great H1N1 influenza pandemic of a century ago is that the highest mortality rate was amongst young adults. The general explanation has been that they died from an over-reaction of their active immune systems.”

in summary… immune systems are complex systems made up of innate and adaptive responses. The innate response triggers an immediate, nonspecific, general action and is activated by typical signs of infection. The adaptive response is able to develop a highly specific, extremely accurate action, which is stored in the immune memory (aka antibodies).

it’s not as simple as exercise + decent food = ability to overcome diseases. There’s more at play here, and it’s irresponsible to simplify it in the way bradders has. Does this guy even have a GCSE in biology? Why is he wading in on something he doesn’t understand?
Exactly! You don't want to "boost" your immune system! People with boosted immune systems have auto-immune diseases like RA, lupus, etc. Their immune systems are too overactive! His lack of health education blows my mind and it's quite frankly annoying.
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Wow, Mr. Anti-Medicine/Anti-Science is getting attacked on Instagram today for posting a video of him speaking to a quack "doctor" about how vaccines cause heart attacks. What a wacko! I think the video might have been taken down already by instagram.
He gives the impression in his stories that all heart attacks are caused by bad lifestyle choices. What an absolute idiot but apparently he knows a lot about it. Love how he says the Cardiologist is an expert in his field, a Cardiologist is a specialist so I would also say they are experts. Maybe he should start his crusade with his sister and brother in law, and once he has sorted them he can move onto world domination.
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View attachment 1791047

Yeah Forky ! It is amusing that someone points your bullshit.
He is getting this abuse because he is a white British man.....

Oh my goodness Brad, it has nothing to that. It is your condescending, elitist views that everyone has access to the same opportunities as you and exercising is down to not being lazy. Maybe start preaching a bit closer to home with your sister and brother in-law and when you get them sorted then start preaching to the world.

Sure when people can't afford heating they can afford your £25 a month exercise plan plus a monthly gym membership or buying the equipment needed for home. Read the bloody room you idiot.

Also Brad, maybe leave your little Ealing bubble for once and try some totally different experiences and see how other people are living.


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His main goal is to make people feel insecure about their looks and "health" and then he can sell you a service to fix all the wrong things with you.
Even if you paid me I wouldn’t train with him. He’s definitely the type of PT who in the gym would be glued to his phone on Insta/texting while training you.

He’s doing a lot more Q&As lately but all it’s doing in my view is highlighting his arrogance and what a nob he is. Telling people they’d better prepare to invest in equipment for online workouts, regardless of whether they have the space or money to do so; looking down on anyone who doesn’t count calories; views on pregnant women working out; builders in the Cotswolds; looking after dogs during a heatwave. I could go on!
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Of course he does his Christmas shopping at Bicester Village 🙄 SUCH a walking cliche.

Question how many gifts he buys himself and how many are paid for.
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Chatty Member
I find this pretty stupid; I'd of thought avocado on toast is hard to overeat on so not helpful to link it to not loosing weight. Not the kind of thing you tend to binge on.

Whereas something like cheesecake or ice-cream now that's full of fat and sugar so easy to consume way too many cals. The fat from avocados is totally different to the fat in crisps.

He should stop with the nutrition advice. He's got no clue.

Also taking several stories to explain how to get his workouts on the TV and all he says is attach a hdmi cable 😆. Probably thinks he's bright and most people are stupider so need such tips
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He did a Q&A last night on Insta and seemed to be getting some stick for moving from his other place to a flat, lots of questions about how Roots was finding it.

He basically said as it was coming to winter there was no need for a garden anymore (!) and that he’ll train Roots to go to the toilet out on the balcony on some fake grass 🤦🏼‍♂️

Also said he moved as he wants to be around a younger crowd and needed a change of scene. Oh, and ever since watching Harvey Spector in Suits he’s wanted to live in an apartment with a view and “it has to be done at my age”. Nob.
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