Bradley Simmonds Get It Done

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New thread on instagrammer Bradley Simmonds.

used to be a fan. He’s good looking for sure and his fitness advice always seemed decent. However, he started to train celeb clients like Toni Terry and Caroline Flack.

A lot of people felt annoyed after Caroline’s death with some of the stuff he posted.

more recently, he went to Ibiza with his girlfriend when Spain was on the quarantine list. Neither seemed to adhere to the quarantine. His girlfriend instagrammed going to the gym and both were at another house.

there’s meant to be an app on the way.... but he’s missed the boat. There’s too much competition now.
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Oh he’s def easy on the eyes, but not sure he’s got that much business acumen, other wise why did he not do an app or programme years ago? I suppose he did the book but most people want dynamic content to use in the gym.

does anyone remember the last gf he had btw? She seemed quite nice, she was a model
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Ahh yes Beefa Brad, he’s a beauty for sure but not much kicking around in the old brain. He seems like a name dropper- making out he was Caroline’s BFF...if so where was he when she needed people the most? I have a feeling he thinks he’s more special than he is going by his Insta but rather like his sister, he lacks structure and direction.
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Oh he’s def easy on the eyes, but not sure he’s got that much business acumen, other wise why did he not do an app or programme years ago? I suppose he did the book but most people want dynamic content to use in the gym.

does anyone remember the last gf he had btw? She seemed quite nice, she was a model
Can’t remember her name now but she seemed more normal, less instahun
He’s totally missed the boat with the app, who’s going to spend £25 a month on it?! Maybe in lockdown he’d have had a chance
Poor old Roots. Listening to all that shaggin’ with the current gf.
Josephine Broome is the ex, a model. Seems a bit more normal than the quarantine dodger.
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Ah Josephine that was it! I remember she had lovely long dark hair and a dog called bailey. They rescued roots together as well. She definitely seemed more chill than the current gf who looks like a right insta wannabe.

I think they have been to her parents a few times, and it looks like that they have a bit of money. Maybe that’s why beefa brad doesn’t need to worry about the app much!
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He actually was close with Caroline flack for a long time so that comment isn’t really accurate remember u only see a portion of people’s lives online!!
Not half! I mean if he was serious about an app, an initial phase could have been created and released by now surely.
That’s how most people do it, not going to be perfect or full of content from day 1. I have to wonder if he knows what he’s doing at all.
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Brad's latest stories for My Protein. 6 stories, first 4 not declared at all, 5th on has #Paid Partnership in bottom left hand corner obscured by the message box and last one also has #AD. I would think all 6 stories need to be declared not just the last 2. Very very sneaky Brad. I have no issues if that is how you want to earn your income, we all have to make money somehow but please be honest and transparent. I don't see the issue with declaring all posts as #AD, not just a select few at the end so you don't lose engagement.
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Ah good spot. The rules say the ad needs to be clear from the start don’t they? This clearly breaches that. None of the simmonds family like disclosing their ads properly
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Ah good spot. The rules say the ad needs to be clear from the start don’t they? This clearly breaches that. None of the simmonds family like disclosing their ads properly
I don't understand what with issue with not declaring is. If being an 'Influencer' is your job then yes you earn income from it, just tell people when you do, no harm in that is there, although I guess too many ads means less engagement which means less ads!!
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Bradders rant doesn’t even make sense! He says he doesn’t know the person but that it was due to a falling out on Instagram....? so that does suggest he does know the person. So odd.
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Bradders rant doesn’t even make sense! He says he doesn’t know the person but that it was due to a falling out on Instagram....? so that does suggest he does know the person. So odd.
He blatantly knows this person but is trying to belittle them by making out they’re a nobody. No one wonder he got a shove!
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