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Ah so L&L has just said if Yinrun hadn't had her noms revoked, it would have been just Hallie and Trish up for eviction
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I think she will have a harder time reasoning that the chanting is for some stupid reason tbh
True, kind of annoyed that it was dispersed with get Paul out too. I think it'll make her feel better that it wasn't just her
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Chatty Member
I wonder if there’s a crossover in people who think that Jordan isn’t to blame for anything and Jordan/Henry shippers

I don’t know how people watch Jordan’s interactions with Matty and Henry and don’t see that he’s the problem 😅 I struggle believing that he doesn’t know Henry is into him
I haven’t seen anyone defend Jordan’s actions with them to be fair. Everyone acknowledges he’s the problem.
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Unfortunately a lot has changed for the worse in 19 years since Nadia won, and trans people experience a horrendous persecution. A young trans girl on prime time British tv is more groundbreaking now than it was then. Good on her for being unapologetically her and a huge fuck you to anyone who looked sideways at her for that

I don’t have a problem with her being trans. I’m surprised things are worse now, I’d have obviously expected things to have improved. I mean the editing only focused on her being trans. She so more than thatl The editing makes it look like that’s all she speaks aboutl I think she’s beautifu, but the programme is on,y concentrating on “storylines”

forgive the typos, I just can’t get it to change
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Chatty Member
Can someone give me a recap as I can't watch this evening and don't know if I'm missing out or it's been a blessing by the sound of it 😂
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VIP Member
It seems Youtube had a crackdown on a load of the old BB clips. There used to be loads but hard to find anything anymore.
I think the majority are all still online, just been banned in this country for copyright reasons(?) . I’ve used a VPN and saw loads of old clips before
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