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I saw the WHW followed by the Super Bestie Livestream. I almost watched the whole thing but I had to stop because I got so pissed off!

KT was shilling the Patreon at the end of WHW urging people to join and be a bestie. She tried to make it sound elite by saying “there’s super bestie merch coming too!”

They were late to the Bestie Livestream and they seemed to be on each other’s nerves. Here are some gems in case you missed the Bestie Livestream.

KT blames everything (and I mean everything) on her separation and the pandemic. She said Spencer & his girlfriend and KT and her Husband were all friends. It wasn’t until they separated when KT and Spencer hooked up. KT wanted to make it work with her Husband so she went back. Spencer’s face was even redder than usual when she was saying this. He blurted out “I WAS PISSED!” then KT starts pawing at Spencer saying “Old Guys Rule” and Spencer saying “you have no choice you are stuck with this old guy!” ….we ALL know this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. What do their actual paying fans think?

Someone in chat thanked KT for her posting about body image on her Instagram. THIS is what set KT off. She started yelling at everyone who talks crap about her calling them horrible names etc. Spencer goes on to say anyone who has anything bad to say about them is ugly, overweight, fatter than they are, etc… basically Spencer won’t fuck the trolls.

Spencer goes on to taunt the trolls by saying “they hide behind a keyboard and would never have the guts to say any of this to their face”. KT starts to panic as he says this knowing it’s going to encourage people to talk shit to them in public (especially at their beloved Disneyland)

KT goes on to say “you never know what someone is going thru”. She seems drunk. She starts telling a story about how she “hasn’t always been a perfect person” and how she made fun of this girl (who everyone would always make fun of) and one day KT made a nasty comment about her hair. This girl died of ovarian cancer at age 35 shortly after. KT says this upset her for “a couple weeks” and has “to live with this”. KT said the lady who she made fun of didn’t tell anyone about her cancer. KT says her and Spencer “never make fun or judge someone of their appearance”.

KT brings up the road trip to Yosemite saying it was during the heat wave and she was burning up in the car bc they drove there with the AC off but then she catches herself to say “THIS IS SUCH A WELL MAINTAINED CAR!” and Grandpa Spence jumps in to say how the mechanic always tells them what a gem their car is, how great is is, how reliable etc… WE ALL

The conversation moves to them talking about traveling, hotels and road trips. KT out of nowhere proclaims how she “has to travel with her slow drip coffee machine” and how she “hates Keurigs!” at least half a dozen times. She tells a very bizarre story about how at their “Malibu home” KT got so pissed off about the “watery Keurig” that she unplugged it, threw it over the balcony and someone yelled at her so she went, picked it up, put it on the side of the road & it was gone in 10 minutes”. Spencer cuts her off and seems embarrassed.

There’s probably more I’m missing but it was an absolute shit show. I wonder what the actual real donors feel about it today if they were able to see it. They were really showing their asses and true colors.
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Except for a couple of videos about their return to Disneyland, these two gave us very little in the last few days. In the first video, she had an umbrella, but failed to mention if it was a necessity for being at the parks in June. We are all honestly just plain lost on what to expect now in the parks without the guidance of these two know-it-alls. Dense also became "Old man that yelled at pavement" as he showed off the newly paved area, saying it looks like a parking lot surface. In reality, it's the same...just not as walked on as the rest of the park.

It was revealed, thanks to our skipper friend, that they tried to weasel their way into the reserved area to view Fantasmic again. Thankfully, the cast members they encountered were not their friends and turned them away. Probably swearing under their breath, and most definitely off camera, they were forced to view the show from a different spot seen in their latest video showing them staying after the park closed again. This time, being allowed to stay by another security friend named Erin...who really likes to stick her tongue out.

Happenings in the last thread became interesting when KT, claiming to be a lurker for a long time (HA!), decided to help us all out by sharing the transcripts of the threatening and completely insane IG messages she sent to one or more Tattlers. On one hand, it helped many fill gaps missed by the first batch being deleted and not posted again. On the other hand, she revealed messages that hadn't been shared yet showing just how smart she really...isn't.

They have been radio silent all day long so many are speculating they have gone on their "camping" trip. We are anxiously awaiting this venture whether it is happening now or later. Think Meredith from Parent Trap. That's how well I'd guess it'll go.

We had some fun too talking amongst ourselves as we waited for more to make fun of with these two. We talked everything from boy bands to bugs, WDW tips and tricks to how to do Disney BLAB style. There was a teasing message from Daphne on her IG mentioning clearing up some rumors and she has been silent ever since. Hopefully soon we get more from the true queen Daphne.

What will happen in this new thread? Well, you'll just have to sit back, relax, and enjoy the craziness.
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Cruising Into Obscurity

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Hi, everybody! I'm slowly working on getting back up to speed. I'm halfway through thread #28, so apologies for the Like notifications for old posts that keep popping up at you, lol. I had a thought today that I wanted to jump ahead and post before my brain scrambles up again.

With the "Poor Katie suffers ever so much" campaign BLAB seems to still be on with her sudden supposed anxiety/adhd/vapors/delusions of humanity, they definitely appear to be aiming for Katie to get herself some of that sweet, sweet Social Security Disability money. [Laughing through the pain at the reality of the unsurvivable pennies SS grudgingly makes people dance for.] What they don't seem to realize is that there are two more qualifications besides being disabled.

The first is Social Security's points system. Unless you were disabled as a child, you have to have earned enough points from years of working to qualify for disability. Katie's young, and her work history is a bit spotty, but it's possible that she's met this one.

The second qualification is the killer. It's all about something called your "date last insured". Disability is technically insurance. If you haven't worked in a while, you are no longer covered by that insurance. You have to have proof that you were working. This is the one that's going to screw Katie (insert joke here), because she can't just hand Social Security an ugly logo sweatshirt. I don't know if doing YouTube videos even counts as work, but if everything is in Spencer's name, she has no official proof of being paid for work. No work, no Disability.

Whoops! Sorry, Katie. Either you expose your earnings to your legal husband, or you kiss your Disability dreams goodbye. 🤭🙈🤪

In other news, you all are sweet and awesome, and thank you bazillions for your ❤'s and replies. Things are a bit more stabilized at the moment (knocking wood like Tio Bruno 🐀). I even felt well enough a few days ago for my mom to take me over to Magic Kingdom for a couple of hours. I ended up having such an unexpectedly magical time that I cried on Dumbo like a total dork, lol. I miss you guys!! I'm going to try to pop in more, and I promise I'll eventually catch up!
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Just your daily dose of damage control via KT’s Instagram

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Views are low. Superchats have dried up. Time to manipulate and lie for $
KT….you’re fucking nuts!! FIRST…if you embrace your body why do you use slimming filters all the time? You are a bullshit artist. This is why you are so heavily (no pun intended) disliked because you spew this bullshit yet always use a slimming filter. You don’t bike, walk (waddle), hike or swim (floating on a noodle) cause let’s face it, if you did, you would be positing that shit all the time to throw it in peoples faces.

All the food you shove down your throat is on camera…let’s not forget that!! Yes you can have health issues that make losing weight hard but look at the massive amount of food, calories and sugar you consume on camera. Wonder what you consume off camera.

Also…what was that you said about Mondo again?

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Tom Wambsgans

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Yuuuup. That's exactly their excuse.
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"Hi everyone...sadly it appears the thing we've done hundreds of times over the past several years isn't working all of a sudden, even though our non-bestie stream uploaded just fine no more than an hour ago. We are not entirely sure how this happened and don't intend on finding out. Please throw some money into the virtual tip jar on your way out."
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Thank you for voting for my title!

It has been decreed that three items be posted with each thread.

1. This message from the mother of Katie's (NOT EX) husband


2. These messages from Spencer that reveal his true feelings about Katie


3. Katie and Spencer talking about how much they hate each other:

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Just saw a congratulatory IG post from OA to Super Enthused as she reached 100K subscribers. There's another creator making their way past BLAB 😂 :cool:
Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 3.39.53 PM.png
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Not sure if posted yet:


Hi Besties! We haven’t shared anything with our social medias, but we wanted to check in with you all and let you know we have been camping for the last few days! Yay! Totally off the grid, no cell service ANYWHERE! Lol we have this one place we just found tonight while watching the stars, and wanted to touch base with our families and leave an update for everyone here before we head back to camp tonight!

We’ve been having such a great time.. tons of hiking, biking, walking, sightseeing etc! (Lots of exercise! )💪🏼

Totally nice to unplug and just film content.. We’re really enjoying each other’s company having alone time and making plans! Filmed a bunch, and beyond excited to share with everyone!!

We will be home very soon, and can’t wait to share the rest with you all..

As always, thank you for your continued support for us and our channel. We love you all!
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What really triggers me about Disney vloggers and these two in particular is how inconsiderate they are of other guests. Because of the connections with Disney security, they act and carry on like the self-proclaim Queen and King of Dland without impunity.

Case in point. Here is another Disney Bears video from 5 years ago with Bryan. KT must be around 29 or 30 and Spencer is 45 or 46. Another words, full grown adults. Yet they are acting like idiotic juveniles when at 10:50 in the video, they burst into the Main Street firehouse. They completely disrupted a family photo shoot where a woman was taking a picture of a child and other family members on the firetruck . You can see the woman giving them a look like "WTF?" but they are completely oblivious and continue to act idiotic and disruptive. They know if someone files a complaint they would have their friends in Security cover for them (as what happened with the Columbia incident). Disney has tolerated this behavior from vloggers far too long.

I get about cutting loose and having fun. But do that at the appropriate places like parties, the beach and such. Do not be assholes at Disneyland and ruin the experience for families trying to enjoy it.
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Ok I got fired up now. Her first post is directed towards moms. Why? Because those of us who give birth literally have our bodies morphed. Pregnancy permanently changed my hips, rib cage, even gave me allergies I didn’t have before. We EARNED our tiger stripes and should embrace our bodies for the life it grew. Eating your way into diabetic keto acidosis and heart failure is not the same. Not to mention, people with health problems who have trouble losing weight still try to be healthy. She’s ridiculous.
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Katie also says she made fun of a woman in her 30s who had ovarian cancer's hair. But then she felt bad when the woman died and Katie found out about the cancer.
I had ovarian cancer and almost died. Now she’s done it. I went easy on them. That’s out the door. These mother fuckers are done. I’m coming for you. Gloves are off.
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That is nothing...If you hate Katie now, what till you see this...
JFC what an insufferable cow. I’d be embarrassed if my 3 year old did this, but even at 3 years old she knew better!

This is the Disneyland BLAB wants back, where everyone… guests and CMs tolerate their shit behavior. Glad Plaid Hero checked her ass, glad those CMs denied her access to her favorite walkway and for the CM that didn’t let them cheat their way into the Fantasmic dining viewing area.

People are paying a lot more money these days for a Disneyland experience, she ain’t ruining my hard earned vacation with her antics.
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I haven't been on in a while. Just honestly had to step away. The whole thing was just bringing me down. So for the sake of my mental health I am just going to check in about twice a week. I have yet to hear anything else from my conversation with Josh. But it seems as though the gruesome twosome have shyed away from attending the parks as much. I think they know that they're on the thinnest of ice. But, I see that they're still horrible human beings.

Maybe they should change the name of their channel to "Best Lies and Beyond"?
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Can you imagine how utterly confused her "stans" are that follow her instagram (and channel).

The seemingly random ass things she says in does in videos and instagram (in obvious reference to tattle).

Think about it - she sanitizes all negative feedback on social media and the videos - so as far as her stans are concerned - everything is all best life awesome - then she posts what would seem like really random shit and say/does random shit in the videos?!?!

If I were a stan I would be utterly confused?! As i am sure most of them are.

Also - HI KT! If you didn't want to go camping - why did you? When a "partner" forces you to do things you don't want to do - that's .... well that's not a good sign!

Also - if you really were comfortable in your skin - you wouldn't be bothered and feel the need to make random rambling posts addressing it. You're not comfortable. Do something about it.
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Guess they shouldn't have bought the stove! If they had just read the website ahead of time.'
"To help keep wildlife wild, cooking isn’t permitted inside your tent cabin or anywhere in Curry Village. If you’d like to grill, you’ll find picnic areas with grills in Yosemite Valley. Food lockers are available for all cabins, and all food and scented items (even deodorant and toothpaste) must be stored in them at all times when not being used."
People who stay in tent cabins mostly just eat at the many restaurants in the Valley.
It is NOT camping.
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